Hot Topics and Developments Involving International Special Education --Based on an Analysis of Literature Research into the Top 10 Special Education Journals on the SSCI-J
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QIU Song PAN Li HOU Jianhua (1. College of Education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, 116021; 2. College of Humanities, Dalian University, Dalian, 116622)
[1]遼寧師范大學(xué)教育學(xué)院,大連116021; [2]大連大學(xué)人文學(xué)部,大連116622
文章摘要:對國際特殊教育研究的熱點和前沿問題進行可視化分析對我國特殊教育理論和實踐發(fā)展具有重要的借鑒意義。運用文獻計量可視化軟件CiteSpace繪制(Journal of Fluency Disorders))等10種SSCI特殊教育學(xué)期刊2000--2012年文獻的共被引網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖譜,探測出國際特殊教育研究的熱點領(lǐng)域有:建立有效學(xué)習(xí)障礙支持系統(tǒng)的研究、閱讀障礙中快速命名和工作記憶的研究、對孤獨癥兒童早期密集干預(yù)的研究等。漸強型前沿有:障礙診斷“金標準”DSM—IV和孤獨癥診斷訪談量表ADI—R;漸弱型前沿有:Stanovich早期對語音意識的研究、批判學(xué)業(yè)-成就差異模式診斷學(xué)習(xí)障礙的研究等;最新前沿有:對孤獨癥嬰幼兒早期診斷最新進展的研究等。
Abstr:A visual analysis of hot and cutting-edge topics on the study of international special education is of great significance to the development of the theory and practice of special education in China. This paper, by using the bibliometric visualization software, CiteSpace, to draw a document co-citation network map based on the top 10 special education journals (2000 - 2012) on the SSCI-Journal List, such as the Journal of Fluency Disorders, detects the hot issues on the study of international special education, such as the estabhshment of an effective supportive system for learning disabilities, speedy naming and working memory in reading disabilities, and intensive early interventions for children with autism. Also, the hot issues detected include those which are becoming cutting-edge issues of strong concern, such as DSM-IV, which is the golden standard for disorder diagnosis, and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), as well as those which are becoming cutting-edge issues of weak concern, such as Stanovich' s early study of phonological awareness, and the diagnosis of learning disabilities using the critical academic-achievement discrepancy model. The latest cutting-edge issue includes the study of the latest developments of the early diagnosis of infants and toddlers with autism.
Keyword::international special education hot topics developments