發(fā)布時間:2023-12-24 14:43
空間作為人類認知世界的一個基本范疇,已經(jīng)受到各界學者的普遍關注,而空間方位指空間內(nèi)的兩個或多個物體間的位置關系。由于人類處于共同的物理空間,表達空間方位范疇的詞構成了一個封閉的詞集。無論何種語言,空間方位范疇中都包含上—下、前—后、里—外等基本方位概念。對于隱喻的研究已由來已久,隱喻不僅是一種修辭手法,更是一種人類認知世界的工具。在體驗的基礎上,人們通過隱喻將未知的事物與已知的事物建立聯(lián)系以認知世界。恰恰由于空間概念的基礎性地位,人們往往以空間概念為始源域,向其他抽象的目的域投射隱喻意義,以獲得新知。然而,人們對于空間方位隱喻意義的研究,普遍缺乏一定的系統(tǒng)性,且鮮有不同文化之間的對比分析。 本文擬從認知功能的角度,對比研究英漢空間方位中三組對應概念:上—下、前—后、里—外,通過對這三組空間方位詞在詞典和語料庫中出現(xiàn)的相關體例進行質(zhì)化分析,找出這三組空間詞所表現(xiàn)的隱喻延伸義的共性與差異,并嘗試從認知、文化和歷史的角度給予解釋。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),英漢空間方位的隱喻義在時間、狀態(tài)、社會地位和關系的目標域中都有所體現(xiàn),且整體上體現(xiàn)出相似的隱喻意義。無論英語還是漢語,在時間域中,“上”、“前”傾向表示時...
【文章頁數(shù)】:77 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Significance of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Previous Research on Metaphor
2.1.1 Studies of Metaphor in the West
2.1.2 Studies of biyu in China
2.2 Metaphors in Cognitive Linguistics
2.2.1 The Experiential Basis of Metaphor
2.2.2 The Internal Structure of Metaphor
2.2.3 Spatial Metaphors and Image Schemas
2.3 Spatial Locality
2.3.1 The Concept of Spatial Locality
2.3.2 Studies of Spatial Locality in English and Chinese
2.3.3 Achievements and Limitations of the Previous Research
2.4 Theoretical Framework of the Thesis
2.4.1 A Cognitive-functional Approach
2.4.2 Related Important Terms
Chapter 3 Research Design
3.1 From Abstract Concepts to Concrete Realizations
3.2 Material Source and Selection
3.2.1 The Material from Dictionaries
3.2.2 The Material from Corpora
3.3 Sorting and Contrasting
3.3.1 Sorting
3.3.2 Contrasting
3.4 Building up a Database
3.4.1 The Dictionary-based Approach
3.4.2 The Corpus-based Approach
Chapter 4 Data Analysis
4.1 Metaphorical Extensions of Spatial Locality in English
4.1.1 The Image-schema of UP-DOWN
4.1.2 The Image-schema of FRONT-BACK
4.1.3 The IN-OUT Image-schema
4.2 Metaphorical Extensions of Spatial Locality in Chinese
4.2.1 SHANG and XIA in the Dictionaries and Corpora
4.2.2 QIAN and HOU in the Dictionaries and Corpora
4.2.3 LI and WAI in the Dictionaries and Corpora
4.3 Comparison between English and Chinese Spatial Metaphorical Extensions
4.3.1 Scopes of Metaphorical Extensions of Spatial Locality
4.3.2 Features of Linguistic Expressions of Metaphorical Extensions
4.3.3 Differences between Records in Dictionaries and Those in Corpora
4.3.4 Reasons for the Similarities and Differences
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations
【文章頁數(shù)】:77 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Significance of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Previous Research on Metaphor
2.1.1 Studies of Metaphor in the West
2.1.2 Studies of biyu in China
2.2 Metaphors in Cognitive Linguistics
2.2.1 The Experiential Basis of Metaphor
2.2.2 The Internal Structure of Metaphor
2.2.3 Spatial Metaphors and Image Schemas
2.3 Spatial Locality
2.3.1 The Concept of Spatial Locality
2.3.2 Studies of Spatial Locality in English and Chinese
2.3.3 Achievements and Limitations of the Previous Research
2.4 Theoretical Framework of the Thesis
2.4.1 A Cognitive-functional Approach
2.4.2 Related Important Terms
Chapter 3 Research Design
3.1 From Abstract Concepts to Concrete Realizations
3.2 Material Source and Selection
3.2.1 The Material from Dictionaries
3.2.2 The Material from Corpora
3.3 Sorting and Contrasting
3.3.1 Sorting
3.3.2 Contrasting
3.4 Building up a Database
3.4.1 The Dictionary-based Approach
3.4.2 The Corpus-based Approach
Chapter 4 Data Analysis
4.1 Metaphorical Extensions of Spatial Locality in English
4.1.1 The Image-schema of UP-DOWN
4.1.2 The Image-schema of FRONT-BACK
4.1.3 The IN-OUT Image-schema
4.2 Metaphorical Extensions of Spatial Locality in Chinese
4.2.1 SHANG and XIA in the Dictionaries and Corpora
4.2.2 QIAN and HOU in the Dictionaries and Corpora
4.2.3 LI and WAI in the Dictionaries and Corpora
4.3 Comparison between English and Chinese Spatial Metaphorical Extensions
4.3.1 Scopes of Metaphorical Extensions of Spatial Locality
4.3.2 Features of Linguistic Expressions of Metaphorical Extensions
4.3.3 Differences between Records in Dictionaries and Those in Corpora
4.3.4 Reasons for the Similarities and Differences
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations