采用智能技術(shù)的股票估值模型與應(yīng)用.pdf 全文免費在線閱讀
采用智能技術(shù)的股票估值模型與應(yīng)用ABSTRACTWith continuously economic development of OUr country,and more supportson securities market put forward by financial policy,large quantity of investorssuch as investment funds,pany,pany,pany of bank and individual investor are continually flooding intostock marketing.So the problem of stock evaluation is the oorc problem forsecurities market in recentyears.Now Chma has joined tO WTO and more andmore QFIIs e tOcapital of China.Under this economy background,it is especially important tO study and establish stock evaluation model which canadapt tO our securities market.Base Oil the illumination of some classic evaluation theories and models fromover¥ea5,with adopting intelligent information processing technology,anddiscussing all kinds of corporations and markctmg factors which affect stockevaluation,we present the estimation method on corporation evaluation,stockevaluation model of same industry,and dynamic stock evaluation model.All themethods a...