Overview: WTO principles and provisions discussed in this module 綜述:世貿(mào)組織的原則和規(guī)定本模塊中討論
This module deals with the relationship between most-favoured nation (MFN) principles and the exceptions from MFN accorded for regional trade agreements (RTAs). on the one hand WTO agreements grant unconditional most-favoured nation (MFN) rights to all WTO Members for goods (GATT Article I) and for Services (GATTS Article II). One the other hand, GATT Article XXIV and GATS Article V provide rights for Members to form regional trade agreements (RTAs) that allow them to exchange preferential treatment that is not accorded to all other WTO Members. These rights to form RTAs are ‘conditional’ in that each regional discipline has its own requirements. Generally, for the GATT, regional members must ‘cover’ substantially all of the trade between the members by eliminating tariff duties and other restrictions. For Services, the regional members must also cover substantial trade and grant non-discriminatory treatment to each-other′s services and service suppliers.
A closely related GATT discipline is also the subject of this module. Known as the ′Enabling Clause′, this also provides for an exception from MFN on behalf of developing countries for trade advantages granted by developed countries. While trade preferences in regional trade agreements between developed and developing countries must be accorded on a ′reciprocal basis′, the Enabling Clause regime does not require a developing country recipient to reduce or eliminate its own trading barriers.
Introduction – What readers will learn in this module簡介 - 什么讀者會在此模塊中學(xué)習
Students will learn the basic ′rules′ for RTA formations in the WTO both for goods and for services. How those rules were formed and relate to economic and political aspects, and how the rules are being handled today in the relationship between regional members and the larger body of WTO Membership. In addition, since different GATT/WTO regimes apply to the concerns of developing and least developed countries, the interface between WTO regionalism rules and the provisions made in WTO law for developing and least developed countries is taken up. Ultimately the reader should be gain an understanding from this module of the parameters of what is and what is not reasonably possible for developing country regional trade agreements within the legal regimes of the WTO.
I. The WTO rules on regional trade agreements;
a. Evolution of WTO rules affecting RTAs;
b. GATT Article XXIV
c. The Enabling Clause
d. GATS Article V
2. Systemic Issues
a. Article XXIV – internal requirements
b. Article XXIV External Requirements - ORC and ′not on the whole higher nor more restrictive′
c. Article XXIV - Institutional considerations and burden of proof
3. Regulatory issues and RTAs
a. RTAs, domestic regulation and harmonization
b. WTO subject areas treated in RTAs
c. RTA Regulatory Activities ′outside′ the WTO
4. Module Conclusion - the interface between WTO and RTAs – what is the outlook?
References and suggestions for further reading文獻
Bartels, L., (2005), The Legality of the EC Mutual Recognition Clause Under WTO Law, JIEL, V.8(3), pp.691-720.
Chase, K., (2006), Multilateralism Compromised: The Mysterious Origins of GATT Article XXIV, World Trade Review, V5(1), pp. 1-30.
Cottier, T., (2004), The Legal Framework for Free Trade Areas and Customs Unions in WTO Law, World Trade Institute and State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, WTI/SECO workshop on regional integration.
Dam, K., (1963), Regional Economic Arrangements and the GATT, the Legacy of a Misconception, University of Chicago Law Review, V.30(4).
Gardner, R. (1980), Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy in Current Perspective, Columbia University Press, New York.
Ethier, W., (1998), Regionalism in a Multilateral World, Journal of Political Economy, V.106(6), pp. 1214-1245.
Hudec, R., and Southwick, J., (1999), Regionalism and WTO Rules, in Rodriguez, et al., (eds.), Trade Rules in the Making, OAS and Brookings, Washington D.C.
IBRD/World Bank, (2005), Global Economic Prospects 2005: Trade, Regionalism and Development, Washington D.C.
Lockhart, J., and Mitchell, A., (2005), Regional Trade Agreements Under GATT 1994: an Exception and Its Limits, in, Challenges and Prospects for the WTO, Cameron May, London, pp. 217-252.
Mathis, J., (1998), Mutual Recognition Agreements: Transatlantic Parties and the Limits to Non-tariff Barrier Regionalism in the WTO, Journal of World Trade, V.32(6), pp. 5-31.
Mathis, J., (2002), Regional Trade Agreements in the GATT/WTO. Article XXIV and the Internal Trade Requirement, T.M.C. Asser Press, Den Hague.
Scollay, R., (2005), ′Substantially all Trade′: Which Definitions are Fulfilled in Practice? An Empirical Investigation′, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.
Trachtman, J., (2003), Toward Open Recognition? Standardization and Regional Integration Under Article XXIV of GATT, JIEL, V. 6(2), pp. 459-492.
UNCTAD, (2005), Multilateralism and Regionalism: The New Interface, (ed., Mashayekhi and Ito), UNCTAD/DITC/TNCD/ 2004/7, New York and Geneva.
Viner, J., (1950), The Customs Union Issue, Carnegie Endowment, New York.
WTO, TPRD, (2003), Regional Trade Integration under Transformation, WTO Secretariat Seminar on Regional Trade Agreements, Geneva.
WTO, Report by the Consultative Board, (2005), The Future of the WTO, Addressing Institutional Challenges in the new Millennium, Geneva.
Case simulation exercise
Annex Two: GATT-1994 Understanding on the Interpretation of Art. XXIV
Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXIV
of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
Annex Three:
Differential and More Favourable Treatment, Reciprocity
and Fuller Participation of Developing Countries
Annex Four:
GATS Article V
Article V: Economic Integration