發(fā)布時間:2018-03-29 01:23
本文選題:隱源性多灶性潰瘍性狹窄性小腸炎 切入點:慢性非特異性多灶性小腸潰瘍 出處:《河北醫(yī)科大學》2014年碩士論文
【摘要】:隱源性多灶性潰瘍性狹窄性小腸炎(cryptogenic multifocal ulcerousstenosing enteritis, CMUSE)是一種臨床罕見的小腸慢性疾病,目前病因尚不明確。以反復發(fā)作的小腸不全性梗阻為主要表現(xiàn),常伴隨腹痛、黑便、缺鐵性貧血、低蛋白血癥、水腫、生長發(fā)育遲緩等癥狀,病理表現(xiàn)為小腸多發(fā)淺表潰瘍,可見慢性炎性細胞浸潤伴少量嗜酸性粒細胞,潰瘍僅侵犯粘膜及粘膜下層,不累及肌層等深層組織,可伴有纖維組織增生。臨床易誤診為克羅恩病、腸結核及非甾體抗炎藥相關性小腸病。糖皮質(zhì)激素治療有效,但是容易產(chǎn)生激素依賴,目前仍未找到促進粘膜愈合的有效治療,針對腸道狹窄,多需要借助外科手術。 CMUSE在全球范圍內(nèi)尚屬少見,見諸報道的確診病例僅60余例。目前對該病沒有統(tǒng)一的診斷治療意見。本研究主要通過對CMUSE病例進行薈萃分析,總結歸納其主要臨床表現(xiàn)、影像學及內(nèi)鏡下特點及病理特點,以期為該病的診斷與治療提供依據(jù)。同時結合我院確診的CMUSE病例,研究TNF-α在病變腸組織中的表達,探討該病的發(fā)病機制,以期為該病的治療提供新思路。 第一部分隱源性多灶性潰瘍性狹窄性小腸炎1例報道 目的:分析我院1例CMUSE患者病例特點,并檢測TNF-α在其腸組織中的表達。 方法:選擇河北醫(yī)科大學第二醫(yī)院經(jīng)病理證實的CMUSE患者1例,搜集臨床資料及術后標本,回顧性分析其臨床特點及病理特征,應用組織染色技術觀察病變腸組織炎癥程度及纖維組織增生情況,應用免疫組織化學染色技術觀察病變腸組織TNF-α的表達情況。 結果:該例CMUSE患者為中年女性,以反復缺鐵性貧血、腸梗阻、黑便及低蛋白血癥為主要癥狀,腹部CT表現(xiàn)為臍水平腹腔右側(cè)及左下腹腸管壁環(huán)形增厚,腸腔狹窄伴明顯強化。膠囊內(nèi)鏡顯示小腸節(jié)段性粘膜水腫及潰瘍,潰瘍大小不等,較表淺,多為縱行,表面覆黃白苔。剖腹探查術可見回腸節(jié)段性狹窄,內(nèi)有膠囊狀物(滯留于腸內(nèi)的膠囊內(nèi)鏡)1枚,遂行小腸部分切除,小腸-小腸端側(cè)吻合術,術后病理示小腸粘膜部分滲出、壞死及肉芽,符合潰瘍,腸系膜淋巴結13枚反應性增生。小腸病變部位HE染色可見粘膜及粘膜下層炎性細胞浸潤,Masson染色及天狼星紅染色可見纖維組織明顯增生,免疫組織化學染色可見粘膜及粘膜下層TNF-α表達增加。 結論:本例小腸病變患者診斷為CMUSE,符合目前國內(nèi)外CMUSE診斷要點;病變腸組織TNF-α表達增加。 第二部分隱源性多灶性潰瘍性狹窄性小腸炎臨床特征薈萃分析 目的:通過分析國內(nèi)外文獻報道病例,總結CMUSE臨床特征,,并分析亞洲與歐洲CMUSE病例臨床特征的異同。 方法:通過中國生物醫(yī)學文獻服務系統(tǒng)、萬方數(shù)據(jù)庫、維普中文科技期刊數(shù)據(jù)庫、中國知網(wǎng)及PubMed檢索國內(nèi)外公開發(fā)表的CMUSE病例報道文獻,對符合入選標準的病例的臨床表現(xiàn)、實驗室檢查、影像學檢查、內(nèi)鏡學檢查、病理組織學檢查結果、治療及預后情況進行歸納總結。 結果:查閱發(fā)表于1996年-2013年間的入選文章,入選的CMUSE病例共18例,其中男性占38.9%,女性占61.1%,男女比為1:1.6。確診時平均年齡為36歲。臨床癥狀以腹痛、缺鐵性貧血、體重下降、黑便為主。實驗室檢查以血紅蛋白降低、白蛋白降低、大便潛血陽性為特征,CRP及ESR等炎癥指標多正常,自身抗體多為陰性,1例患者檢測纖維化4項明顯升高,1例血漿補體C2降低。3例患者可經(jīng)影像學檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)腸道梗阻及潰瘍性病變表現(xiàn),全消化道造影較腹部CT及X線更易發(fā)現(xiàn)病變。胃鏡及腸鏡檢查多不能發(fā)現(xiàn)病變,除非病變位于十二指腸或回腸末端。小腸鏡及膠囊內(nèi)鏡檢出率較高。病變部位多位于回腸,呈多灶性,亦可見單發(fā)潰瘍或狹窄,病理標本均表現(xiàn)為淺表潰瘍,僅侵及粘膜及粘膜下層,不向肌層及深層組織浸潤,而纖維化和炎性浸潤可達到深層組織,粘膜下層可因纖維化增厚,以輕-中度炎癥改變?yōu)橹,可見中性粒細胞、單核細胞、嗜酸性粒細胞及漿細胞浸潤,無肉芽腫形成,無絨毛萎縮、淋巴增殖、巨細胞肉芽腫及阿弗他或裂隙潰瘍表現(xiàn)。部分病例可見小靜脈增厚、炎性浸潤、血栓成形或靜脈內(nèi)膜炎;颊叨鄶(shù)誤診為克羅恩病,部分患者難以與潰瘍性回腸炎或腸結核鑒別。7例患者接受激素治療有效,有效率53.8%。3例患者出現(xiàn)激素依賴,3例激素抵抗。9例患者接受手術治療,術后4例患者復發(fā),復發(fā)率44.4%。1例患者伴有雷諾氏綜合癥、干燥綜合癥、哮喘、關節(jié)腫痛等多器官損傷。1例患者伴有消化道腫瘤。 結論:CMUSE女性多發(fā),臨床以腹痛、缺鐵性貧血、體重下降、黑便為主為主要特點,部分患者可有乏力、腹瀉、低熱、水腫、嘔吐、便秘等癥狀;病理特點為累及小腸的多灶性淺表潰瘍,潰瘍僅侵及粘膜及粘膜下層,不向肌層及深層組織浸潤,而纖維化和炎性浸潤可達到深層組織,粘膜下層可因纖維化增厚,以輕-中度炎癥改變?yōu)橹,無肉芽腫形成,無絨毛萎縮、淋巴增殖、巨細胞肉芽腫及阿弗他或裂隙潰瘍表現(xiàn);歐洲及亞洲患者CMUSE臨床特征基本相似。
[Abstract]:Cryptogenic multifocal ulcerative colitis ( CMUSE ) is a rare small intestinal chronic disease . It is a rare small intestinal chronic disease . It is characterized by recurrent small intestinal obstruction . It can be seen as chronic inflammatory cell infiltration with a small amount of eosinophils . It is easy to be misdiagnosed as Crohn ' s disease , intestinal tuberculosis and non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drug - related small bowel disease . It is easy to be misdiagnosed as Crohn ' s disease , intestinal tuberculosis and non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drug - related small bowel disease .
CMUSE is rare in the global scope . There are only 60 cases of confirmed cases . There is no unified diagnosis and treatment for the disease . The main clinical manifestation , imaging and endoscopic features and pathological characteristics of CMUSE cases are summarized . The expression of TNF - 偽 in the intestinal tissue of the lesion is studied by combining CMUSE cases diagnosed by our hospital .
The first part of cryptogenic multifocal ulcerative colitis : a report of 1 case
Objective : To analyze the characteristics of one CMUSE patient in our hospital and to detect the expression of TNF - 偽 in its intestinal tissue .
Methods : 1 case of CMUSE patient confirmed by pathology was selected from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University . Clinical data and postoperative specimens were collected . The clinical characteristics and pathological characteristics were analyzed retrospectively . The expression of TNF - 偽 was observed by immunohistochemical staining .
Results : The CMUSE patient was a middle - aged female with recurrent iron deficiency anemia , intestinal obstruction , black stool and hypoproteinaemia as the main symptoms . The abdominal CT findings were as follows : the small intestine segmental mucosa edema and ulcer , the intestinal canal stenosis accompanied by obvious enhancement .
Conclusion : The diagnosis of small intestinal lesion is CMUSE , which accords with the present diagnostic points of CMUSE at home and abroad .
The expression of TNF - 偽 in diseased intestinal tissue was increased .
Meta - analysis of clinical features of second partial cryptogenic multifocal ulcerative colitis
Objective : To summarize the clinical features of CMUSE and analyze the similarities and differences between the clinical features of CMUSE cases in Asia and Europe .
Methods : The clinical manifestation , laboratory examination , imaging examination , endoscopic examination , pathological histology examination result , treatment and prognosis of cases with inclusion criteria were summarized through the literature of CMUSE cases published at home and abroad through the Chinese Biomedical Literature Service System , Wanfang Database , Vip Chinese Sci - tech Periodical Database , China Knowledge Network and the Chinese Medicine .
Results : There were 18 cases of CMUSE published between 1996 and 2013 , including 38 . 9 % for men , 61 . 1 % for women , 1 鈭