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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-10 12:33

  本文選題:文學夢 + 審美潛質 ; 參考:《華中師范大學》2004年博士論文

【摘要】:本文從梳理人類對日常夢的認識階段也即關于夢的觀念歷程入手,進而總結了日常夢的審美潛質,探討了從日常夢到文學夢的過渡方式即日常夢的符號化原則,進而概括了文學夢的表現(xiàn)特征、怪誕特征、真實特征,發(fā)掘了文學夢的文學價值。由此可以看出,文學夢是一種具有奇異表現(xiàn)形式和獨特表達功能的“有意味的形式”,具有作為相對獨立的審美對象的藝術品格。本文主要對文學夢進行審美分析。 本文第一章梳理了人類關于夢的四個認識階段。在蒙昧時期,人們尚不能將夢與日常生活區(qū)分開來,夢是與日常生活糾纏在一起的混沌的夢。在這種觀念的基礎上,受神靈觀的影響,人類發(fā)展出關于夢的神秘觀念,認為夢具有預兆的功能。但隨著人類認識和實踐能力的發(fā)展,人們逐漸認識到夢不過是人的正常的心理一精神活動,人們不僅對夢進行各種富有理性的解釋,而且在文學作品中也記錄和創(chuàng)造了大量的夢。近現(xiàn)代以來,人們對夢的認識達到前所未有的高度。人們用科學的眼光、科學的方法探索夢的奧秘,其中最有影響力的是精神分析學派的弗洛伊德和榮格。 第二章探討夢的審美潛質。夢把人的各種情感愿望、心理生理刺激乃至某些抽象的認識轉化為具體可感的意象及其活動在大腦中呈現(xiàn)出來,而且這種意象及其活動還往往伴隨著真實的感受和情感體驗。夢是夢象的不自覺的呈現(xiàn),夢象及其活動又常常違背現(xiàn)實的原則和物理的規(guī)律,表現(xiàn)出非邏輯性。在清醒的意識看來,夢既表現(xiàn)出自由性,也表現(xiàn)出怪誕性來。千百年來人們用各種方法闡釋夢意。中國古代的占夢、弗洛伊德的釋夢和榮格的釋夢是三種頗有影響的把握夢意的方式。中國古代的占夢方法主要有直解、轉釋(包括象征、連類、類比、破譯、解字、諧音等)、反說等三類八種方法。弗洛伊德認為眾多的夢象是兩性的象征。榮格主要從集體無意識和原型理論方面來闡釋夢的意義。原型常在夢中以各種變體出現(xiàn)。榮格還認為夢有一定的智慧,它常常是集體無意識對人發(fā)揮“指導”作用的表現(xiàn)。夢的意義的建構使夢成為有表現(xiàn)內容的形式。夢的意象化表現(xiàn)方式、非理性的自由形態(tài)、夢的意義的建構等因素構成夢境的審美潛質。 第三章歸納夢的符號化原則。人們對于夢的敘述總是出于一定的目的。這些目 馨蕊黑贏- 的主要出于現(xiàn)實與預測的需要、分析與宣泄的需要、表達與欣賞的需要等。由于日 常夢是非理性的,而任何對夢的敘述都是一種利用符號表達意義的過程,因而在敘 述中,敘述者就遵循著意義原則和邏輯原則;又因為日常夢是意象化的,敘述中, 在將這種夢境中的意象轉換成語碼時,就要遵循特征原則和強度原則。日常夢一旦 經(jīng)過敘述就被符號化,也就被定格下來。這為文學作品弓{進和創(chuàng)造夢提供了最基本 的藍本。 第四章總結文學夢的基本特征。文學夢具有理性、虛擬性、“神性”等基本特征。 文學夢是理性的,它是理性活動的結果,其意義要在語境(語境是理性創(chuàng)造的時空) 中生成,因此,敘述者的敘述就要干預夢境的建構。文學夢是一個虛擬的世界。這 種虛擬世界較之現(xiàn)實世界來說,具有更大的領域和更多的自由。文學夢與現(xiàn)實情節(jié) (內容)構成三種主要的關系:現(xiàn)實情節(jié)(內容)的真實性否定文學夢的真實性; 文學夢的真實性否定現(xiàn)實的真實性;文學夢與現(xiàn)實情節(jié)(內容)相互滲透。文學夢 常常具有“神性”的特征,這體現(xiàn)在夢境的神奇變幻與神話相似,夢與神話也常常 糾結在一起。我們可以說,,文學夢是一種以大膽虛擬的方式進行的自由自覺的超越。 第五章闡述文學夢的怪誕性。怪誕的內涵可以大約表述為,怪誕是以非理性為 其思維特征,以反常變異為其表現(xiàn)手法,以制造怪異.驚訝的審美效果為目的。文學 夢的怪誕形式主要有:變形與變性,無理與突變,時空變異等。怪誕的審美價值, 一是滿足創(chuàng)設真實夢境的需要,二是滿足夢境情節(jié)發(fā)展的需要,三是滿足人們追求 驚奇效果的需要。這些變異的怪誕的情境與事物,使夢境超越了現(xiàn)實,接近了“神 性”,具有了自由創(chuàng)造的特性。 第六章闡述文學夢真實性。首先,文學夢的真實性表現(xiàn)在敘述的真實上。這主 要有:文學夢與現(xiàn)實情節(jié)(內容)的界限相互滲透;文學夢的引發(fā)因素存在于現(xiàn)實 中;文學夢的敘述者用以假當真的態(tài)度和口吻進行敘述。其次,文學夢的真實性還 表現(xiàn)在文學夢的影響效果是確鑿真實的。這主要有:夢的預兆在生活中得到應驗; 夢的證據(jù)在現(xiàn)實中是確鑿的;夢者的情感體驗是真實的。第三,文學夢的真實性還 表現(xiàn)在文學夢細節(jié)的真實上。真實的細節(jié)(即日常的細節(jié))對夢的怪誕具有否定的 作用。因此,文學夢又往往成為怪誕與真實的統(tǒng)一體。 第七章概括文學夢的文學功能。基于上述各種特性,文學夢在敘述上就具有了 。11 篡蕊蒜器贏。 比較獨特的文學功能。這些功能可以分為表現(xiàn)與結構兩個方面。表現(xiàn)方面,文學夢 的功能主要有:展開心靈,表現(xiàn)深層情意;以此言彼,意義指向夢外;變幻視角, 創(chuàng)造陌生對象,等。結構方面,文學夢的功能主要有:未卜先知,推動情節(jié)發(fā)展; 虛實相滲,構建廣延時空;間隔情節(jié),形成敘述節(jié)奏,等。這兩個方面又往往是統(tǒng) 一的。 ·夢是意象性的、情感性的、想象性的,因而也是詩性的。夢還可能以抽象的符 號形
[Abstract]:This paper begins with the discussion of the cognition stage of the daily dream , that is , the conception course of the dream , then summarizes the aesthetic potential of the daily dream , discusses the symbolic principle of the daily dream from the daily dream to the literary dream , and then summarizes the literary value of the literary dream . It can be seen that the literary dream is a " meaningful form " with singular expression and unique expression function , and has the artistic character as a relatively independent aesthetic object . This article mainly analyzes the aesthetic appreciation of literary dream .

The first chapter combs the four cognitive stages of human ' s dream . In the period of ignorance , people can not distinguish the dream from the daily life , and dream is the dream of chaos with daily life . But with the development of human understanding and practical ability , people gradually realize that the dream has the premonitory function . But with the development of human understanding and practical ability , people have gradually realized that the dream has the premonitory function .

In the second chapter , we explore the aesthetic potential of the dream . The dream has translated into three kinds of eight methods , such as the desire of emotion , psychological stimulation and some abstract knowledge , and it is often accompanied by the realistic feeling and the emotion experience . The dream is the symbol of the dream .

Chapter Three induces the symbolic principle of the dream . It is always for some purpose for the description of the dream .

sweet heart black win -

It is mainly due to the needs of reality and forecast , the needs of analyzing and releasing , the need of expression and appreciation , etc .

A common dream is irrational , and any description of a dream is a process that makes use of the meaning of symbolic expression , so it is

In the description , the narrators follow the principles of meaning and logic , and because the daily dreams are imagery ,

When converting images in this dream into a language code , we must abide by the principles of characteristic and strength . Once a day ' s dream ,

It is symbolized by the description , and is set down . This provides the most basic for the bow of literary works and the creation of a dream .

The blue book .

Chapter four summarizes the basic features of literary dream . The literary dream has the basic characteristics of reason , virtual nature and " divine nature " .

The literary dream is rational , it is the result of rational activity , its meaning is to be in the context ( the context is rational creation time and space )

Therefore , the narrative of the narrative is about to interfere with the construction of dreams . The literary dream is a virtual world .

The virtual world has more fields and more freedom than the real world .

There are three main relationships : the reality plot ( content ) ' s authenticity negative the authenticity of the literary dream ;

The authenticity of literary dream negative reality ; literary dream and realistic plot ( content ) penetrate each other . literary dream

It is often characterized by " divine nature " , which is embodied in the magic of dreams and the similarities between mythology , dream and mythology often

We can say that the dream of literature is a free and self - conscious transcendent in a bold and virtual way .

The fifth chapter expounds the absurd nature of the literary dream .

Its characteristic of thinking , characterized by abnormal variation as its expression , in order to make strange . Surprisingly , the aesthetic effect is the purpose . Literature

The fantastic form of the dream mainly includes : deformation and degeneration , unreasonable and mutation , space - time variation , etc . , the absurd aesthetic value ,

The first is to meet the needs of the creation of true dreams , the second is to meet the needs of the development of the dreamland plot , and the third is to satisfy people ' s pursuit

What ' s the need for surprise . These weird situations and things make dreams go beyond the reality and get closer to God . Nature , has the characteristics of free creation .

Chapter 6 expounds the authenticity of the literary dream . First , the authenticity of the literary dream is represented in the truth of the narrative .

There are : the boundary between literary dream and realistic plot ( content ) ; the trigger factor of literary dream exists in reality

The narrative of a literary dream is used to account for a true attitude and a kiss . Secondly , the authenticity of the literary dream also

It is true that the effect of the literary dream is true . This is mainly that the premonitory of the dream is fulfilled in life ;

The evidence of a dream is true in reality ; the emotional experience of a dream is true . Third , the authenticity of the literary dream also

To be true in the details of a literary dream . True details ( i.e . , daily details ) have a negative effect on a dream .

Therefore , the literary dream often becomes the unity of the absurd and the true .

Chapter 7 summarizes the literary function of the literary dream . Based on the above - mentioned characteristics , the literary dream has been described in the narrative .

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win the garlic with a pistil .

Compared with the unique literary function , these functions can be divided into two aspects : representation and structure .

The main function is to expand the mind and express deep feelings ; in this way , the meaning points to the dream outside ; the changing angle of view ,

To create strange objects , etc . In terms of structure , the function of the literary dream mainly includes : the prophet , the promotion of the plot development ;

Deficiency and solid phase infiltration , construction of wide - delay space , interval plot , formation of narrative rhythm , etc . These two aspects are often orthodox

One .

A dream is imagery , emotional , sexually , and therefore poetic . A dream may also be abstract .

No .



相關期刊論文 前2條

1 龍麗偉;;《簡·愛》中夢境的真實性特征和文學價值[J];長城;2010年02期

2 孫惠欣;;虛實相滲,構建廣延時空——以朝鮮朝夢游錄小說為中心[J];東疆學刊;2011年03期

相關碩士學位論文 前10條

1 王洋;韓少功小說的夢敘事[D];河北師范大學;2011年

2 劉金芳;夢境與現(xiàn)實[D];河北師范大學;2011年

3 劉麗姣;蘇軾涉夢詩詞研究[D];湖南科技大學;2011年

4 童尚蘭;中國古典文學中蝴蝶意象的文化意蘊[D];華東交通大學;2011年

5 陳艷華;中國古代涉夢小說敘事研究[D];浙江工業(yè)大學;2012年

6 高帆;唐宋夢詞探析[D];南昌大學;2007年

7 蘭玲;論元雜劇夢境描寫的文學及文化意義[D];山東大學;2007年

8 莊清華;論古典戲曲中的夢境描寫[D];廈門大學;2007年

9 張雪芹;《金瓶梅》夢幻描寫研究[D];內蒙古大學;2010年

10 侯夏娜;唐宋詞夢意象的情境模式研究[D];華南理工大學;2010年




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