transportation planning rail transit regional intercity rail
Regional Intercity Rail Transit:Functionalities and Construction Standard
[1] [2] [3] [4]
HUANG Qing-chao,CHI Li-bing,TANG Yu-xuan,HU Chun-bin(1.Dongguan Road Transportation Administration Department,Dongguan Guangdong 523125,China;2.School of Science and Engineering on Tra
[1]東莞市道路運輸管理局,廣東東莞523125; [2]哈爾濱工業(yè)大學交通科學與工程學院,黑龍江哈爾濱150090; [3]中國城市規(guī)劃設計研究院,北京100037
Abstr:Concerning on the lack of the design standard in the regional intercity rail transit network planning,this paper outlines the functionalities and characteristics of regional intercity rail transit by comparing the difference between a regional intercity railway system and the urban rail transit system.By summarizing the existing intercity rail transit network planning in Yangtze River Delta,Pearl River Delta,the cluster of urban areas in Zhongyuan and Chang-Zhu-Tan,the paper points out the differences in functionalities and constructionstandard of the intercity rail transit,and discusses the cause of these differences.While classifying the regional intercity rail transit services as the high speed lines,express lines and regular lines,the paper makes few suggestions on the reasonable station spacing for the rail transit services with different speed.
Keyword::transportation planning rail transit regional intercity rail transit functionalities construction standard travel speed station spacing
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[3] 城市軌道交通安檢新技術應用研究 《中國鐵路》 2010年10期
[4] 廣東軌道交通車輛修造基地開工建設 《中國鐵路》 2010年10期
[5] 行業(yè)動態(tài)通報 《都市快軌交通》 2010年05期
[6] 基于TransCAD的城市軌道交通客流量預測方法研究 《西安鐵路職業(yè)技術學院學報》 2010年03期
[7] 軌道交通在西安城市圈發(fā)展中的作用分析 《西安鐵路職業(yè)技術學院學報》 2010年03期