The Global and Local Factors of China’s Stock and Bond Marke
《Shanghai Finance》 2013-01
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The Global and Local Factors of China’s Stock and Bond Markets——Comparison based on Different Periods
Hu Qiuling/Yu Tingting
The thesis divides the data over the period from 2007-2010 into three phases,namely normal times,Financial Crisis of U.S.and Double-crisis period.It makes analysis on the contagion routes of international financial market risks into China’s securities markets via descriptive statistics and Granger causality test.It uses rolling correlation coefficient and rolling residual correlation coefficient to depict the linkage between Chinese stock market and bond market during different period and different event windows.On the above basis,it makes it clear which are more influential,the international factors or the domestic ones that cause the coordination of stock market and securities market.By doing so,it’s intended to make the anti-crisis policy more effective.
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Chinese Journal Full-text Database 8 Hits
1 ZENG Zhi-jian,LUO Chang-qing (College of Business Administration,Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China);An Empirical Study on the Liquidity Co-movement between Stock and Bond Markets[J];The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics;2008-04
2 WANG Lu PANG Hao;The Volatility Spillover Effect of Chinese Stock and Bond Markets——An Empirical Analysis based on the Exchange and Inter-bank Market[J];Finance Forum;2008-04
3 ZHENG Zhen-long,CHEN Zhi-ying(Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China);An Analysis of the Dynamic Correlation of Yields between China's Stock Market and Bond Market[J];Contemporary Finance & Economics;2011-02
4 WANG Bin-hui1,ZHENG Hui1, CHENG Jun-fei2 1.College of Economice Jinan University 510632; 2.Finane Development Acadeny,Naukai 300071;Empirical Research on Spillover Effect among the Stock,Currency and Bond Market of China[J];Journal of Jinan University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition);2010-04
5 WANG Yintian WEN Zhiying;Stock and Bond Market Liquidity:The Spillover Effects[J];Journal of Financial Research;2010-03
6 HU Qiuling MA Li;The Volatility Spillover Effect between the Stock Market and the Bond Market in China[J];Journal of Financial Research;2011-10
7 ;我國證券投資基金、股票市場和債券市場的溢出風(fēng)險測度——來自上海證券市場的證據(jù)[J];Zhejiang Finance;2011-06
8 Xiao Liping;Volatility Spillover Effect Between China Bond Market and Stock Market: Analysis Based on the SJC-Copula Model[J];Securities Market Herald;2011-09
Chinese Journal Full-text Database 10 Hits
1 WANG Jin ZHU Xin-rong;Relationship between Bank Credit and Asset Price[J];Finance Forum;2011-09
2 SHEN Bing,LIAO Jie,MA Zhe-guang(College of Economics and Management,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China);Empirical Research on the Influence of Monetary Supply to the Stock Price Index[J];Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences);2012-04
3 ZHENG Zhen-long,CHEN Zhi-ying(Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China);An Analysis of the Dynamic Correlation of Yields between China's Stock Market and Bond Market[J];Contemporary Finance & Economics;2011-02
4 ZHENG Zhen-long1,YANG Wei2(1.Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005;2.Industrial Securities Co.LTD,Shanghai 200135,China);The Correlation between Returns of Financial Assets:An Empirical Study Based on DCC Multivariate GARCH Model[J];Contemporary Finance & Economics;2012-07
5 LU Xianwei,DONG Da-yong,JI Chun-xia(School of Economics and Management,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China);An Empirical Analysis of the Volatility Asymmetry between Bond and Stock Market[J];Systems Engineering;2009-09
6 Liu Hao(Lingnan School,Sun Yat-sen University,Guanghzou,510275 China);Volatility Spillover Effect of Financial Market Liquidity[J];South China Finance;2011-01
7 Liu Wei(Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank,Guangzhou,510623 China);A Study on Volatility Correlation of Security Investment Funds between Stocks and Bonds in China:Based on the BEKK Model and the Failure Testing Method[J];South China Finance;2011-11
8 Hu Qiuling Ma Li (International Business School of Shanxi Normal University,xi'an Shanxi 710062);Research on Spillover Effect between the Stock Market and the Bond Market Based on Multi-resolution Analysis[J];Journal of Regional Financial Research;2011-10
9 Yang Liangchu;Yang Di;;Empirical Research on Relationship between Inter-bank and Exchange Market——Take the State Bond Market as an Example[J];Review on Public Finance & Economics;2013-01
10 ZENG Zhi-jian,CHEN Chuan,LONG Rui (College of Business Administration,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China);A Study on the Crisis Early Warning of Security Market[J];Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences);2011-05
【Secondary Citations】
Chinese Journal Full-text Database 10 Hits
1 ZHANG Xue-ying(Department of Finance,Shandong Finance Institute,Jinan 250014,China);Analysis on the Correlation between Bond and Stock[J];;2005-05
2 Jiang Xuhuai~1 Wu Fujia~2 Jin Zhuang~3;Present Risk Transmission Mechanism of Chinese Capital Market[J];Finance & Economics;2006-02
3 ZENG Zhi-jian,LUO Chang-qing (College of Business Administration,Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China);An Empirical Study on the Liquidity Co-movement between Stock and Bond Markets[J];The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics;2008-04
4 WANG Lu PANG Hao;The Volatility Spillover Effect of Chinese Stock and Bond Markets——An Empirical Analysis based on the Exchange and Inter-bank Market[J];Finance Forum;2008-04
5 Yi Gang & Wang Zhao (The People's Bank of China;Peking University);Monetary Policy and Financial Assets Price[J];Economic Research Journal;2002-03
6 WANG Bin-hui1,ZHENG Hui1, CHENG Jun-fei2 1.College of Economice Jinan University 510632; 2.Finane Development Acadeny,Naukai 300071;Empirical Research on Spillover Effect among the Stock,Currency and Bond Market of China[J];Journal of Jinan University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition);2010-04
7 Wang Lu;Quantity Study of Influential Factors of Spillover Effect of Stock Market and Bond Market in China[J];Financial Theory & Practice;2008-08
8 Ma Hongchao;Positive Research for Speculation in China's Stock Market[J];Journal of Finance;2001-03
9 Zhao Hua;A Study on Price and Volatility Spillovers Effects between RMB Exchange Rate and Interest Rate[J];Journal of Financial Research;2007-03
10 Deng Shen Yang Chaojun;An empirical Study on the Relationship between Stock Price and Exchange Rate in China[J];Journal of Financial Research;2008-01