Biochar Maize Seeding stage Soil water content Mollisol
Influences of Biochar Application and Soil Moisture on the Growth of Maize at Seedling Stage in the Black Soil of China
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Zhang Shaoliang, Mu Linlin, Huang Jing, Liu Zhihua, Huang Yiquan,Zhao Yuan,Yin Linlin, Liang Jiahui ( College of Resources and Environment, Northeast Agricuhural University, H
Abstr:Biochar application changes the soil physicochemical properties, the dynamics of soil moisture and temperature ,and the crop production. Maize (Zea rnays) as the main crop of Heilongjiang province is broadly planted in black soil region (mollisols). The influence of biochar and soil moisture on the seedling stage of maize in black soil was carried in a climate chamber with incubation method in this study, and aiming to provide the theory and technology for biochar application in cold field of Northeast China. The results showed: ( 1 ) Corn height was the highest when 22% soil moisture content was in both high and low content soil organic matter (SOM) after 50g/kg and 100g/kg biochar application ; (2) High SOM with higher bioehar application (100g/kg) and low SOM with middle level biochar application (50g/kg) were beneficial to corn seedling growth, also presented the additive effect between SOM and biochar application ; ( 3 ) Generally, high content of SOM was better to promote the seeding growth of maize under the same biochar content and soil moisture content.
Keyword::Biochar Maize Seeding stage Soil water content Mollisol