Chapter One Introduction
In this chapter, the author introduces three main parts of the study on the application of the four-step teaching in rural senior high schools: background, purpose and structure of the study. Because of the far location of rural middle schools, there are many limitations to schools’ development, especially in English. Besides, according to the reform of English teaching and the New Curriculum Standards in Senior High School, it is necessary for teachers to motivate students’ learning interest and try to change their study behavior from passive to active as well as increase their academic records at schools. The paper’s study on the application of the teaching approach aims at transforming the traditional model of English education in rural areas. To explain the items in detail above, the article covers five chapters: Introduction, Literature Review, Present Situation of English Teaching in Rural Senior High Schools, Research Methodology, and Findings and Discussion.
1.1 Background of the Study
Nowadays, the information revolution is sweeping the whole world. As soon as the coming of the modern time, the society has an urgent demand for talented persons with innovation and practical ability. At the same time, there are higher and higher requirements for English in most aspects in China because of the fast-growing economy. English has certainly been more and more important as a global language. However, rural middle schools locate far away from cities, which leads a lot of limitations to the schools’ development in many ways, especially English. English teaching lags so behind that there exist a large number of underachievers in these high schools, which has brought various problems in English teaching of the countryside middle schools. What are their common features in rural high schools? Firstly, these students have much difficulty in learning English so that they are not able to keep up with the process of teachers’ teaching and requirements of curriculum. Secondly, as a result of their different learning attitudes and abilities, their academic records are greatly different. Besides, it is a common phenomenon that many parents in the countryside leave their hometowns for surviving. In this way, the teenagers lack self-control without parents’ piloting, education and supervision. They can hardly preview and review lessons positively. Passive learning is their major behavior of learning. Last but not the least, they gradually lose their interest in learning English through a long time boring study process. With time passing by, their confidence in English disappears too. Hence, it’s key important for teachers to motivate these kinds of students’ English learning interest and try to change their study behavior from passive learning to active learning. English teachers also need to help them improve the abilities of independent learning and increase their academic records at school. All of the above factors can overwhelmingly promote English teaching in rural high schools.
1.2 Purpose of the Study
Nowadays, the speed of knowledge updating is becoming increasingly fast in the modern society. It is demanded that students not only need to seek for knowledge and skills, but, also the capacity of life-long learning is needed. With the constant depth of the new curriculum revolution, it is worth seriously thinking the problem that how English teachers in rural senior high schools can make the class teaching and learning more effective to comply with the requirements of the new times under the guidance of new curriculum standards. In line with the High schools’ Curriculum Standards newly established, the main purpose of the curriculum reform in senior high schools is to establish a completely new ideal of English education. The design and implementation of English curriculum in senior high schools can help to optimize students learning methods. In this way, students will give full play to their learning potential, form effective learning strategies as well as improve independent learning capacities by some proactive learning methods such as observation, experience and inquiry. Thus, it can be seen that the task of English education in senior high schools is to direct students to develop certain learning methods and train their learning skills as well by valid activities both in class and out, besides teaching students knowledge in the text books only. It is necessary for English teachers to help students make use of appropriate learning strategies to develop learning activities, which is beneficial to cultivate students’ language learning abilities gradually. Meanwhile, the core theory of Integrity of Teaching, Learning and Practice from Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator and thinker in China, means that teaching, learning and practice is one job to finish, not three individuals. As a consequence, the author of this thesis makes attempts to improve the efficiency of English classes in senior high schools by applying the four-step teaching approach to English teaching and learning.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 The Concept of the Four-step Teaching
The four-step teaching approach is a typical inquiry for the teaching reform. It regards the ability of independent learning as the basic ability of any other abilities and the ability lasts the whole process of teaching. There are four basic links in the teaching process of the four-step approach’s application: independent inquiry, cooperative inquiry, training and test, and inquiry of expanding. The characteristics of the teaching method are listed as follows: (1) Self-study ability is the basic part. (2) All the students lie in the subject position. (3) It’s a heuristic and open model of teaching. (4) All teachers are the guides to lead students to learn how to learn. (5) It is simple and practicable for teachers to arrange a lesson. With the further deepening of education, teaching concept and content of courses are changing rapidly. Now, the reform of English education in senior high has been on the agenda. It has become a hot issue recently since the new curriculum standard came into effect. There appear various new teaching methods, experiences and ideas, among which the four-step teaching approach is a typical inquiry for the teaching reform. The four-step teaching approach concept considers the ability of independent learning as the basic ability of logical thinking, calculation, space imagination and problem analyzing and solving and so on, space imagination which runs through the entire teaching procedures.
2.2 The Characteristics of the Four-step Teaching
In the four-step teaching approach, self-study ability is considered as the basic and main part of any other ones. There exists the essence of ability improvement. It emphasizes the importance of constructing knowledge positively and actively from kids’ internal cognitive and combination of concepts. Teachers guide students to think as much as possible actively in English learning for the purpose of changing students’ learning style from receiving knowledge to how to gain knowledge, which can make great contribution to students’ lifelong development. This kind of method can effectively change the injection and “jug-and -mug” mainly on teaching. Students of different English levels will benefit from it and develop their abilities of independent learning and good habits of study in English. The quality of teaching is surely improved a lot widespread, which fully reflects the requirements of the spirit of curriculum reform and quality education.
Chapter Three Present Situation of English Teaching in Rural Senior High Schools .... 25
3.1 Problems of English Teaching in Rural Senior High Schools .... 25
3.2 Factors for the Problems of English Teaching in Rural Senior High Schools ...... 28
Chapter Four Research Methodology ..... 32
4.1 Research Questions ..... 32
4.2 Research Subjects ........ 33
4.3 Research Instruments ........... 35
4.4 Research Procedures ............ 37
4.5 Data Collection and Analysis ........ 38
Chapter Five Findings and Discussion ............ 40
5.1 Findings ..... 40
5.2 Discussion .......... 48
Chapter Five Findings and Discussion
In this chapter, the author demonstrates the research findings through statistics, charts, data analysis. The findings are explained in detail in four aspects: questionnaire survey, observation, test method and interview.
5.1 Findings
The following content is mainly about the analysis on the basis of the research findings, including findings of questionnaire survey, observation, test method and interview. A questionnaire has been designed carefully for students to complete. They need to finish the same questionnaire for twice in the beginning and the end of the research. It contains 13 multiple-choice questions and 2 open questions. The respondents are students in the senior high school and the number of them is 61. There are 15 questions in total in the survey. Based on the statistics from the two questionnaires in the study, there are great changes happening in English learning of the students. According to the first questionnaire, lots of problems existed in English learning and teaching in the high school of the countryside, regarding interest, attitude, ambition, confidence, learning environment and family situation.
This thesis expounds the fundamental theories of the four-step teaching and learning approach, aiming at exploring and demonstrating the effectiveness and feasibility of the four-step teaching approach which is applied to the English teaching in the senior high school in the countryside. On the basis of the findings in the research, here comes the conclusions: Interest is the basis for people to do any job. Only under such circumstance in which students are keen on what they are learning, can students’ potential and talents be fully developed. It is a popular theme to cultivate and raise students’ interest in English study in modern education. In rural senior high schools, large quantities of students don’t have appropriate attitudes towards English learning. After the application, they show interest and positive emotion towards English, which inevitably keeps them spending large time and energy in learning English attentively. Based on students’ interest in English, the students have made great progress in language accumulation for a long time and created an effective strategy to improve abilities as well as academic record. Only by means of cultivating students’ positive emotion and attitudes as well as mobilizing their enthusiasm, can it be in favor of English education and the improvement of learners’ learning levels in rural middle schools. Students’ sense of achievement and confidence in learning drive their process of English study to be continuously advanced, which provides security for the efficiency of class teaching. Students in rural middle schools are not confident about learning English. Under the guide of the New Curriculum Standards, confidence is regarded as the very prominent part in English lessons. Confidence is an important and strong psychological force to the success of learning English. With the deepening research of the four-step teaching method, the students gradually overcome their fears for English study, gain the sense of achievement and are full of confidence. Meanwhile, teachers raise the efficiency of class teaching rapidly. Hence, teachers should recognize the important influence from the psychology on the teaching of foreign languages and strengthen students’ sense of achievement and confidence consciously.
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