發(fā)布時間:2018-08-18 10:48
【摘要】:目的:通過建立針對不同來源酸棗仁和炒酸棗仁飲片中3種成分(斯皮諾素、酸棗仁皂苷A、酸棗仁皂苷B)的高效液相色譜含量測定方法,對酸棗仁、炒酸棗仁飲片及方劑酸棗仁湯實際煎煮所測成分的含量進行比較,為其質量控制和臨床應用提供依據。方法:采用高效液相色譜法,使用Capcell PAK C18色譜柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),以乙腈(A)-水(B)為流動相,梯度洗脫(0~10 min,10%A→19%A;10~20 min,19%A→23%A;20~30 min,23%A→35%A;30~35 min,35%A→50%A;35~40 min,50%A→70%A;40~44 min,70%A→90%A;44~55 min,90%A→100%A;55~60 min,100%A),流速1 m L·min-1,檢測波長為0~35 min,335 nm;35~60 min,200 nm,柱溫30℃。結果:建立的3種成分含量測定方法簡便、可行;酸棗仁、炒酸棗仁飲片中的含量無顯著性差異;酸棗仁湯中可檢出3種成分,但含量變化明顯。結論:所建立的含量測定方法,同時兼顧3種成分的測定,可用于酸棗仁、炒酸棗仁飲片的質量評價。
[Abstract]:Objective: to establish a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of three components (spinosin, Zizyphylloside A and Zizyphylloside B) in Zizyphus jujube seed and fried Zizyphus jujube kernel slices from different sources, and to determine the content of Zizyphus jujube kernel by HPLC. The content of ingredients measured in real decoction of fried Zizyphus jujube seed decoction and its prescription were compared in order to provide the basis for its quality control and clinical application. Methods: Capcell PAK C18 column (250mm 脳 4.6mm ~ 5 渭 m),) was used as mobile phase with acetonitrile (A) -water (B) as mobile phase. There was a gradient elution. The flow rate was 1 mL min-1, the detection wavelength was 035 35 nm 3560 min, the column temperature was 30 鈩,
[Abstract]:Objective: to establish a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of three components (spinosin, Zizyphylloside A and Zizyphylloside B) in Zizyphus jujube seed and fried Zizyphus jujube kernel slices from different sources, and to determine the content of Zizyphus jujube kernel by HPLC. The content of ingredients measured in real decoction of fried Zizyphus jujube seed decoction and its prescription were compared in order to provide the basis for its quality control and clinical application. Methods: Capcell PAK C18 column (250mm 脳 4.6mm ~ 5 渭 m),) was used as mobile phase with acetonitrile (A) -water (B) as mobile phase. There was a gradient elution. The flow rate was 1 mL min-1, the detection wavelength was 035 35 nm 3560 min, the column temperature was 30 鈩,