中英文工作推薦信模板 dear sir: it i is my pleasu r re to recomm e end mr. crai g g for his ap p plication to work in you r r school. mr . . craig has b been an engl i ish teacher i in my school since sept e ember XX. hi s s major resp o onsibilities include inf o ormation col l lecting, ana l lyzing, teac h hing and tra n nslating. he is an enthu s siastic and p progressive y young man wi t th extremely high potent i iality. he o f ften partici p pated in ext r racurricular activities c contributing a great dea l l to school. mr. craig i s s not only q u uick at lear n ning and goo d d at solving difficult t e eaching prob l lems, but al s so with a lo g gical mind t h hat enables h him to effec t tively analy z ze difficult i ies. all the work handed to him was c completed sa t tisfactorily . . actually, h he is so rel i iable that i assign him w with heavy r e esponsibilit i ies. with hi s s help, i ha v ve been able to spend mo r re time in s student’s ex c cellent engl i ish speaking ability. i r really consi d der myself v e ery fortunat e e to have su c ch a capable teacher. i a am certain h i is diligence , , coupled wi t th a good co m mpetence and pleasant pe r rsonality, w i ill assure h i im of big ac h hievements f o or your scho o ol. i strong l ly recommend this promis i ing young ma n n without an y y reservatio n n and your f a avorable con s sideration a n nd assistanc e e to him wil l l be very mu c ch appreciat e ed. sincerel y y yours andy XX 年 10 月 29 日 您 好 好: 我很榮幸推薦 mr. craig 到貴校工作。 m mr. craig 自 XX 年年 9 月起在我校擔(dān)任英語教 師 師工作。他很有責(zé)任心,教 學(xué) 學(xué)非常認(rèn)真,是一個(gè)極富潛 質(zhì) 質(zhì)并且熱情上進(jìn)的年輕人。 他 他經(jīng)常參加課堂以外的教學(xué) 活 活動(dòng)并且對(duì)學(xué)校做出了很多 貢 貢獻(xiàn)。mr. craig 不 不僅能迅速情況,擅于解決 教 教學(xué),而且他的邏輯思維使 得 得他能夠有效地分析。他所 擔(dān) 擔(dān)任的所有工作都能完成得 令 令人非常。事實(shí)上他是非常 得 得值得信賴,,所以我經(jīng)常賦 予 予他重任。在他的幫助下, 我 我才能夠花更多的時(shí)間來學(xué) 生 生們優(yōu)秀的英語口語能力。 我 我因有一個(gè)如此有能力的老 師 師而感到萬分幸運(yùn)。 我他 的 的勤奮,以及能力和個(gè)人魅 力 力回給你們學(xué)校做出貢獻(xiàn)。 我 我毫無地向你們推薦這位很 有 有潛質(zhì)的年輕老師。希你們 可可以充分考慮及接受他的申 請(qǐng) 請(qǐng),我將不勝感激。 an d dy XX 年 10 月 29 日 更 多 推 薦 信 范 文 請(qǐng) 訪 問 : http :///qiu z zhijiuzhi/ji a anliziliao/t u uijianxin/