Impact of Managerial Coaching on Team Learning with Mediatin
發(fā)布時間:2021-05-06 20:52
The aim of the current study was to analyze the impact of managerial coaching on team learning,with the mediating role of team reflexivity and the moderating role of task dependency.The purpose was to study the impact which the managerial coaching casts on team learning.The mediating role of team reflexivity between managerial coaching and team learning was also examined.Furthermore,the moderating role of team reflexivity was investigated in the relationship between managerial coaching and team ...
【文章頁數(shù)】:75 頁
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1.1.Reflexivity and Learning
1.1.2.Managerial Coaching
1.1.3.Task Dependency
1.2.Problem Statement
1.3.Justification and Rationale
1.4.Research Objectives
1.5.Research Questions
1.6.Scope and Significance of the study
1.7.Purpose of the study
1.8.Structure of Thesis
1.9.Summary of Chapter
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1.Team learning
2.2.Team leadership or Delegation perspective in Management
2.3.Team learning and Managing Organizational Performance
2.4.Managerial Coaching
2.5.Human Resource Management and Managerial Coaching Many researches e.g
2.6.Successful Managerial Coaching Studies
2.7.Team reflexivity
2.8.Difference between Team Learning and Team Reflexivity
2.9.Task Dependency
2.10.Hypotheses Development
2.10.1.Managerial Coaching and Team Learning
2.10.2.Mediating Role of Team Reflexivity
2.10.3.Moderating Role of Task Dependency
2.11.Framework of Study
2.12.Summary of Chapter
Chapter3 Research Methodology
3.1.Research Philosophy
3.2.Research Approach
3.3.Research Method
3.4.Nature of Research
3.5.Time Horizon
3.7.1.Sampling unit
3.7.2.Sample size
3.7.3.Sampling frame
3.7.4.Sampling techniques
3.8.Data Collection Procedure
3.9.1.Team reflexivity
3.9.2.Team learning
3.9.3.Managerial coaching
3.9.4.Task Dependency
3.10.Ethical Consideration
3.11.Techniques for Data Analysis
3.12.Summary of Chapter
Chapter4 Results and Analyses
4.1.Demographic Analysis
4.2.Factor Analysis
4.3.Descriptive Analysis
4.4.Reliability Test
4.5.Correlation Analysis
4.6.Convergent and Discriminant validity
4.7.Confirmatory Factor Analysis
4.8.Structural Equation Modeling
4.9.Moderation Test
4.10.Summary of Chapter
Chapter5:Discussion and conclusion
5.1.1.Impact of Managerial coaching on team learning
5.1.2.Mediating role of team reflexivity between managerial coaching and team learning
5.1.3.Moderation of Task dependency between managerial coaching and team reflexivity
5.2.1.Implications of the study
5.2.2.Limitations and future research indications
5.3.Summary of Chapter
【文章頁數(shù)】:75 頁
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1.1.Reflexivity and Learning
1.1.2.Managerial Coaching
1.1.3.Task Dependency
1.2.Problem Statement
1.3.Justification and Rationale
1.4.Research Objectives
1.5.Research Questions
1.6.Scope and Significance of the study
1.7.Purpose of the study
1.8.Structure of Thesis
1.9.Summary of Chapter
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1.Team learning
2.2.Team leadership or Delegation perspective in Management
2.3.Team learning and Managing Organizational Performance
2.4.Managerial Coaching
2.5.Human Resource Management and Managerial Coaching Many researches e.g
2.6.Successful Managerial Coaching Studies
2.7.Team reflexivity
2.8.Difference between Team Learning and Team Reflexivity
2.9.Task Dependency
2.10.Hypotheses Development
2.10.1.Managerial Coaching and Team Learning
2.10.2.Mediating Role of Team Reflexivity
2.10.3.Moderating Role of Task Dependency
2.11.Framework of Study
2.12.Summary of Chapter
Chapter3 Research Methodology
3.1.Research Philosophy
3.2.Research Approach
3.3.Research Method
3.4.Nature of Research
3.5.Time Horizon
3.7.1.Sampling unit
3.7.2.Sample size
3.7.3.Sampling frame
3.7.4.Sampling techniques
3.8.Data Collection Procedure
3.9.1.Team reflexivity
3.9.2.Team learning
3.9.3.Managerial coaching
3.9.4.Task Dependency
3.10.Ethical Consideration
3.11.Techniques for Data Analysis
3.12.Summary of Chapter
Chapter4 Results and Analyses
4.1.Demographic Analysis
4.2.Factor Analysis
4.3.Descriptive Analysis
4.4.Reliability Test
4.5.Correlation Analysis
4.6.Convergent and Discriminant validity
4.7.Confirmatory Factor Analysis
4.8.Structural Equation Modeling
4.9.Moderation Test
4.10.Summary of Chapter
Chapter5:Discussion and conclusion
5.1.1.Impact of Managerial coaching on team learning
5.1.2.Mediating role of team reflexivity between managerial coaching and team learning
5.1.3.Moderation of Task dependency between managerial coaching and team reflexivity
5.2.1.Implications of the study
5.2.2.Limitations and future research indications
5.3.Summary of Chapter