pediatric nurses interpersonal conflict empathy ability mana
Effect of pediatric nurse interpersonal conflict management mode on empathy ability
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Mou Yang,Dou Yumin,Qu Yingbo, et al (First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Heilongjiang 150001 China)
Abstr:Objective:It understand the effect of pediatric nurse interpersonal conflict management mode on em- pathy ability,in order to provide a theoretical basis for improving the empathy ability of nurses in pediatric. Methods:A total of 207 pediatric nurses were investigated by using general information questionnaire, conflict management scale (ROCI- II) and Jefferson empathy scale (JES-HP). Results: For pediatric nurse, the Most commonly used conflict processing method is integration, the most unusual conflict processing method is con- trol,the empathy ability score for pediatric nurses is (116.43±14.53) points. The total score of conflict man- agement of pediatric nurses and the empathy ability scores were positively related (r=0. 234 , P〈0. 01). There are many factors that affect the empathy ability of nurses in pediatric, age, education, work experience of pediat- ric,integration,compromise, concession, and control is the main influencing factors of the empathy ability of nurses in pediatric and multiple variables can explain 36.6 % of the variation of pediatric empathy ability of nur- ses. Conclusion:Nursing administrators should train pediatric nurse conflict processing ability, guide the nurses to take reasonable conflict management style, in order to reduce the incidence of nurse patient conflict, improve the empathy ability of pediatric nurses.
Keyword::pediatric nurses interpersonal conflict empathy ability management mode