《Enterprise Economy》 2011-10
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Faced with the increasingly fierce market competition,and in response to the short-term and concentration of marketing,low organization degree,as well as the frequent happening of the natural disasters and accidences,Ganzhou city actively plays the governmental guiding role.Meanwhile,it positively applies the function of marketing regulations,makes the strategy of trinity marketing,and fully plays the enthusiasm of fruit farmers,marketing enterprises and the cooperatives so as to make Gannan navel orange has relatively strong competitiveness,which better reflects the benefits demand of the fruit farmers,marketing corporate and governments.Based on the description on the operation of trinity marketing strategy,this paper positively explores the strengthening of the strategy.
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【Secondary Citations】
Chinese Journal Full-text Database 1 Hits
1 LI Fang-qiu et al(Anhui Agricultural Management Cadre's College,Hefei,Anhui 230031);Analysis of Expansion of the Marketing Channel of Domestic Agricultural Products[J];Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences;2006-09