高等教育資源配置方式的創(chuàng)新研究.pdf 全文免費(fèi)在線閱讀
碩士學(xué)位論空高等教育資源配置方式的創(chuàng)新研究A STUDY ON INN0、弘口10N OF HIGHEREDUCATl0NAL RESOURCES DISTRIBUTl0NABSTRACTThere is a considerable literature concerned with China’Shigher ion reform in the transition economy.At present,there are apair of contradictory phenomena in the innovationand development of China’S higher education.On one hand,thesituation of the short of higher education resources cannot bechanged because the financial support from the government isnot possible to increase.On the other hand,the efficiency ofusing resources of higher eduction is still very low.Waste isserious。There are unbalance problem of fairness and efficiencyof the higher education resources distribution.Under suchbackground,this paper analyses how to change the way ofhigher eduction resources distribution to improve the usingefficiency of higher education resources.How to diversify theinvestors of higher education,how bine the fairness andefficiency of distribution of resources,how to make use ...