生物工程學報 Chin J Biotech 2009, April 25; 25(4): 481-487 Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ISSN 1000-3061 cjb@ © 2009 Institute of Microbiology, CAS & CSM, All rights reserved
張秋美, 趙心清, 姜如嬌, 李倩, 白鳳武
大連理工大學生物科學與工程系, 大連 116024
摘 要: 提高工業(yè)微生物對毒性代謝產(chǎn)物及高溫等環(huán)境脅迫因素的耐受性對工業(yè)生產(chǎn)具有重要的意義。發(fā)酵過程中產(chǎn)生的乙醇對酵母細胞的生長和代謝都具有較強的抑制作用, 是釀酒酵母的重要環(huán)境脅迫因素之一。對釀酒酵母乙醇耐性的分子機制的研究可為選育具有較強乙醇耐受性的酵母菌種提供理論基礎。近年來, 通過細胞全局基因轉錄分析和基因功能分析, 對釀酒酵母乙醇耐性的分子機制有了更多新的認識, 揭示了很多新的與乙醇耐性相關的基因, 并在此基礎上, 通過對相關基因進行過量表達或敲除, 成功提高了酵母菌的乙醇耐性。以下綜述了近年來酵母菌乙醇耐性的生物化學與分子生物學機制的研究進展, 以及構建具有較高乙醇耐性的酵母菌的基因工程操作。這些研究不僅加深了對釀酒酵母乙醇耐性的機理認識, 也可為高效進行生物轉化生產(chǎn)生物質能源奠定理論基礎。
關鍵詞: 乙醇耐性, 乙醇發(fā)酵, 基因工程改造, 分子機制, 釀酒酵母
Ethanol tolerance in yeast: molecular mechanisms and genetic engineering
Qiumei Zhang, Xinqing Zhao, Rujiao Jiang, Qian Li, and Fengwu Bai
Department of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Abstract: Improvement of stress tolerance to various adverse environmental conditions (such as toxic products, high temperature) of the industrial microorganisms is important for industrial applications. Ethanol produced by yeast fermentation is inhibitory to both yeast cell growth and metabolisms, and consequently is one of the key stress elements of brewer’s yeast. Research on the biochemical and molecular mechanism of the tolerance of yeast can provide basis for breeding of yeast strain with improved ethanol tolerance. In recent years, employing global gene transcriptional analysis and functional analysis, new knowledge on the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of yeast ethanol tolerance has been accumulated, and novel genes and biochemical parameters related to ethanol tolerance have been revealed. Based on these studies, the overexpression and/or disruption of the related genes have successfully resulted in the breeding of new yeast strains with improved ethanol tolerance. This paper reviewed the recent research progress on the molecular mechanism of yeast ethanol tolerance, as well as the genetic engineering manipulations to improve yeast ethanol tolerance. The studies reviewed here not only deepened our knowledge on yeast ethanol tolerance, but also provided basis for more efficient bioconversion for bio-energy production.
Keywords: ethanol tolerance, ethanol fermentation, genetic engineering, molecular mechanism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
釀酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)是重要的
工業(yè)微生物, 其對環(huán)境脅迫因素的反應一直是國內
Received: November 17, 2008; Accepted: January 5, 2009
Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30500011).
Corresponding author: Xinqing Zhao. Tel: +86-411-84707617; E-mail: xqzhao@
國家自然科學基金項目(No. 30500011)資助。