Autophagy is involved in oral rAAV/Aβ vaccine-induced Aβ cle
發(fā)布時間:2023-12-10 08:12
The imbalance between β-amyloid(Aβ) generation and clearance plays a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer ’s disease(AD). The sporadic form of AD is characterized by an overall impairment in Aβ clearance. Immunotherapy targeting Aβ clearance is believed to be a promising approach and is under active clinical investigation. Autophagy is a conserved pathway for degrading abnormal protein aggregates and is crucial for Aβ clearance. We previously reported that oral vaccination with a re...
【文章頁數(shù)】:14 頁
Construction of the Vaccine
Cell Culture and Treatment
Animals and Oral Vaccination
Sample Preparation
Detection of Serum Anti-Aβ Antibody and Characterization of Antibody Isotypes
Immunof luorescence Imaging
Western Blotting Analysis
Statistical Analysis
r AAV/Aβ Vaccine Transfection Increased Aβ Secretion in HEK293 Cells
Oral Vaccination with r AAV/Aβ Signif icantly Attenuated Brain Aβ Burden in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice
O r a l V a c c i n a t i o n w i t h r A A V / A β I n c r e a s e d Concentrations of Serum Anti-A β Antibody and Elevated Brain Complement Levels in APP/PS1 Mice
Activation of Autophagy Function in Brains of APP/PS1Mice with Oral r AAV/Aβ Vaccination
Akt/m TOR Pathway Suppressed in Brains of APP/PS1Mice with Oral r AAV/Aβ Vaccination
Oral Vaccination with r AAV/Aβ Initiated the Immune Response and Increased Serum Anti-Aβ Antibody in APP/PS1 Mice
Potential Mechanisms Responsible for Oral VaccinationInduced Antibody- Mediated Aβ Clearance
Enhancement of Autophagy in the Brain May Play a Novel Role in Oral Vaccination-Induced Aβ Clearance
Oral Vaccination Appears to Be a Safe Strategy for the Early Prevention of AD
【文章頁數(shù)】:14 頁
Construction of the Vaccine
Cell Culture and Treatment
Animals and Oral Vaccination
Sample Preparation
Detection of Serum Anti-Aβ Antibody and Characterization of Antibody Isotypes
Immunof luorescence Imaging
Western Blotting Analysis
Statistical Analysis
r AAV/Aβ Vaccine Transfection Increased Aβ Secretion in HEK293 Cells
Oral Vaccination with r AAV/Aβ Signif icantly Attenuated Brain Aβ Burden in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice
O r a l V a c c i n a t i o n w i t h r A A V / A β I n c r e a s e d Concentrations of Serum Anti-A β Antibody and Elevated Brain Complement Levels in APP/PS1 Mice
Activation of Autophagy Function in Brains of APP/PS1Mice with Oral r AAV/Aβ Vaccination
Akt/m TOR Pathway Suppressed in Brains of APP/PS1Mice with Oral r AAV/Aβ Vaccination
Oral Vaccination with r AAV/Aβ Initiated the Immune Response and Increased Serum Anti-Aβ Antibody in APP/PS1 Mice
Potential Mechanisms Responsible for Oral VaccinationInduced Antibody- Mediated Aβ Clearance
Enhancement of Autophagy in the Brain May Play a Novel Role in Oral Vaccination-Induced Aβ Clearance
Oral Vaccination Appears to Be a Safe Strategy for the Early Prevention of AD