marriage law divorce historical change social control
The Evolution of Divorce Terms in Marriage law of China--A Sociological Implication
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XU Xiang-yun, JU Xiao-yan, DING Li-lan (Department of Sociology, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China)
Abstr:China has issued three marriage laws so far. The historical changes of the divorce terms contain rich sociological connotations. In 1950, China issued the first marriage law keeping the freedom of divorce and the protection of women resulting in the first divorce peak and women?s engagement in large-scale production. The 1980 marriage law was passed at the end of "the Culture Revolution" in the social transformation respecting individual emotion leading to the second peak divorce and problem arose thereafter. The 2001 marriage law was passed with the economy developing rapidly and the awareness of wealth and rights increasing establishing various property system and paying attention to protecting the vulnerable from the divorce. Terms of divorce in the marriage law are changing from traditional to modern times, maintain a balance between social order and individual freedom highlighting the function of social control.
Keyword::marriage law divorce historical change social control