photovoltaic module physical model model buildings mathemati
Improved method to build mathematic engineering model of photovoltaic module
[1] [2]
LI Shanshou;ZHANG Xing( 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,China; 2. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Building,Anhui
[1]合肥工業(yè)大學電氣工程與自動化學院.安徽合肥230009; [2]安徽建筑大學智能建筑重點實驗室,安徽合肥230601
Abstr:Aiming at the larger curve fitting error of traditional mathematic engineering model of photovoltaic module,the functional relationship between the open-circuit voltage and the irradiance as well as that between the maximum power point voltage and the irradiance are derived based on the physical model of photovoltaic cell to improve the method of modelling parameter acquisition under different operational conditions and the modelling accuracy at key information points. The establishment process of traditional mathematic engineering model is analyzed and its deficiency in the parameter selection is detected. A countermeasure is proposed according to the impact of equivalent series resistance on the maximum power point voltage and an improved mathematic engineering model of photovoltaic module is established,which takes the voltage as its output. Experiment and simulation show that,the proposed modelling method improves the curve fitting precision greatly and has higher modelling accuracy for different types of photovoltaic module.
Keyword::photovoltaic module physical model model buildings mathematic engineering model photovoltaic cells errors
課題項目:安徽省科技攻關重點項目(1201a0201004); 安徽高校省級自然科學研究項目(KJ2013B054)