發(fā)布時間:2021-10-11 07:37
隨著鋰離子電池、鋰離子電容器和超級電容器等綠色電化學儲能裝置的快速發(fā)展和全球化,人們需要對儲能設備的成本,可持續(xù)性和環(huán)境友好性等方面進行考慮。生物質衍生的碳材料具有豐富的儲量,良好的化學穩(wěn)定性,低成本和優(yōu)異的電導率等優(yōu)勢,其作為高性能的能量存儲材料已被廣泛研究。在這項研究中,我們以海藻為碳前驅體,用不同的制備方法制備了具有特殊形貌的生物質衍生碳材料,并將其用作鋰離子電池,鋰離子混合電容器的正極和負極的新型正極和負極材料,以及用于水性和離子型液體超級電容器的電極材料。詳情如下:(1)以海藻為原料,將其熱解并隨后活化。經過兩步合成的海藻衍生的多孔碳,其保留了良好的固有結構,并包含一些源自海藻的氮,氧和硫官能團。該多孔碳為硬碳,保持了海藻樣品的原始片狀形態(tài),并且材料中具有明顯的空腔,由于表面含有豐富的氮和氧官能團,同時該多孔碳具有一定的贗電容效應。此外,我們還研究了樣品的合成條件與孔隙率之間的關系。碳化樣品在600℃,氮氣氣氛下,m(KOH)/m(C),堿碳質量比為3,進一步活化的比表面積為2129 m2 g-1,最大孔體積為1.024 cm3 g-1。在雙電層電容器中,兩步合成的海藻衍生的...
【文章來源】:北京化工大學北京市 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數】:148 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Biomass-based carbon materials
1.2.1 Preparation methods of biomass-based porous carbon materials Biomass treatment Activation
1.2.2 Amorphous carbon materials
1.2.3 Pseudo-graphitic carbon materials
1.3 Seaweed-based carbon materials
1.3.1 Introduction to seaweed
1.3.2 Seaweed derived carbon materials
1.3.3 Seaweed-based carbonaceous materials as electrochemical energy storage devices' electrodes
1.4 Supercapacitors
1.4.1 Electric double layer capacitors
1.4.2 Pseudocapacitors
1.4.3 Asymmetric SCs
1.4.4 Hybrid SCs
1.4.5 Distinguishing between pseudocapacitors, asymmetric supercapacitors andhybrid supercapacitors terminologies
1.5 Lithium ion hybrid capacitors
1.5.1 Principles of lithium ion hybrid capacitors
1.5.2 Carbon electrodes for LIHCs
1.5.3 All-Carbon Architectures
1.6 Research significance and research content of the current project
1.7 Main research contents of this project
Chapter 2 Experimental
2.1 Reagents and raw materials
2.2 Experimental instruments and equipment
2.3 Experimental methods
2.3.1 Pyrolysis of dried seaweed
2.3.2 Seaweed alkali treatment
2.3.3 Preparation of seaweed-based porous carbon (two-steps method)
2.3.4 Preparation of porous carbon from alkali treated seaweed (one-step method)
2.4 Experimental flow chart
2.5 Sample characterization equipment and test methods
2.5.1 X-ray diffraction
2.5.2 Phase distribution calculation
2.5.3 Raman spectroscopy
2.5.4 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
2.5.5 High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
2.5.6 Specific surface area and pore size distribution test
2.5.7 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
2.5.8 Real density
2.5.9 Electrical conductivity
2.6 Electrochemical measurements
2.6.1 Supercapacitors
2.6.2 Lithium ion battery and lithium ion hybrid capacitor
Chapter 3 Preparation of two-steps synthesized seaweed-based porous carbons andstudy their performance in supercapacitors
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Results and discussion
3.2.1 Surface morphology
3.2.2 Study of surface crystallinity
3.2.3 Analysis of the pore structure
3.2.4 XRD and Raman analysis
3.2.5 Electrical conductivity
3.2.6 XPS analysis
3.2.7 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the aqueous media
3.2.8 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the ionic liquid
3.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 4 Preparation of one-step synthesized seaweed-based porous carbons andstudy their performance in supercapacitors
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Results and discussion
4.2.1 Surface morphology
4.2.2 Study of surface crystallinity
4.2.3 Analysis of the pore structure
4.2.4 XRD and Raman analysis
4.2.5 XPS analysis
4.2.6 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the aqueous media 694.2.7 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the ionic liquid
4.2.7 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the ionic liquid
4.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 5 Seaweed-derived porous carbons as lithium ion battery anode and cathode,and lithium-ion hybrid capacitor electrodes
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Results and discussion
5.2.1 Electrochemical evaluation of lithium-ion battery cathode half-cells
5.2.2 Electrochemical evaluation of lithium-ion battery anode half-cells
5.2.3 Hybrid asymmetric lithium ion capacitors based on ASW electrodes
5.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Research results and published academic papers
Brief introduction of the author and mentor
【文章來源】:北京化工大學北京市 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數】:148 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Biomass-based carbon materials
1.2.1 Preparation methods of biomass-based porous carbon materials Biomass treatment Activation
1.2.2 Amorphous carbon materials
1.2.3 Pseudo-graphitic carbon materials
1.3 Seaweed-based carbon materials
1.3.1 Introduction to seaweed
1.3.2 Seaweed derived carbon materials
1.3.3 Seaweed-based carbonaceous materials as electrochemical energy storage devices' electrodes
1.4 Supercapacitors
1.4.1 Electric double layer capacitors
1.4.2 Pseudocapacitors
1.4.3 Asymmetric SCs
1.4.4 Hybrid SCs
1.4.5 Distinguishing between pseudocapacitors, asymmetric supercapacitors andhybrid supercapacitors terminologies
1.5 Lithium ion hybrid capacitors
1.5.1 Principles of lithium ion hybrid capacitors
1.5.2 Carbon electrodes for LIHCs
1.5.3 All-Carbon Architectures
1.6 Research significance and research content of the current project
1.7 Main research contents of this project
Chapter 2 Experimental
2.1 Reagents and raw materials
2.2 Experimental instruments and equipment
2.3 Experimental methods
2.3.1 Pyrolysis of dried seaweed
2.3.2 Seaweed alkali treatment
2.3.3 Preparation of seaweed-based porous carbon (two-steps method)
2.3.4 Preparation of porous carbon from alkali treated seaweed (one-step method)
2.4 Experimental flow chart
2.5 Sample characterization equipment and test methods
2.5.1 X-ray diffraction
2.5.2 Phase distribution calculation
2.5.3 Raman spectroscopy
2.5.4 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
2.5.5 High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
2.5.6 Specific surface area and pore size distribution test
2.5.7 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
2.5.8 Real density
2.5.9 Electrical conductivity
2.6 Electrochemical measurements
2.6.1 Supercapacitors
2.6.2 Lithium ion battery and lithium ion hybrid capacitor
Chapter 3 Preparation of two-steps synthesized seaweed-based porous carbons andstudy their performance in supercapacitors
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Results and discussion
3.2.1 Surface morphology
3.2.2 Study of surface crystallinity
3.2.3 Analysis of the pore structure
3.2.4 XRD and Raman analysis
3.2.5 Electrical conductivity
3.2.6 XPS analysis
3.2.7 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the aqueous media
3.2.8 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the ionic liquid
3.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 4 Preparation of one-step synthesized seaweed-based porous carbons andstudy their performance in supercapacitors
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Results and discussion
4.2.1 Surface morphology
4.2.2 Study of surface crystallinity
4.2.3 Analysis of the pore structure
4.2.4 XRD and Raman analysis
4.2.5 XPS analysis
4.2.6 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the aqueous media 694.2.7 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the ionic liquid
4.2.7 Analysis of the electrochemical performance of the samples in the ionic liquid
4.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 5 Seaweed-derived porous carbons as lithium ion battery anode and cathode,and lithium-ion hybrid capacitor electrodes
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Results and discussion
5.2.1 Electrochemical evaluation of lithium-ion battery cathode half-cells
5.2.2 Electrochemical evaluation of lithium-ion battery anode half-cells
5.2.3 Hybrid asymmetric lithium ion capacitors based on ASW electrodes
5.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Research results and published academic papers
Brief introduction of the author and mentor