發(fā)布時間:2023-12-23 20:13
致使是客觀存在的一個不可缺少的概念,指的是一物體通過將致使力作用于另一物體,導(dǎo)致另一物體的物理或隱喻位置的移動或狀態(tài)的變化。人類基于真實客觀的世界體驗性,將抽象致使認(rèn)知概念化,然后進(jìn)行具體語符化,創(chuàng)造出兩種主要的致使句——致使結(jié)果句和致使移動句。國內(nèi)外學(xué)者已經(jīng)從不同的角度對致使進(jìn)行了研究,但研究重心主要集中在致使動詞上,而很少將致使結(jié)果句式和致使移動句式分開研究,尤其對于漢英致使結(jié)構(gòu)和句子的對比研究還不夠深入。本文以認(rèn)知語言學(xué)的理論為基礎(chǔ),分析了漢語致使移動“把”字句的語義特征,將其進(jìn)行了語義分類,并將其相應(yīng)的英語表達(dá)結(jié)構(gòu)和句子進(jìn)行了對比研究。 致使移動構(gòu)式主要包含四個語義成分:致事、致使力、使事和移動路徑。因為致事和使事是貫穿整個致使移動事件的參與者,所以它們的性質(zhì)特征以及它們兩者之間的關(guān)系必須明確。基于認(rèn)知語言學(xué)的范疇理論,本文首先從廈門大學(xué)語料庫選取能夠表達(dá)致使移動義的典型句子——“把”字句為研究對象。根據(jù)致事和使事有無生命性特征這一語義因子,我們將符合致使移動義的漢語“把”字句分為四種類型。通過對漢語致使移動句四類句型的典型性和非典型性特征分析,我們歸納出其中具有生命性特征的致...
【文章頁數(shù)】:77 頁
0.1 Scope and Significance of the Research
0.2 Methodology, Data and Procedure of the Study
0.3 Layout of This Thesis
Chapter 1 Literature Review
1.1 Previous Studies on Chinese Causative Construction
1.2 Previous Studies on English Causative Construction
1.3 Contrastive Study between Chinese and English Causative Construction
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 Chinese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction
2.1 Theoretical Framework: Categorization
2.2 Classification of Chinese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction
2.2.1 Caused-Motion Ba-Construction with Both [+Animate] Causer and Causee
2.2.2 Caused-Motion Ba-Construction with [+Animate] Causer and [-Animate] Causee
2.2.3 Caused-Motion Ba-Construction with [-Animate] Causer and [+Animate] Causee
2.2.4 Caused-Motion Ba-Construction with Both [-Animate] Causer and Causee
2.3 Statistical Analysis
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Semantic Features Comparison between Chinese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction and Its English Realization
3.1 Similarities of the Four Basic Semantic Elements
3.1.1 Animate or Inanimate Causer and Causee
3.1.2 Causing Force Embodied in Verbs
3.1.3 Explicitness and Implicitness of Path
3.2 Differences of Causative Verbs and Path
3.2.1 The Semantic Features of Causative Verbs
3.2.2 The Semantic Features of Path
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Syntactic Features Comparison between Chiese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction and Its English Realization
4.1 Similar Features
4.1.1 Causer and Causee
4.1.2 Causing Force
4.1.3 Path
4.2 Different Features of Syntactic Elements
4.2.1 Absence and Replenishment of the Subject
4.2.2 Form and Function of Causative Verbs
4.2.3 Expression of Path between Chinese and English
4.2.4 The Overall Syntactic Differences between Chinese and English
4.3 Statistical Analysis of the Features and Summary
Chapter 5 Pragmatic Features Comparison between Cheinese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction and Its English Realization
5.1 Pragmatic Features Difference
5.1.1 Causative Mark
5.1.2 Component Default
5.1.3 Focal Point
5.1.4 Emotional Function
5.2 Summary
Informative Chinese Abstract
Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program
【文章頁數(shù)】:77 頁
0.1 Scope and Significance of the Research
0.2 Methodology, Data and Procedure of the Study
0.3 Layout of This Thesis
Chapter 1 Literature Review
1.1 Previous Studies on Chinese Causative Construction
1.2 Previous Studies on English Causative Construction
1.3 Contrastive Study between Chinese and English Causative Construction
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 Chinese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction
2.1 Theoretical Framework: Categorization
2.2 Classification of Chinese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction
2.2.1 Caused-Motion Ba-Construction with Both [+Animate] Causer and Causee
2.2.2 Caused-Motion Ba-Construction with [+Animate] Causer and [-Animate] Causee
2.2.3 Caused-Motion Ba-Construction with [-Animate] Causer and [+Animate] Causee
2.2.4 Caused-Motion Ba-Construction with Both [-Animate] Causer and Causee
2.3 Statistical Analysis
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Semantic Features Comparison between Chinese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction and Its English Realization
3.1 Similarities of the Four Basic Semantic Elements
3.1.1 Animate or Inanimate Causer and Causee
3.1.2 Causing Force Embodied in Verbs
3.1.3 Explicitness and Implicitness of Path
3.2 Differences of Causative Verbs and Path
3.2.1 The Semantic Features of Causative Verbs
3.2.2 The Semantic Features of Path
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Syntactic Features Comparison between Chiese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction and Its English Realization
4.1 Similar Features
4.1.1 Causer and Causee
4.1.2 Causing Force
4.1.3 Path
4.2 Different Features of Syntactic Elements
4.2.1 Absence and Replenishment of the Subject
4.2.2 Form and Function of Causative Verbs
4.2.3 Expression of Path between Chinese and English
4.2.4 The Overall Syntactic Differences between Chinese and English
4.3 Statistical Analysis of the Features and Summary
Chapter 5 Pragmatic Features Comparison between Cheinese Caused-Motion Ba-Construction and Its English Realization
5.1 Pragmatic Features Difference
5.1.1 Causative Mark
5.1.2 Component Default
5.1.3 Focal Point
5.1.4 Emotional Function
5.2 Summary
Informative Chinese Abstract
Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program