I would like to give sincere thanks to my supervisor Xu Weihua, who has spent a great amount of time helping me with my paper. It is very generous of her to provide me with the books I needed in the research. Her inspiring suggestions and comments on my paper have proved to be very useful to me during my research.
I would also like to thank my parents who have been very concerned about my study and have supported me during the whole time. And I am grateful for the suggestions, encouragement and help of my best friend Zhang Haiyang. We've discussed my research for many times and her ideas have been very enlightening. Last but not least, I am grateful to all those who have provided me with either intellectual or emotional support during my research.
Many scholars believe that globalization generated from the pursuit of economic interests, but it is a multidimensional concept that involves human life, political, economic, social, cultural, and military and other aspects. This paper aims to study the U.S. Military Cultural Communication under the context of globalization.
The paper makes a brief introduction to the topic of research subject and the research literature concerning this U.S. military cultural communication; After introducing the development and impact on culture of globalization it discusses the U.S. military culture communication through war and through other ways except war and explains the impact of globalization on the U.S. military cultural communication which includes the main features of U.S military culture communication and challenges and opportunities the U.S. military cultural communication faces; Finally it analyses the enlightenments from the U.S. military cultural communication on ours.
摘 要 III
Introduction 2
Chapter 1 Literature review 5
1.1 Military Culture and Its Essence 5
1.1.1 Concept of culture 5
1.1.2 Military Culture: A Kind of Organizational Culture 6
1.1.3 The Essence of Military Culture 6
1.2 The Key Factors of American Military Culture 7
1.2.1 Discipline 7
1.2.2 Professional ethics 8
1.2.3 Ceremonies and rituals 9
1.2.4 Cohesion and team spirit 10
Chapter 2 Globalization 11
2.1 The Historical development of Globalization 11
2.2 Influence of Globalization on the culture 13
Chapter 3 The U.S. military culture communication 17
3.1 Military culture communication through war 17
3.2 Military culture communication through other ways except war 18
3.2.1 Military cultural exchanges 18
3.2.2 Political expansion 20
3.2.3 Economic operation 21
3.3 Military culture communication and globalization 22
Chapter 4 The impact of globalization on the U.S. military cultural communication 25
4.1 The main features of U.S military culture communication under globalization 25
4.1.1 American military culture comes with strong military power 25
4.1.2 Take advantages of different carriers in the context of globalization 27
4.2 The impact of globalization on U.S military culture communication 28
4.2.1 The direction of U.S. military culture communication 28
4.2.2 The contents of U.S military culture communication 29
4.2.3 The communication channels of U.S. military culture communication 30
4.3 Challenges and Opportunities the U.S. military cultural communication faces under globalization 31
Chapter 5 The Enlightenments on our Military cultural communication 39
5.1 Enlightenments from the U.S Ideological and Political Education 39
5.2 Enlightenments on our construction of Military Cultural Communication 41
5.3 Make good use of different carriers in the context of globalization 42
Conclusion 44
Bibliography 47
Globalization exerts an all-around influence on military culture. Thus military culture has changed a lot in many aspects and shows some new features.
First, military culture becomes more and more comprehensive. Not only is it affected by sovereign states but also its development and transmission are gradually influenced by some non-governmental organizations. The activities of some non-governmental behavioral agents, such as international organizations, international companies, world political movements and religion groups, involve many safe fields including military, politics, economy as well as culture, adding many new elements to military culture.
Second, military cultures of different countries show more shared feature and reciprocity. In the current world, each nation’s military culture closely links with other countries’, and it is very difficult for a country to have a very independent military culture that has never been affected by others. From the perspective of history and reality, no country could own a completely independent country, especially in this globalization age.
As the most powerful country in the world, U.S. military culture attaches great interests from long time ago. This study mainly examines the communication of American military culture, taking core cultural values of American military as well as its communication in the context of globalization as the research objects. Research of this study includes: (1) What U.S. military culture core values consist of? (2) How it communicates to the world? (3) What kinds of influences brought by globalization to the U.S military culture communication? The answers to the above questions are the main themes of this paper.
The research scopes of this study includes, depicting a panoramic analysis of U.S. military culture, as well as its culture communication in the context of globalization, analyzing its features and core values, discussing how U.S. military culture influence on other countries, and then putting forth possible suggestions and recommendation to Chinese military culture establishment.
Literature study is employed to research the background of American military culture in globalization context, through documentation survey, the literature preparation is also founded. In order to get a comprehensive understanding, it also collected different perspectives in regard to concepts of culture, concepts of military culture, and the influences of globalization on the world.
Through the results this study aims at achieving following results: (1) As the most powerful military country in the world, U.S. military culture communication spread through ways of war in the past, and gradually communicate through other ways except war in the context of globalization; (2) Then influences of globalization results in different communication channels of American military cultures; (3) Chinese military culture should take reference of American culture communication, take good use of globalization, to strengthen itself, as well as cultivate its core values.
National security of the United States largely depends on the robust America military culture. Like any weapons, military culture, including discipline, professional ethics, unique convention as well as the team spirit, will create favorable conditions for the future development and the victory of the war.
Once the culture come into being, all the factors and characters will move forward systematization in a certain structural style, finally form the specific cultural patterns and develop into unique cultural tradition. This kind of cultural pattern and cultural tradition will get involved into people’s spiritual life and material life through various social forms and media, thus subtly influencing and changing the officers’ and soldiers’ behavior pattern, value orientation and thinking characteristics, which will unconsciously have cultural background effects on the officers’ and soldiers’ ideology and morality.
The U.S. military cultural communication under the condition of globalization is far and wide, strong and overwhelming. We, the Chinese army, shall absorb the excellences from its successful cultural communication and draw lessons from its failures. In the new era and under the grim situation, we shall make full use of military cultural communication to eliminate the currently prevailing theory of China threat. We shall establish our new military cultural communication system, letting the insiders know the Chinese Liberation Army is a troop that serves the people and defends the country, letting the outsiders in the world know the PLA is dedicated to the peace of Asia and of course of the world.
With the development of China’s socialist marketing economy and the acceleration of the pace of the reform and opening-up, social cultural market and mass media get a rapid development. China’s military also goes into an environment opening to the outside world from a relatively closed status; we would face the various cultural shocks from domestic and overseas while accepting new concepts and new things which reflect the progress of the era. Meanwhile, with the booming of the national economic construction and the improvement of the people’s material standard of living, people’s needs to the spiritual life also change, and these changes will inevitably reflect to the barracks culture. It is obligatory for the army to correctly analyze and handle these changes, and always sticks to the correct orientation and high-taste of the barracks culture, construct favorable cultural environment and actively play the role of orientation function of the barracks culture.
With the development of the globalization, culture will increasingly permeate the organism of the war, and become the important factor to win the war. Like many weapons, the disciplines, professional ethics, unique customs and team spirits in U.S military culture will create favorable factors with the development of globalization, and create excellent conditions for the future development and the victory of the war. At the same time, the U.S. military culture also influences the military strategic thought of America. To know about America military culture will be helpful for us to discuss the revolution and development in military affairs of U.S. Army in new period. By knowing about the America military culture---a special organizational culture, it also bears guiding significance for Chinese army’s cultural construction and to improve the soft power of the military culture.
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