留學(xué)生作業(yè):Steve Jobs Succession Plan
1. Introduction to the Topic:
Undoubtedly, Steve Jobs may be regarded as one of the greatest leader of the current century who has dominated the business leadership and has given a new touch to the way organizations were managed. Steve Jobs, was not only the individual behind the unbelievable innovation of iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iPad and MacBook, he may be regarded as one of the most inspired leader who was blessed with all that is required for sound leadership in a complex business environment (Goldman, 2011). The stock of Jobs in not only evident from the remarkable innovation that he inspired during his lifetime, but also evident from Apple's stock prices that experienced around 2300 % increase after the launch of the Apple iPhone in just four years (Kingsley-Hughes, 2010). Unfortunately, Jobs poor health problems led towards his sad premise and the corporate world loss one of the most inspiring leader of its time.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Topic: 3
2. Steve Jobs' Leadership Succession Plan: 4
3. Conclusion: 9
4. Works Cited 11