發(fā)布時間:2024-12-26 06:07
隱喻(metaphor)是用其他事物來描述某種事物的手段,是將某一領(lǐng)域的經(jīng)驗用來說明或理解另一領(lǐng)域經(jīng)驗的活動,是人類的基本認(rèn)知工具。隱喻研究的歷史可謂源遠(yuǎn)流長。在西方,最早對隱喻進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)研究的是Aristotle,他對隱喻性質(zhì)及功能的詮釋確立了其后兩千多年西方修辭學(xué)界隱喻研究的基本路線。20世紀(jì)以來,隱喻研究逐漸突破了單一的修辭格的分類與描寫,走上了多學(xué)科、多角度研究的發(fā)展道路。學(xué)術(shù)界圍繞著隱喻的研究已經(jīng)逐步深化,關(guān)于隱喻生成機(jī)制和動因的研究正形成一股熱流,許多學(xué)者開始對符號學(xué)視角下的隱喻做出了初步研究與探索。 從符號學(xué)角度看,隱喻是一種賦予事物以意義的符號行為。隱喻的符號學(xué)闡釋在于揭示隱喻性語言的符號意指過程,即對符號意義進(jìn)行揭示的過程。本研究目的在于,從符號學(xué)視角對隱喻產(chǎn)生的認(rèn)知機(jī)制做系統(tǒng)探討,歸納出隱喻產(chǎn)生和發(fā)展的動因,以期對隱喻做出更為深入的解釋。 本研究采用演繹與歸納相結(jié)合的方法。首先,基于符號學(xué)視角,從語言符號的雙面雙軸、象似形和層次性三方面展開討論,對隱喻的認(rèn)知機(jī)制加以考察,建構(gòu)解讀隱喻的新認(rèn)知模式。其次,探討隱喻生成和發(fā)展的語言符號、社會文化和思維認(rèn)知三方...
【文章頁數(shù)】:88 頁
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
List of Figures and Table
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Concept of Metaphor
2.1.1 Definitions of Metaphor
2.1.2 Nature of Metaphor
2.1.3 Classification of Metaphors
2.2 Previous Studies of Metaphor
2.2.1 Pervious Studies of Metaphor Abroad
2.2.2 Pervious Studies of Metaphor at Home
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Language and Sign
3.2 A Brief Introduction to Semiotics
3.2.1 Definitions of Semiotics
3.2.2 Domain of Semiotics
3.2.3 Development of Semiotics
3.3 Fundamentals of Semiotics
3.3.1 Saussure’s Semiotic Theory
3.3.2 Roland Barthes’Theory
3.3.3 C. S. Peirce’s Theory
Chapter 4 Semiotic Approach to Cognitive Mechanism of Metaphors
4.1 Possibilities of Interpreting Metaphors with Semiotics
4.2 Some Aspects of Understanding Mechanism of Metaphors
4.2.1 Dual Planes and Dual Axes
4.2.2 Iconicity
4.2.3 Hierarchy
4.3 Interpretation of Metaphors
4.3.1 Building a New Model to Interpret Metaphors
4.3.2 Applying the New Model to Interpret Metaphors
Chapter 5 Semiotic Approach to Motivations of Metaphors
5.1 Language Sign
5.2 Social Environment
5.2.1 Political and Economic Factors
5.2.2 Social Mentality
5.3 Cognitive Factors
5.3.1 Thinking Mode
5.3.2 Brain Structure
Chapter 6 Conclusion
【文章頁數(shù)】:88 頁
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
List of Figures and Table
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Concept of Metaphor
2.1.1 Definitions of Metaphor
2.1.2 Nature of Metaphor
2.1.3 Classification of Metaphors
2.2 Previous Studies of Metaphor
2.2.1 Pervious Studies of Metaphor Abroad
2.2.2 Pervious Studies of Metaphor at Home
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Language and Sign
3.2 A Brief Introduction to Semiotics
3.2.1 Definitions of Semiotics
3.2.2 Domain of Semiotics
3.2.3 Development of Semiotics
3.3 Fundamentals of Semiotics
3.3.1 Saussure’s Semiotic Theory
3.3.2 Roland Barthes’Theory
3.3.3 C. S. Peirce’s Theory
Chapter 4 Semiotic Approach to Cognitive Mechanism of Metaphors
4.1 Possibilities of Interpreting Metaphors with Semiotics
4.2 Some Aspects of Understanding Mechanism of Metaphors
4.2.1 Dual Planes and Dual Axes
4.2.2 Iconicity
4.2.3 Hierarchy
4.3 Interpretation of Metaphors
4.3.1 Building a New Model to Interpret Metaphors
4.3.2 Applying the New Model to Interpret Metaphors
Chapter 5 Semiotic Approach to Motivations of Metaphors
5.1 Language Sign
5.2 Social Environment
5.2.1 Political and Economic Factors
5.2.2 Social Mentality
5.3 Cognitive Factors
5.3.1 Thinking Mode
5.3.2 Brain Structure
Chapter 6 Conclusion