發(fā)布時間:2021-03-11 19:43
目的:主要目的是評估冠狀動脈粥樣硬化病人,強化他汀和常規(guī)他汀治療和在此基礎上加用普羅布考,各組之間在LDL-C達標率的差異的比較。達標率依根據歐洲血脂指南標準: LDL-C目標值達到<1.8mmol/L。次要目的是觀察用藥期間對血甘油三酯,總膽固醇、高密度脂蛋白及血糖及肝酶的影響并對強化降脂治療方案的任何不良反應進行評估。方法:篩選2011年9月至2013年8月期間就診于吉林大學第二醫(yī)院心內科門診及住院200患者,平均年齡56.35±8.798歲,56%(112)為男性,44%(88)為女性。入選標準:35歲-75歲;冠狀動脈CTA診斷為冠狀動脈粥樣硬化(左前降支或左回旋支或右冠狀動脈)中任一分支狹窄在10%-50%之間的患者;血脂:LDL-C>2.5mmol/L。排除標準是有急性冠狀動脈綜合征,糖尿病,肝腎功能異常,心衰的患者。將病人隨機分為四組,第一組為常規(guī)治療AS組:阿司匹林A他汀S,第二組為常規(guī)治療PAS組:普羅布考P阿司匹林A他汀S。常規(guī)劑量給予阿司匹林100mg/d、阿托伐他汀鈣片20mg/d、普羅布考0.5g/d。第三組為強化他汀AS組:阿司匹林A他汀S,第四...
【文章來源】:吉林大學吉林省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數】:56 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Mechanism of Atherosclerosis
1.2 Risk Factors
1.3 Dyslipidaemia
1.4 Risk Estimation Systems
1.5 Treatment of dyslipidaemia
1.5.1 Treatment goals
1.5.2 Lifestyle Modifications
1.5.3 Statins
1.5.4 Probucol
Chapter 2 Objectives
Chapter 3 Method
3.0 Study design
3.1 Study population
3.2 Inclusion criteria
3.3 Exclusion criteria
3.4 Division of patients
3.5 Data collection tool
3.6 Study variables
3.7 Statistical analysis
Chapter 4 Results
4.1 Baseline demographics and characteristics of study patients
4.2 Assessment for extent of LD-C goal achievement
4.3 Changes in blood lipids, glucose and liver enzymes after 20 mg AS therapy.22
4.4 Changes in blood lipids, glucose and liver enzymes after 20 mg PAS therapy23
4.5 Changes on blood lipids, glucose and liver enzymes after 40 mg AS therapy
4.6 Changes on blood lipids, glucose and liver enzymes after 40 mg PAS therapy25
4.7 Comparison between 20 mg AS group and 40 mg AS group
4.8 Comparison between 20 mg PAS group and 40 mg PAS group
4.9 Comparison between 40 mg AS group and 40 mg PAS group
4.10 Safety of intensive lipid lowering therapy
Chapter 5 Discussion
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Author’s Introduction
[1]普羅布考聯合阿托伐他汀對急性冠狀動脈綜合征患者近期血脂達標率及預后的影響[J]. 嚴松彪,高翔宇,陳暉. 中國動脈硬化雜志. 2008(08)
【文章來源】:吉林大學吉林省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數】:56 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Mechanism of Atherosclerosis
1.2 Risk Factors
1.3 Dyslipidaemia
1.4 Risk Estimation Systems
1.5 Treatment of dyslipidaemia
1.5.1 Treatment goals
1.5.2 Lifestyle Modifications
1.5.3 Statins
1.5.4 Probucol
Chapter 2 Objectives
Chapter 3 Method
3.0 Study design
3.1 Study population
3.2 Inclusion criteria
3.3 Exclusion criteria
3.4 Division of patients
3.5 Data collection tool
3.6 Study variables
3.7 Statistical analysis
Chapter 4 Results
4.1 Baseline demographics and characteristics of study patients
4.2 Assessment for extent of LD-C goal achievement
4.3 Changes in blood lipids, glucose and liver enzymes after 20 mg AS therapy.22
4.4 Changes in blood lipids, glucose and liver enzymes after 20 mg PAS therapy23
4.5 Changes on blood lipids, glucose and liver enzymes after 40 mg AS therapy
4.6 Changes on blood lipids, glucose and liver enzymes after 40 mg PAS therapy25
4.7 Comparison between 20 mg AS group and 40 mg AS group
4.8 Comparison between 20 mg PAS group and 40 mg PAS group
4.9 Comparison between 40 mg AS group and 40 mg PAS group
4.10 Safety of intensive lipid lowering therapy
Chapter 5 Discussion
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Author’s Introduction
[1]普羅布考聯合阿托伐他汀對急性冠狀動脈綜合征患者近期血脂達標率及預后的影響[J]. 嚴松彪,高翔宇,陳暉. 中國動脈硬化雜志. 2008(08)