發(fā)布時間:2019-06-16 19:58
【摘要】:背景及目的:在女性妊娠期間,因為雌激素的作用,并且母體滿足自身營養(yǎng)需求同時為滿足胎兒生長發(fā)育的需要,女性體內的脂質包括TC、TG、LDL的含量會出現生理性的增高,而在肥胖孕婦其升高更為明顯[1]。See-Ling Loy[2]等人的研究結果顯示,在肥胖、脂代謝紊亂的雙重作用之下,機體的氧化應激水平明顯升高,自由基尤其活性氧簇過度產生,而過多的活性氧簇可以致使DNA鏈出現斷裂、位點突變、雙鏈畸變等病變,造成不同程度的DNA損傷[3],F有的研究表明,孕婦體內氧化應激水平增高及其導致的DNA損傷和自然流產、胎膜早破和胎兒宮內窘迫等產科以及新生兒疾病關系密切[4],然而當前國內外對妊娠期間血清脂質水平和DNA損傷、總抗氧化能力的相關性研究缺乏[2,5]。故研究孕婦血脂與DNA損傷及總抗氧化水平的相關性,可能通過干預血脂水平等方面起到預防妊娠期不良事件的作用。方法:選取2011年9月到2012年9月在本院門診做系統產檢的孕婦120人納入本次研究當中,按照體重指數分成肥胖組(n=75)和體重正常組(n=45)。分析并且比較兩組TC、TG、LDL、HDL含量和DNA損傷情況以及總抗氧化能力水平。分析肥胖組血脂含量和DNA損傷、總抗氧化能力的相關性。結果:肥胖組TC、TG、LDL水平均較正常組顯著增高(P=0.000,P=0.000,P=0.004);HDL水平顯著則低于體重正常組(P=0.006)。肥胖組彗星實驗尾力矩明顯高于體重正常組(P=0.000),并且總抗氧化能力明顯高于體重正常組(P=0.000)。DNA損傷與TC、TG、LDL水平呈顯著正相關關系,(r=0.23,P=0.026;r=0.26,P=0.008;r=0.19,P=0.032);總抗氧化能力和TG含量呈顯著正相關關系(r=0.32,P=0.000)。結論:肥胖孕婦在孕期常常出現脂代謝紊亂和體內氧化及抗氧化水平衡失調;DNA損傷和血清TC、TG、LDL含量呈顯著正相關,總抗氧化能力與TG含量呈顯著正相關。
[Abstract]:Background & objective: during pregnancy, due to the role of estrogen and maternal nutritional needs, the content of lipid, including TC,TG,LDL, in women will increase physiologically, and the increase in obese pregnant women will be more obvious [1]. The results of See-Ling Loy [2] show that under the dual effects of obesity and lipid metabolism disorder, The oxidative stress level of the body was significantly increased, free radicals, especially active oxygen clusters, were overproduced, and too many reactive oxygen clusters could cause DNA chain breakage, site mutation, double strand distortion and other lesions, resulting in different degrees of DNA damage [3]. Existing studies have shown that the increase of oxidative stress level in pregnant women and its DNA damage and spontaneous abortion, premature rupture of membranes and fetal distress are closely related to obstetrics and neonatal diseases [4]. However, there is a lack of research on the correlation between serum lipid level and DNA damage during pregnancy at home and abroad [2, 5]. Therefore, the study of the correlation between blood lipid and DNA injury and total antioxidant level in pregnant women may play an important role in preventing adverse events during pregnancy by interfering with blood lipid level. Methods: 120 pregnant women who underwent systematic antenatal examination from September 2011 to September 2012 were divided into obese group (n 鈮,
[Abstract]:Background & objective: during pregnancy, due to the role of estrogen and maternal nutritional needs, the content of lipid, including TC,TG,LDL, in women will increase physiologically, and the increase in obese pregnant women will be more obvious [1]. The results of See-Ling Loy [2] show that under the dual effects of obesity and lipid metabolism disorder, The oxidative stress level of the body was significantly increased, free radicals, especially active oxygen clusters, were overproduced, and too many reactive oxygen clusters could cause DNA chain breakage, site mutation, double strand distortion and other lesions, resulting in different degrees of DNA damage [3]. Existing studies have shown that the increase of oxidative stress level in pregnant women and its DNA damage and spontaneous abortion, premature rupture of membranes and fetal distress are closely related to obstetrics and neonatal diseases [4]. However, there is a lack of research on the correlation between serum lipid level and DNA damage during pregnancy at home and abroad [2, 5]. Therefore, the study of the correlation between blood lipid and DNA injury and total antioxidant level in pregnant women may play an important role in preventing adverse events during pregnancy by interfering with blood lipid level. Methods: 120 pregnant women who underwent systematic antenatal examination from September 2011 to September 2012 were divided into obese group (n 鈮,