中俄 B2C電子商務(wù)的影響因素研究
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
E-commerce is appearing to be one of the driving forces of development in today’s world of information and globalization. In the developed countries the volume of electronic trade is increasing constantly. For instance, European e-commerce reached $427bln by the end of 2012 with the growth rate of 19%.
The volume of e-commerce market in the developing countries is relatively smaller. However the growth rate is rocket hi gh. Estimated B2C e-commerce sales in Asia-Pacific in the year 2013 is $384bln, in the year 2014 the estimated volume is $525bln, which makes a growth rate to be 36% per year. That can tell about the huge potential of the e-commerce market in developing countries.
On the other hand, international electronic trade is relatively less developed. According to the statistics, very little number of firms is able to engage in international trade and among them are mostly large firms. There are also findings that the number of export destinations is also limit ed and on average does not exceed 3-4 destinations.
There a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, including infrastructure barriers, sociopolitical barriers and cogniti ve barriers. The influence of these factors on the market in the developing countries is even more severe.
Two of the most interesting markets of electronic trade among developing countries are China and Russia.
1.2 Research purpose and scientific contribution
1.2.1 Research purpose
The main purpose of this research is identifying the main factors influencing B2C e-commerce market between Russia and China and developing strategies to overcome the main barriers. In order to complete this research we should answer to the number of sub questions:
(1) What is the development history and current status of B2C e -commerce market between Russia and China.
(2) What are the main Influencing factors in the development of electronic trade in B2C sector between two countries (including factors influencing Chinese companies and Russian consumers, political environment, infrastructure systems, etc.) and their impact on the development process.
(3) What strategies can be implemented in order to eliminate main obstacles?
1.2.2 Scientific contribution
There have been done a lot of research on electronic trade development. However, a lot of research still needs to be done concerning specific B2C electronic trade markets and interaction between countries engaging in international e-commerce. The theoretical significance of this research is, through the study of the e-commerce between Russia and China, to explain the characteristics and patterns of B2C in developing countries, to find the barriers which prevent the development of e-commerce in B2C sector, to analyze their impact and significance and to develop strategies to eliminate these obstacles.
Chapter 2 Qualitative analysis of the B2C sector of e-commerce in Russia and China
2.1 Definite features of development of B2C e-commerce in Russia
2.1.1 History of the development
The beginning of Russian electronic trade was in the 1995. First years of e-commerce were characterized by very slow development. In the 1998, the number of registrated on-line shops in Russia was estimated to be 46, the monthly turnover of those shops was about 1.5 mln rub. However, after the economic crisis of 2000, the market began to develop tremendously. By the end of 2000 it accumulated 800 on-line shops, everyone tried to occupy the niche place.
There are many reasons for a quite slow development of the market on the early stage, in comparison with American and European market of electronic trade. The most important are slow Internet penetration, computer and Internet illiteracy of the majority of population, lack of the infrastructure, including logistic and payment systems. The process of integration of Russia with the global economy, technology development, and political support of the market development, all these resulted in the revolution in the industry started in 2008-2009. By the year 2009 the market share of electronic trade made up 1.6% of the country’s GDP ($9.5bln). In 2011 in Russia has been registrated more than 30000 on-line shops, their audience was estimated to be 14mln people (29% of Russian Internet users). One year later, in 2012 the volume of electronic trade made up $13bln (3.7% of Russian GDP) with number of internet shops of 48000. Cross-border e-commerce is less developed. By 2012 only million Russian customers bought goods from foreign on-line shops.
By the end of 2013 the market share of physical goods in the electronic trade was 67%. The most popular categories of goods are household appliances & electronics (107 bln rub), clothing & footwear (76 bln rub), computers, notebooks and computer parts (56 bln rub). You can see it in Table 2 -1.
2.2 Development of B2C e-commerce between Russia and China
2.2.1 History of the development
Russia has always been rich in natural resources, but, due to misbalance d economic system, it is experiencing shortage of food products, household appliances and day-to-day goods. Whereas China has always experiencing shortage in natural resources. In this case, Chinese revolutionary development of manufacturing sector makes two countries perfect for successful partnership in the sphere of cross-border electronic trade.
This partnership is very young. It started only a few years ago with the opening of first B2C on-line platforms like AliExpress and Osell. At the same time, many small regional web-sites began to appear. Those web-sites basically translated catalogs from Taobao and Tmall and posted offerings of Chinese sellers.
2.2.2 Current status
The situation on the cross-border e-commerce market is changing rapidly. Due to the economic crisis in Russia at the end of 2014, when ruble had fallen nearly 40 percent against the euro, European companies are losing their share on the Russian e-commerce market. As a result China is taking the lead. East -West Digital News (EWDN) found that about 70 percent of packages shipped to Russian consumers from abroad this year came from China (only 40 percent in 2013).
The main reason is that with the ruble having fallen tremendously this year, Russian consumers became ever more conscious abou t the price of goods that has always been one of the main competitive advantages of Chinese retailers. However, even as they dominated by number of packages shipped, Chinese players' relatively cheaper goods took only 50 percent of total revenues in the cross-border sector this year.
Chapter 3 Quantitative analysis of the influencing factors in the development of China-to-Russia B2C e-commerce trade ............ 31
3.1 INDEX .......................... 31
3.2 RESEARCH MODEL .............. 35
3.3 QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN .................... 36
3.3.1 Customer survey questionnaire design ............... 36
3.3.2 Sampling for the Russian customers .................. 37
Chapter 4 Discussion on the research results and strategic recommendations .... 53
4.1.1 Demographic factor................... 53
4.1.2 Language barrier factor ................. 54
4.1.3 Searching engines .......... 54
4.1.4 Cultural factor ............... 55
Chapter 4 Discussion on the research results and strategic recommendations
4.1 Discussion of research results
4.1.1 Demographic factor Customers’ survey results
In our research we investigated 4 demographic factors of the customers: gender, age, monthly income and education level. According to these factors, the demographic portrait of a common person who buys on -line from a foreign shop is a woman 20-30 years old with a monthly income from 30 to 100 thousands rubles and master’s degree. Men are a little less engaged into on -line shopping than woman. People younger than 20 years old probably do not have sufficient money to shop from foreign stores and people older than 50 years old are not so good with internet technologies and the process of buying on-line, not mentioning the lack of proficiency in foreign languages.
Monthly income is an important factor as well, which says that people whose monthly income is less than 30 thousand rubles do not tend to spend it on on-line shopping. Whereas the more they earn, the more can be spent on -line.
On-line shopping is developing tremendously these last years, especially in the developing countries. Russia and China become key strategic partners in many spheres and international e-commerce is one of them. However this partnership is very young and a lot of problems can stop it from successful development. So the main purpose of this research was to identify the main factors influencing development of China -to-Russia electronic trade in B2C sector and develop strategies I order to overcome the main barriers.
In this research scientific papers and statistical reviews on the Russian and China-to-Russia e-commerce B2C market have been analyzed, in order to identify the factors, influencing different aspects of market development. The model of factors has been created. The model consists of 7 groups of factors: social (age, education, and revenue), cultural (cultural differ ences, language barrier), infrastructural (searching engines, marketing tools, payment systems, delivery systems, internet coverage), legal (government regulations and customs procedures), personal (trust issues, experience), geopolitical (government agreements and political situation), economic (economic situation in the countries).