論新時期以來戲劇中的瘋癲形象(文學).pdf 免費在線閱讀前50頁
網(wǎng)友靜雨藍夢近日為您收集整理了關(guān)于論新時期以來戲劇中的瘋癲形象(文學)的文檔,希望對您的工作和學習有所幫助。以下是文檔介紹:學校代碼: 11658 學號: 200905010608分類號: I206.7 密級: 無碩士學位論文論新時期以來戲劇中的瘋癲形象作者姓名楊春梅學科專業(yè)中國現(xiàn)當代文學研究方向中國當代文學指導教師張琦申請學位類別文學碩士提交日期二○一三年三月A study on the madness imagesIn The New era dramaA Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of MasterCandidate:Yang ChunmeiSupervisor:ZhangqiHainan Normal UniversityHaikou, ChinaI摘要新時期以來中國的政治、經(jīng)濟、文化發(fā)生了重大變化,中國社會正在向著現(xiàn)代社會全面轉(zhuǎn)型。與此同時,新時期以來戲劇中的瘋癲形象頻繁出現(xiàn),如八十年代著名的話劇《天才與瘋子》中的任渺及《狗兒爺涅槃》的狗兒爺,還有《桑樹坪紀事》中的青女到了九十年代有過士行的《鳥人》中的三爺,《一個無政府主義者的意外死亡》中的瘋子,《戀愛的犀!分械鸟R路,《壞話一條街》中的神秘人等等,這些瘋癲形象,作為新時期以來戲劇中一種特別的人物形象,為什么會如此頻繁地出現(xiàn)?期間有沒有隨著社會文化的轉(zhuǎn)型而發(fā)生轉(zhuǎn)變?這是本文將要探討的問題。在本文中將對新時期以來戲劇文本中的瘋癲形象進行歸納、分類。結(jié)合時代的變遷、社會文化價值的取向等方面探討新時期以來戲劇中瘋癲形象的演變,在此過程中,同時也解釋了瘋癲形象為何會發(fā)生轉(zhuǎn)變的緣由。最后從瘋癲形象的批判精神的傳承與審美意蘊的拓展這兩個方面,探討新時期以來瘋癲形象的文學史意義。期望能呈現(xiàn)出新時期以來的戲劇中瘋癲形象的整體、全面的風貌和特色。總之,新時期以來戲劇中的瘋癲形象,隨著社會轉(zhuǎn)變,社會文化價值的取向的變化而發(fā)生變化,首先,瘋癲形象具有的啟蒙精神全面削減,劇作家通過瘋癲形象的喜劇精神、荒誕色彩的塑造,使瘋癲形象具有戲謔化的特征,以此達到既批判社會又迎合了觀眾的趣味。在探討新時期以來戲劇中瘋癲形象的文學史意義的過程中,我們又會發(fā)現(xiàn),新時期以來戲劇瘋癲形象的批判精神有著歷史的淵源。新時期以來戲劇中的瘋癲形象,其關(guān)于人物形象的混雜、立體的彰顯;身份主題書寫的層出不窮;表現(xiàn)手法與戲劇結(jié)構(gòu)的創(chuàng)新;人物語言的反諷,在一定程度上拓展了瘋癲形象的審美意蘊。關(guān)鍵詞:瘋癲形象;身份;啟蒙;演變;意義IIIIIAbstractsince the new era,China's political, economic cultural, has undergone major changes,Chinese society is moving towards modern society. At the same time, the madness image inthe new era drama frequently appeared, for example, In 1980s,the RenMiao in the drama"genius and madman",the Gouerye in the drama “Gouerye's Nirvana” and The Qingnv in thedrama “Sangshuping Chronicle” and so on. In 1990s,the Sanye in the GuoShihang’drama“bird man”,the madman in the drama“Accidental Death of an Anarchist”,the MaLu in thedrama “The Rhino in love” and the Mystery man in the drama “The Cuss”,etc. All thesemadness images was a special characters in the new period drama,why they are so frequentlyappeared? whether they have a change follow the transformation of the social and thecultural? This paper will explore the problem.In this paper,we will be summarized and classified the image of madness in the scriptof the new era. we are investigate the shift of the image of madness in the new period dramawhich bined with the Changing times,the social cultural value orientation. In thisprocess,we also explained the reason why madness image shift. Finally,the significance of themadness image of literary history were explored that from the two aspects of the madnessimage that is the critical spirit and the aesthetic implications since the new era.we hope todescribe a prehensive style and features about the madness image in the new eradrama.In short,the madness image in the new period drama,which were changed with thesocial and the social cultural values orientation tranformation. First of all,the spirit ofenlightenment possessed by the madness image has widely descreased. The dramatist hascreated edy spirit and the absurd color of the madness image,make the madnessimage with banter characteristics,in order to critical social and caters to the audience tastes.In the process to explore the significance of the madness image
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