1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Along with the development of SMEs, SMEs are playing an important role in the process of development of China, which become a significant part in propelling economic and social development. So far, there are over 10 million SMEs in china, creating 60% of economic output and 50% of tax revenue, and offering more than 80% employment opportunities in china. Moreover, SMEs represent an indispensable force in achieving the technological innovation and adjusting industrial structure in China. Statistically, most of SMEs are private companies in china.
HR is an important foundation of enterprises to keep sustainable competitive edge, while the system is an assurance to strengthen core competitive advantage of enterprises based on HRM. However, in the development process of private SMEs, they tend to ignore the construction and amending of HRM system. Reasonable and scientific HRM can reduce personnel costs, improve the efficiency of HR optimization and configuration, enhance order, clarify the boundary of responsibilities and reduce disputes between responsibilities and rights. Under the circumstance of intense talents competition, how to win over scarce talents with limited enterprise resources, meanwhile optimizing the allocation of HR to achieve the goal of utility maximization, both of the design and innovation of HR system are the key points. For private SMEs, generally speaking, the owner also plays the role of director, which means the enterprise owner can control the whole process of production and management directly, which result in the lack of clearly defined responsibilities and standardized management system. The study of the management of SMEs is mainly aimed at their inherent characteristics, making full use of about management advantage especially HRM, such as exploiting the flexibility, activating its innovation function, so as to win the opportunity for growth.
1.2 Significance of the Research
1.2.1 Theoretical Significance
Firstly, HR capital has become the foundation and source of financial growth and economic progress, which determine the core competitiveness of enterprises. HRM is an important part of enterprise operation, and with the development of economy, studies on HRM are constantly updated so as to adapt to the new situation of the enterprise management. how to carry out a scientific HRM research based on the real practice of SMEs is still a challenging project. From this point of view, this thesis has its theoretical significance.
Secondly, throughout the research history of HRM system, most of the studies are developed from the angle of the SMEs. In some sense, the development of HRM theory is tightly connected with the big company. While the relevant research on private SMEs is fairly less, This thesis has expanded the research area of HRM research and therefore it is theoretically important.
1.2.2 Practical Significance
Firstly, the improvement in HRM can better adapt to the fierce market competition for private SMEs. Company competition is talent competition. Due to limited resources, lack of funds, short of talent and lack of fame, private SMEs are especially required to consider how to make full use of the limited resources, so that to arouse the enthusiasm of staff’s creativity and subjective initiative, and to convert HR into funds, brand and markets resources etc. it is to ensure the survival and development of private SMEs in fierce competition.
Secondly, The aim of this thesis is to probe the problems and find solutions of HRM systems in ICS firm. The author mainly analyzes the current situation of HRM systems in ICS. It is concluded that to establish a HRM system. This article will tell you how to establish a fitting HRM system for private SMEs and how to fully implement it. This article intends to establish and implement a brand-new HRM system on the basis of analysis and combination of the existing HRM system and ICS’ actual situation. The finding and solution for ICS is of great value, not only to ICS, but also to the similar companies in china, this report is a typical representation of this industry, hoping it can be used as a reference of the construction of HRM system for private SMEs.
2 Literature Review
2.1 HRM Relevant Concepts
2.1.1 Human resource
HR is a general designation of the mental and manual labor, which is able to promote the overall economic and social development, to create material wealth and spiritual wealth. Corporation’s HR is a general designation of the personnel who are equipped with comparatively stronger strategic skills, management ability, research ability, creation ability or specialized technical capabilities.
2.1.2 Human Resource Management
HRM refers to effective development and rational allocation of HR, making full use of scientific management system and the laws and decrees. It is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems. HRM behavior is a series of activities that enterprise use modern management methods to conduct, organize, direct, control and coordinate a planning of staff selection, staff education, keep staff, staff appointment etc., and ultimately achieving the enterprise’s developing goals. The relevant concept is as follow:
1) HR Planning: it is the formal process of linking business strategy with HR practices. It determined the quality and quantity of job responsibilities and staff positions, predict the number and quality of new joined and resigned employees. Before making HR planning we need to assess the current situation and development trend of corporate’s HR, and to collect and analyze the supply and demand information of HR so that to forecast supply and demand trends of HR. The real challenge of HR planning is to integrate business strategy and HR practices. HR planning is an integral part of a business planning process. It is engaged in accomplish business strategy.
2) Work analysis: it refers to job analysis, it is a process wherein jobs are subdivided into elements through the application of a formalized, systematic procedure for data collection. The purpose is to ensure the best match of employees and works. We need to inspect and analyze every job position of enterprise, so that to determine their responsibilities, tasks, working conditions, working staff qualification requirements and rights and so on, including the job description and requirements.
2.2 HRM Theories
2.2.1 The Principles of Scientific Management-------Taylor
As a classical management theory representative, Taylor believes the fundamental purpose of scientific management is to seek the highest labor productivity, the highest efficiency is the basis for employers and employees to achieve common prosperity. An important way to achieve the highest efficiency is to use scientific, standardized management methods instead of experience management. Generally the best management modelcan be defined as: In this management system, the workers exert the greatest degree of enthusiasm. in return, they seek for special incentives from their employers. This management model will be called for "enthusiasm plus incentives" management, also known as task management. Taylor's scientific management theory raise awareness of management is a science which is built upon the clear regulatory, legal provision and principles, it is suitable for a variety of human activities, from the most simple personal behavior to well organized and scheduled large business activities.
At all, the best management is a true science, resting upon clearly defined laws, rules, and principles, as a foundation. And further to show that the fundamental principles of scientific management are applicable to all kinds of human activities, from our simplest individual acts to the work of our great corporations, which call for the most elaborate cooperation. And briefly, through a series of illustrations, to convince that whenever these principles are correctly applied, results must follow which are truly astounding.
2.2.2 Interpersonal Relationship Theory----Mayo
As an important part of modern management theory, interpersonal theory mainly including as following:
Firstly, it denied the hypothesis classical management theory provided to human, it put forward a theory that workers are "social men" rather than "economic man." Workers are not passive and isolated individuals; their behavior is not simply motivated by the pursuit of money.
Secondly, there is an informal factor existed in enterprise. In addition to the formal organizations that clearly defined interact relationship and responsibilities of members to achieve business goals, also there are informal organizations. Formal organization takes efficiency as its conducting code, it ignores the emotional factors of workers, Therefore, it easily leads to some conflicts, which might affect enterprise’s productivity and goals achievement. The significance is to protect the common interests of members in informal organization values
3 Case Description .............. 24
3.1 Company Profile ................. 24
3.1.1Company Introduction .................. 24
3.1.2 Company Structure ...................... 26
3.1.3 The Main Products ............................. 27
4 Case Analysis ........................... 35
4.1 The Drawbacks of Family Management Model .... 35
4.1.1 Ownership and Management Rights no Separated ............ 36
4.1.2 Decision Making Mechanism Single ............... 37
4.1.3 Paternalism ............................ 38
5 Recommendations ..................... 48
5.1 Establishing HRM Objectives and Plan ......... 48
5.2 Healthy Recruitment System .................. 49
5.3 Perfect Job analysis& Defined Responsibility Clear ............. 50
5 Recommendations
5.1 Establishing HRM Objectives and Plan
According to the analysis of ICS development history and the present status, human resource is planned year by year, Because of large changes of private SMEs of each year, It make the human resources plan difficult for next year. it is suitable for the simple and effective plan rather than long-term plan.
Strategic HR planning predicts the future HRM needs of the organization after analyzing the organization's current human resources, the external HR market and the future HR environment that the organization will be operating in. The analysis of HRM issues external to the organization and developing scenarios about the future are what distinguishes strategic planning from operational planning. The basic questions to be answered for strategic planning are: The overall purpose of strategic HR planning is to:
1) Ensure adequate human resources to meet the strategic goals and operational plans of your organization, the right people with the right skills at the right time
2) Keep up with social, economic, legislative and technological trends that impact on human resources in your area and in the sector.
3) Remain flexible so that your organization can manage change if the future is different than anticipated
6 Conclusion and Prospects
6.1 Conclusion
The reform and opening up of China has stimulated rapid development of SMEs, however after the barbaric growth era, with technology development and changeable market environment, barbaric growth is no longer suitable for SMEs’ survive and healthy development. From material resources competition to talents competition, the one who is equipped with talents is the one who owns competitiveness. Therefore, a sound and reasonable human resources management system is essential if enterprises want to attract and retain qualified personnel.
This thesis mainly focuses on the developing private SMEs, elaborating and analyzing the current situation and problems of SMEs’ human resource management status. Combined with ICS’s human resources management problems, based on peer’s advanced practical experience and ICS’s actual situation, adopting MBA management theory and methods, it provides a thorough analysis and research of ICS’s human resources management system. On the basis of three steps: raise questions, analyze problems, and propose solutions, from what has been discussed above,, we may safely draw a conclusion as follows:
1) To establish human resource planning to solve the problem of no schedule, temporary recruitment and hasty choice.
2) To establish recruitment selection system,aiming to select employees who shares with corporate culture, management style, and enterprise values.
3) To accomplish working analysis and put it into practice. To establish job responsibilities, so that to ensure that works can be assigned to each position properly and reasonably, every task has a specially-assigned person, every employee has work routine.
4) To improve the incentive mechanism, combined with job responsibilities, to make a fair differential salary system. Meanwhile, setting performance appraisal commission for each position to encourage diligent employees. In order to exploit employees’ potential and their subjective initiative, the company should set special incentives for who undertake duties beyond of work and dedicated to company.