發(fā)布時間:2024-06-14 06:01
惠特曼是美國文學(xué)史上最偉大的詩人之一,他的詩作汪洋恣肆,大氣磅礴,充滿了對祖國的熱愛。作為詩人、哲學(xué)家、評論家的惠特曼享有美國民族詩人之稱。 惠特曼在中國的介紹和研究,主要集中在以下幾個方面:1、重在關(guān)注惠特曼作為自由、民主的號召者詩人身份;2、用女性主義去解讀他的詩;3、從性和生殖的角度去解讀惠特曼的詩集;4、從詩人的文藝思想去解讀他的詩集;5、從詩人的人生觀、價值觀去解讀《草葉集》。而很少有人從意象角度去解讀他的詩歌!恫萑~集》作為美國十九世紀抒情史詩,包羅萬象、十分龐雜。詩歌除了對自由、民主的謳歌、對性、女性的描寫外,詩人還借助意象在詩歌里的作用體現(xiàn)詩人的哲學(xué)思想。詩歌中的意象是詩人心意與物意的契合,也正是詩人的哲學(xué)思想在《草葉集》中的折射點。筆者通過對美國詩人惠特曼詩作的解讀,證明惠特曼的哲學(xué)思想在其詩作中的體現(xiàn)。 在這篇論文中,筆者試圖以惠特曼《草葉集》中的三個意象“草”,“我”、“死亡”為主要研究對象,以原型批評理論為基礎(chǔ),進行細致的文本分析,再結(jié)合具體的詩節(jié)來挖掘惠特曼的哲學(xué)思想。 論文總共五章:第一章簡要介紹惠特曼生平及綜述有關(guān)惠特曼的國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀、論點、本文的研究方...
【文章頁數(shù)】:69 頁
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Literature Review
1.2 Assumptions
1.3 Methodologies
1.4 Contributions
Chapter Two The Source of Walt Whitman's Philosophical Thought and His "Spatial Form" in Pictures
2.1 Walt Whitman and the Source of His Philosophical Thought
2.2 The Background of the Creation of Leaves of Grass
2.2.1 Political Background
2.2.2 Cultural Background
2.3 Walt Whitman's "Spatial Form"
2.3.1 The Definition of Symbol and Imagery
The Interpretation of "Spatial Form" in Pictures'> 2.3.2 The Embryo of Whitman's Awareness of Universe___The Interpretation of "Spatial Form" in Pictures
Chapter Three Whitman's Outlook on Universe
3.1 The Analysis of Song of Myself
3.2 The Role of "Fancy" in Crossing Brooklyn Ferry and Passage to India
Chapter Four Whitman's Philosophical thinking Reflected in the Main Images in Leaves of Grass
4.1 The Interpretation of "Grass"
4.2 The Interpretation of "I"
4.3 The Interpretation of "Death"
4.3.1 Whitman's Viewpoint of Life and Death
4.3.2 The Meaning of "Death" in The Sleepers
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Limitations
5.3 Problems to Be Further Researched
【文章頁數(shù)】:69 頁
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Literature Review
1.2 Assumptions
1.3 Methodologies
1.4 Contributions
Chapter Two The Source of Walt Whitman's Philosophical Thought and His "Spatial Form" in Pictures
2.1 Walt Whitman and the Source of His Philosophical Thought
2.2 The Background of the Creation of Leaves of Grass
2.2.1 Political Background
2.2.2 Cultural Background
2.3 Walt Whitman's "Spatial Form"
2.3.1 The Definition of Symbol and Imagery
The Interpretation of "Spatial Form" in Pictures'> 2.3.2 The Embryo of Whitman's Awareness of Universe___The Interpretation of "Spatial Form" in Pictures
Chapter Three Whitman's Outlook on Universe
3.1 The Analysis of Song of Myself
3.2 The Role of "Fancy" in Crossing Brooklyn Ferry and Passage to India
Chapter Four Whitman's Philosophical thinking Reflected in the Main Images in Leaves of Grass
4.1 The Interpretation of "Grass"
4.2 The Interpretation of "I"
4.3 The Interpretation of "Death"
4.3.1 Whitman's Viewpoint of Life and Death
4.3.2 The Meaning of "Death" in The Sleepers
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Limitations
5.3 Problems to Be Further Researched