本文選題:洛克 + 自由 ; 參考:《河北經(jīng)貿(mào)大學(xué)》2011年碩士論文
【摘要】:約翰·洛克被認(rèn)為是近代自由主義的奠基人,他的自由主義思想主要體現(xiàn)在《政府論》下篇中。其中,自然法思想、有限政府理論、財產(chǎn)私有制度構(gòu)成了他所構(gòu)想的自由社會的根基。作為世界各國所爭相效仿的美國憲法,其中包含了深刻的洛克自由思想,尤其是他的自然法思想,以致有人說洛克為美國的思想家?梢,洛克在美國被冠之以很高的頭銜。事實上,作為17世紀(jì)比較有影響力的思想家,洛克的思想對后世的諸多學(xué)者都有啟發(fā)作用。例如,他的分權(quán)思想為孟德斯鳩所繼承并發(fā)展,最終被確立為美國憲法的基本原則;有限政府理論則被漢密爾頓在《聯(lián)邦黨人文集》中反復(fù)引用。 在談到洛克的理論時,引人注意的是他的自然法觀念,及建基于自然法觀念之上的有限政府理論和私有財產(chǎn)制度。西方社會的法律是以理性而著稱于世的,其實從實際意義上講法律只不過是一種社會現(xiàn)象,而它能為西方人所廣為接受并人人愿意遵守,筆者認(rèn)為,這必須從源頭上去理解西方人的法律觀,而這又不能不提到洛克。洛克認(rèn)為人是有理性的,而法律正是人的理性的一種體現(xiàn),人類脫離自然狀態(tài)而進(jìn)入政治社會是為了克服在自然狀態(tài)下的種種不便,但按照他的理論,人類并沒有將全部權(quán)利都讓渡給政府,而那些恒久不變的權(quán)利則構(gòu)成了公民政治權(quán)利的基石;而一旦政府違反了人民設(shè)立它的初衷,則人民可基于社會契約理論重新建立一個新的政府,更換這個上帝在人間的“代理人”。從自然法出發(fā)才能正確的推斷出這些理論,而從其他理論中則很難推出。本文也正是從自然法出發(fā)去試圖解釋洛克的復(fù)雜思想,他之所以被世人稱為美國憲法之父,是與他的自然權(quán)利觀和私有財產(chǎn)觀分不開的。無私有財產(chǎn)觀則無自然正義可言,縱觀近代以來世界各國憲法史,有憲法而無憲政的例子比比皆是,可以說迄今為止真正實現(xiàn)憲政的國家屈指可數(shù)。究其原因,對私有財產(chǎn)的法律保護(hù)(縱向保護(hù))虛無、對個人權(quán)利的極端忽視是重要原因。從這意義上講,我們很有必要重新溫習(xí)一下西方古典自由主義的經(jīng)典著作,補人家早在200年前就已經(jīng)學(xué)習(xí)過的課程。當(dāng)今中國更需要的是思想的啟蒙而不是立法數(shù)量的猛增,或許前者更需要一個漫長的時期。 任何理論的產(chǎn)生都不是思想家坐在圖書館里想出來的,它的出現(xiàn)必然是與一個民族的歷史慣性、特有的文化聯(lián)系在一起的,洛克也不例外。早在11世紀(jì)英國就有政治妥協(xié)的傳統(tǒng),在歐洲大陸英國人也素以保守和尊重傳統(tǒng)而著稱于世,而我們都知道任何一個自由的社會都必然是建立在與傳統(tǒng)相銜接的土壤之中的,切斷一切傳統(tǒng)似的改革必將是一出鬧劇,也不會帶來什么自由與法治。或許在這一點上,英國人是幸運的,他們的老祖宗就留給了他們政治妥協(xié)的基因。1215年《大憲章》的問世標(biāo)志著他們可以以一種溫和的手段來解決社會矛盾,這在人類歷史上是從沒有過的,而且有的國家似乎永遠(yuǎn)也不可能用這種方式來達(dá)到社會的和諧,這也是文化使然。在1787年的制憲會議上或者1803年的馬布里訴麥迪遜案當(dāng)中,以及后來的合眾國訴尼克松案(即水門事件),看似是偶然的歷史事件卻隱藏著很深的文化必然性。這不僅來自于當(dāng)事人的理性選擇,更是他們契約文化的結(jié)果。更深層次的原因則是來源于英格蘭的互相妥協(xié)尊重的文化。洛克的理論是從他的自然權(quán)利觀開始的,和其他的思想家一樣,洛克也假設(shè)了一個自然狀態(tài),從討論人們在無政府狀態(tài)下的種種不便自然過渡到公民社會,美國的制憲者正是沿著這樣一個思路來制定他們的憲法的。眾所周知,憲法是人民權(quán)利的保障書,但美國憲法繼承洛克的權(quán)利觀是其他各國憲法都無法比擬的。它以明確的詞匯規(guī)定了人民享有哪些權(quán)利,政府小得制定法律去限制公民的宗教信仰自由等等。但美國憲法還是重點強調(diào)了人民的消極自由,這也顯示了它是一部比較務(wù)實的法律,真正成為了人民權(quán)利的保障書。 美國是一個法治社會,其國家的最高權(quán)威是法律,這也是衡量社會法治化程度的標(biāo)志。美國人引以為豪的東西就是他們的憲法了,在一個自由社會中,法律是保障自由的最重要手段。“哪里沒有法律,那里就沒有自由”這是洛克在《政府論》下篇中所做出的結(jié)論,在他的眼里,法律是防止政府專斷的最好手段,將人們的行為納入法律的軌道是社會治理的較好方法。洛克反對將自由理解為放縱狀態(tài)、想怎樣就怎樣,因為那必將帶來更大的不自由。真正的自由是要受到自然法的約束,受理性原則的支配。因此,洛克更傾向于人們在社會中的自由即政治社會中的自由!疤幵谡碌娜藗兊淖杂,應(yīng)有長期有效的規(guī)則作為生活的準(zhǔn)繩,這種規(guī)則為社會成員所共同遵守,并由社會所建立的立法機(jī)關(guān)來制定,”在這里洛克強調(diào)了處在政治社會中共同規(guī)則的重要性,并且這種規(guī)則應(yīng)以穩(wěn)定和大家共同遵守為前提。 如果沒有共同規(guī)則的遵守,則無異于又回到了自然狀態(tài),而政府權(quán)力的行使也必須以既定的程序作為依據(jù),政治社會不同于自然社會的關(guān)鍵一點就是暴力的施行是由政府合法壟斷的,也就是說依照合法程序去行使人民賦予的權(quán)力。相對于法的諸多價值,例如民主、秩序而言,美國人似乎更重視法的自由價值,可能是因為他們從沒有過封建專制的傳統(tǒng)的緣故。他們從英國繼承來的傳統(tǒng)就是自由的,因此美國人很不愿意再建立一個強大的中央政府來限制他們的自由。他們不僅吸收了孟德斯鳩的三權(quán)分立學(xué)說并付諸實踐,而且在激烈的辯論中他們采用了聯(lián)邦制的縱向分權(quán)體制來避免過于強大的中央政府,真正實現(xiàn)權(quán)力的分散化。 任何一個制度的設(shè)計都不可能一次達(dá)到最完美的狀態(tài),美國社會也不例外。它的很多制度也都是在慢慢摸索中產(chǎn)生的,眾所周知,美國是一個判例法的國家,在司法過程中更重視法官個人的經(jīng)驗。這也源自英國的普通法傳統(tǒng),在實現(xiàn)社會正義方面,判例法有著得天獨厚的優(yōu)勢。美國的程序法也很發(fā)達(dá),對于有著很深的普通法傳統(tǒng)的國家,他們將程序看的更重要,也是保障人民權(quán)利的最后一道屏障。這從一個側(cè)面也反映了美國法律不是停留在紙面上,他們不僅規(guī)定了具體的各項權(quán)利,而且有相應(yīng)的程序法去保護(hù)這些權(quán)利,落實到每個人身上都是活生生的權(quán)利。 總的來說,洛克的諸多思想中對美國產(chǎn)生最大影響的還是他的自然權(quán)利觀,從自然權(quán)利向社會權(quán)利的過度自然會引出社會契約的訂立。美國憲法序言中所稱的不可轉(zhuǎn)讓之權(quán)利即是洛克所謂的生命權(quán)、自由權(quán)和財產(chǎn)權(quán)。列奧·施特勞斯在他的《政治哲學(xué)史》中說:“約翰·洛克被稱作是美國的哲學(xué)家,他是我們的國王——就一個哲學(xué)家曾是一個偉大國家的國王而言。因而,我們美國人比世界上其他的民族更有責(zé)任和經(jīng)驗判斷他的學(xué)說的正確性。”這可以說是對洛克的最為公正的評價。
[Abstract]:John Locke is regarded as the founder of modern liberalism. His liberalism is mainly embodied in the lower part of the theory of government. Among them, the thought of natural law, the theory of limited government and the private property system constitute the foundation of the free society that he conceived. Free thought, especially his natural law, so that some people say that Rock is a thinker of the United States. It is clear that Rock has been crowned in the United States with a high title. In fact, as an influential thinker in the seventeenth Century, Rock's thought has an effect on many scholars of later generations. For example, his idea of decentralization is followed by Montesquieu. Finally, it was established as the basic principle of the constitution of the United States, and the theory of limited government was repeatedly quoted by Hamilton in the Federalist collection.
When it comes to Rock's theory, it is attracting attention to his natural law concept and the establishment of the limited government theory and private property system based on the concept of natural law. The law of the west is known to the world by reason. In fact, the law is only a social phenomenon in practical sense, and it can be widely accepted by the westerners. Everyone is willing to observe, I think, it must be understood from the source of the West's view of law, and this can not be mentioned without Rock. Rock thinks that man is rational, and the law is a reflection of human reason, that human beings enter political society from the state of nature to overcome various inconveniences in the natural state, but according to him. In theory, human beings have not given all rights to the government, and the constant rights constitute the cornerstone of civil political rights, and once the government violates the original intention of the people to establish it, the people can reestablish a new government based on the social contract theory, and change the God's "agent" on the earth. It is difficult to deduce these theories from the law, but it is difficult to deduce from other theories. This article is also an attempt to explain Rock's complex thought from the natural law. The reason why he is called the father of the constitution of the United States is inseparable from his view of natural rights and the view of private property. There are many examples of constitutional history and no constitutionalism throughout the world since modern times. It can be said that there are only a few countries that have really realized constitutional government so far. The reasons are the legal protection of private property (vertical protection) and the extreme neglect of individual rights. To review the classics of Western classical liberalism and to make up for the lessons that have already been learned 200 years ago. Today, China needs a greater need for ideological enlightenment rather than a surge in the number of legislation. Perhaps the former needs a long period of time.
The emergence of any theory is not thought by a thinker sitting in the library. Its appearance is bound to be associated with a nation's historical inertia and unique cultural ties. Rock is no exception. In Eleventh Century Britain had a tradition of political compromise and was known to the British in the European continent as a conservative and respectful tradition. We all know that any free society is bound to be built in the soil with the tradition, and that cutting off all traditional reforms will certainly be a farce, and no freedom and rule of law. Perhaps at this point, the British are lucky, and their old ancestors left their political compromise gene.1215 < big. The advent of the Charter signifies that they can solve social contradictions in a mild way, which has never been in human history, and it seems that some countries never seem to be able to achieve social harmony in this way. It is also a culture. In the 1787 Constitutional Council or in the 1803 Marbury v. Madison case, As well as the later United States v. Nixon case (the Watergate incident), the seemingly accidental historical event conceals a profound cultural inevitability. This is not only from the rational choice of the parties, but also the result of their contractual culture. The deeper reason is the culture of compromise and respect from England. Rock's Theory is Beginning with his view of natural rights, like other thinkers, Rock also assumed a state of nature, from discussing the inconveniences of people in anarchy to civil society. The constitution of the United States was just following such a way of thinking of their constitutional law. It is well known that the constitution is the guarantee of the rights of the people. But the American Constitution inherits Rock's view of rights is unparalleled in other countries' constitutions. It provides a clear word for the rights of the people. The government has to make laws to restrict the freedom of the citizens' religious beliefs. But the United States Constitution emphasizes the negative freedom of the people, which also shows that it is a comparative business. Real law has really become a guarantee for people's rights.
The United States is a society under the rule of law. The supreme authority of the country is the law, which is the symbol of the degree of the rule of law in the society. What Americans take pride in is their constitution. In a free society, law is the most important means to guarantee freedom. "Where there is no law, there is no freedom". This is Rock's theory of "government" The conclusion in the next chapter is that in his eyes, the law is the best means to prevent the government's dictatorship. It is a better way for social governance to bring people's behavior into the track of law. Rock is opposed to understanding freedom as a state of indulgence and what it is like, because that will bring more freedom. The true freedom is subject to natural law. Constraints, the principle of admissibility. Therefore, Rock is more inclined to freedom in the society, that is, freedom in the political society. "The freedom of the people under the government should have long and effective rules as the yardstick of life. This rule is followed by the members of the society, and the legislature established by the society." Rilok emphasized the importance of common rules in political society, and this rule should be based on stability and common adherence.
If there is no common rule to abide by, it is not the same to return to the state of nature, and the exercise of government power must also be based on established procedures. The key to the political society, which is different from the natural society, is that the implementation of violence is legally monopolized by the government, that is to say, the rights given by the people are exercised according to legal procedures. In terms of the many values of law, such as democracy and order, Americans seem to pay more attention to the free value of law because they have never had a tradition of feudal autocracy. The traditions they inherited from Britain are free, so Americans are reluctant to set up a powerful central government to limit their freedom. Not only did Montesquieu absorb the theory of the separation of the three powers and put it into practice, but in the heated debate, they adopted the federal system of vertical decentralization to avoid the too strong central government and truly realize the decentralization of power.
The design of any system can not achieve the perfect state at a time. The American society is no exception. Many of its systems are also produced in the process of slowly groping. As is known to all, the United States is a country of case law, which pays more attention to the personal experience of the judge in the judicial process. This is also derived from the common law tradition in Britain and the realization of society. In the field of justice, case law has a unique advantage. The procedural law of the United States is also very developed. For countries with a very deep tradition of common law, they are more important and the last barrier to protect the rights of the people. All rights, and the corresponding procedural law to protect these rights, is a living right to everyone.
In general, Rock's many ideas have the greatest impact on the United States or his natural right view, which leads to the conclusion of social contract from natural rights to social rights. The non transferable right called in the preamble of the American constitution is the right to life, freedom and property of Rock, which Leo Strauss is in. In his "history of political philosophy", he said, "John Locke is called the American philosopher, he is our king - a philosopher who was a king of a great country. Therefore, we Americans have more responsibility and experience than the rest of the world to judge the correctness of his theory." this can be said to be the best for Rock. A fair evaluation.
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