發(fā)布時間:2025-01-18 16:44
幾十年來,國內(nèi)外專家學(xué)者對厄內(nèi)斯特·海明威這位享譽世界的作家進行了諸多研究。隨著當(dāng)今環(huán)境危機的日益加劇和女權(quán)運動第三次浪潮的到來,由此影響而誕生的生態(tài)女性主義批評為海明威研究提供了新的批評方法。 生態(tài)女性主義其理論是“生態(tài)的”,也是“女性的”,不少學(xué)者曾分別就“女性意識”和“自然情結(jié)”對海明威及其作品進行過探討;但生態(tài)女性主義又不僅僅是二者的簡單疊加,它除了關(guān)注人與自然、男人與女人之間的關(guān)系,更加注重的是對男人支配下的自然與女人內(nèi)在關(guān)系的探尋以及對西方父權(quán)制社會的批判。然而,對海明威作品尤其是《尼克·亞當(dāng)斯故事集》中所體現(xiàn)的生態(tài)女性意識的關(guān)注和探討依然不足。 因此,本文旨在探索海明威在其《尼克·亞當(dāng)斯故事集》中表現(xiàn)的生態(tài)女性意識。通過文本分析可以看出,海明威決不是個狂妄自大的男性至上主義者,也不是個狂熱的自然冒險家,相反,他對自然、男人、女人三者的關(guān)系有著深刻的思考。他認為人與自然、男人女人之間應(yīng)該是一種相互關(guān)愛,相互依存的和諧關(guān)系,女性與自然之間同樣存在著緊密的聯(lián)系,這種人類-自然的關(guān)系和男性-女性的關(guān)系存在著某種相似性。他甚至跳出了性別、文化的桎梏,批判了男權(quán)中心意識...
【文章頁數(shù)】:74 頁
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two A Brief Introduction to Ecofeminism
2.1 Ecofeminism in Process
2.2 Ecofeminist Thoughts and Views
2.3 Significant Ecofeminists and Their Works
Chapter Three The Origins of Hemingway's Ecofeminist Consciousness
3.1 Familial Influence on Hemingway
3.2 Hemingway's Life Experiences in Nature
3.2.1 Hemingway's Personal Experiences in Nature
3.2.2 Hemingway's Reading Experience
3.2.3 Influences of Winslow Homer and Paul Cezanne
3.3 Hemingway's Personal Engagement in Women
3.3.1 Hemingway and Gerbude Skein
3.3.2 Hemingway and His Wives
Chapter Four Hemingway's Ecofeminist Consciousness in The Nick Adams Stories
4.1 Hemingway's Ecological Worldview
4.1.1 Hemingway's Love and Appreciation of Nature
4.1.2 Hemingway's Care about the Destroyed Nature
4.1.3 Hemingway's Interaction with and Respect for Nature
4.2 Hemingway's Feminist Sensibility
4.2.1 Concern and Sympathy - Hemingway's Condemnation on Men's Domination of Women
4.2.2 Reverence and Infatuation-Hemingway's Indication of Men without Female Characters
4.3 Hemingway's Ecofeminist Consciousness
4.3.1 Hemingway's Female Characters'Identification with Nature
4.3.2 Hemingway's Voice of Constructing a Harmonious World
Chapter Five Conclusion
【文章頁數(shù)】:74 頁
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two A Brief Introduction to Ecofeminism
2.1 Ecofeminism in Process
2.2 Ecofeminist Thoughts and Views
2.3 Significant Ecofeminists and Their Works
Chapter Three The Origins of Hemingway's Ecofeminist Consciousness
3.1 Familial Influence on Hemingway
3.2 Hemingway's Life Experiences in Nature
3.2.1 Hemingway's Personal Experiences in Nature
3.2.2 Hemingway's Reading Experience
3.2.3 Influences of Winslow Homer and Paul Cezanne
3.3 Hemingway's Personal Engagement in Women
3.3.1 Hemingway and Gerbude Skein
3.3.2 Hemingway and His Wives
Chapter Four Hemingway's Ecofeminist Consciousness in The Nick Adams Stories
4.1 Hemingway's Ecological Worldview
4.1.1 Hemingway's Love and Appreciation of Nature
4.1.2 Hemingway's Care about the Destroyed Nature
4.1.3 Hemingway's Interaction with and Respect for Nature
4.2 Hemingway's Feminist Sensibility
4.2.1 Concern and Sympathy - Hemingway's Condemnation on Men's Domination of Women
4.2.2 Reverence and Infatuation-Hemingway's Indication of Men without Female Characters
4.3 Hemingway's Ecofeminist Consciousness
4.3.1 Hemingway's Female Characters'Identification with Nature
4.3.2 Hemingway's Voice of Constructing a Harmonious World
Chapter Five Conclusion