Chapter One Introduction
At any stages of the history, education should meet the requirements, educational purposes and teaching methods of that time. According to the development of society, education can be divided into three stages: original education, traditional education and modern education.Under the primitive social conditions, the level of education was very low. Infact, education was not separated from work and life.There were no fixed standards for education.The main purposes of education were to spread production technologies and life skills. Knowledge was derived from daily life and work experiences, and had been passed down by oral speech or actual production activities. When it came to the feudal society, school education was gradually separated from production activities and daily life due to the leap in productivity. Education then became an independent activity in society and established its own institutions.The class nature of feudalism decided that the ancient ruling class controlled the whole education system.The purpose of education was just to train personnel to work for the ruling class.The chief teaching method was individual teaching. It required students to gain knowledge by rote memorization.The classroom management was very strict. After the second industrial revolution, especially after the third new technological revolution which was marked by computers, education had received an unprecedented development. Life-time modern education, diversification and modernization appeared at that time.The purposes of education and teaching methods were diversified,denied the simplistic purposesand united educational methods in the past. During the knowledge economy era,with the widespread use of information and explosive growth of computer technology, the update rate of knowledge was faster than before. Along with economic globalization, nternational exchanges and cooperation have become increasingly frequent. English gained an increasingly important role and been a necessary tool for international communication. Foreign language education of high school was an important process of training citizen foreign language ability. It has to not only meet the development needs of the mental and emotional attitudes of students, but also to meet the high school graduation requirements to further education or future survival.Therefore, senior high school foreign language education was considered as a great significance forthe society. Education had to meet higher demands. In the stage of senior high school English teaching, English courses should focus on improving students’ ability to obtain information in English, process information, analyze problems and solve problems .
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 English Reading Teaching Theory
Scholars put forward different views about the concept of reading. Psycholinguist Goodman said “Reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game. It is the interaction of language and thought ” .Zhang Biyin defined reading as “the process of obtaining information from written materials and affecting non-intelligence factors of reader”. (Zhang Biyin, 2004). From the point view of cognitive psychology, it shows that the reading process, a process of interaction between reader and article, is positive rather than negative. Reading, a complex intellectual activity, is a process in which there is a combination of proactive thinking, understanding and accepting of information. When readers read the material in the text, they will be in a decoding process which starts from identifying text symbols to words, semantics, syntax, and rhetoric. At the same time,depending on their existing knowledge of the language, cultural backgrounds,life experiences, readerscomprehend the symbolic meaning expressed by the text, then absorb the information.Thus, the reader’s understanding of the article depends on a link between the knowledge he/she has known and the information the article contains. Whether such link can establish or not depends on various factors, such as reading motivation, readability on reading materials and the neader’s familiarity with the elevant topics. Reading is essentially a verbal communication between the author and the reader.2.2 Theories Associated with Multimedia
Multimedia is a new information processing system that combines electronic capabilities in audio-visual transfer and the exchange and control functions of computers.On one hand it refers to the sensory information from multimedia such as the texts, images,videos, audiosand so on. While on the other hand it refers to the multimedia technology that possesses thecapability in presenting these sensory information.There are numerous methods of presenting these information. example,abstract concepts and principles could be modeled through virtual text orgraphics. Furthermore, current affairs could be displayed with sound imaging. Multimedia technology refers to instrument that carries and transfers information from the information sender to the recipient. In other words, it is the technology that processes information between the source and the receiver. Multimedia technology in classroom is an education system that is composed of computer technology, network technology, and education software. Developing along the advancement in technology and Internet,computer assisted teaching became multimedia computer-assisted teaching. Similarly, computer-assisted language teaching developed into multimedia computer-assisted language teaching (Zhang Zhanjun, 2006). Multimedia computer-assisted language teaching refers to teaching activities that utilizes software which is made by multimedia in advance (Xu Feng, 2006). In other words, it refers to the process that conforms to the characteristics of teaching target and teaching object as well as students’ preferences and studying habits.Teachers select the appropriate modern teaching media, and combine it with the traditional teaching methods. An appropriate teaching procedure, providing optimal effect, is formed by all these factors.Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ....... 17
3.1 Constructivism ......... 173.2 Schema Theory ................. 19
Chapter Four Research Design ............ 23
4.1 Research Questions ....... 23
4.2 Research Participants .............. 23
4.3 Research Instruments .... 24
4.4 Research Procedures and Data Collection ......... 25
Chapter Five Results and Discussion ......... 33
5.1 Results and Discussion of Reading Tests ........ 33
5.2 Results and Discussion of Questionnaires ........... 35
5.3 Results and Discussion of Interviews .... 44
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
5.1 Results and Discussion of Reading Tests
The experimental data is from two different samples. Therefore, data were analyzed by sample variance ofT-test. And beforeT-test, the F-test was carried out on the two samples’ variance comparison. It tests whether there were significant differences between the two sample data. If there are no significant differences of variance, F>0.05, the tnspection variance detection is conducted. If there is significant difference of variance, F<0.05, theT-test heteroscedasticity testing is done.First, the F-test determined whether the population variances of two samples were equal or not (See form5-1-1 and 5-1-2).Through this analysis, the population variance were both greater than 0.05 (F>0.05), which means that the population variances of two samples were equal. Therefore the inspection variance detection was necessary.The results of the Tinspection are provided in form 5-1-3 and form 5-1-4. Data in Form5-1-3 showed that before the experiment,the difference of English competence between the experimental group and the control class was very small. The average score of experimental group was only 0.3 points higher than the control group, P>0.05.These indicated that the two samples have no obvious difference. After three month of teaching method reform, Form5-1-4 indicated that although English scores of two groups had improved, score of experimental group was 1.97 points higher than the control group, P<0.05. These indicated that the two samples had significant differences.The results of the two tests fully illustrated the effect of multimedia in the teaching in improving students’ English reading score.that proves that multimedia not only improves students’ learning interest in English reading, but it also improves their reading ability.5.2 Results and Discussion of Questionnaires
18.75% of teachers answered they always use the blackboard-writing while using the multimedia; 50% of teachers answered “often”. It indicates that in the actual teaching situations, most of teachers cancombined modern teaching methods and traditional teaching methods according to the classroom needs. 18.75% of teachers answered “sometimes”, and 12.5% of teachers answered “never”. It indicatesthere are still some teachers only using one teaching tool in classrooms, they cannot combine the traditional and modern teaching method. In fact, traditional teaching methods cannot be completely denied.They also have their advantages for English teaching.Teachers should, according to the actual situations,combine them together and make them better serve the teaching process........
6.1 Major Findings
The results of this investigation obviously illustrate that multimedia computer-assisted language teaching can improve students’ reading ability, stimulate the students’ interest in reading and promote students to participate in the classroom. Multimedia computer-assisted language teaching combines the text, image, sound and video image information and convert it to various interesting forms. Multimedia can provide a variety of teaching method. Vivid images and sound resulting from this integration of multimedia can fully activate students' sensory organs and attract students’ attention which could then stimulate students’ interest. Multimedia has the capability to stimulate interests in students by providing real and operational learning environment.Thus, the classroom becomes more vibrant and interesting.Overrall multimedia computer-assisted teaching is a good teaching method to stimulate students’ interest in language learning. Additionally, it helps students to better understand the background of reading materials. As a result, students could more easily and quickly explore relevant knowledge in their brain and understand the new information of the reading Furthermore it can present abstract knowledge directly transforms materials to a simpler form for students to understand. Moreover, the communication between teachers and students also increases in Multimedia class. In the practical English reading class, with the help of multimedia, teachers can quickly and timely get students’ feedback. All these characteristics not only make the class more lively and interesting,but also broaden students’ knowledge, help improve the students' learning efficiency and their English reading ability.
6.2 Pedagogical Implications
1. The multimedia teaching should be students-oriented. The core idea of the new curriculum reform of basic education is that: all is for the development of students.That is to say the formulation of school education teaching plan and usage of teaching methods should be based on people oriented and students’ sustainable development. They should also promote the healthy growth of students.(Zhong Qiquan, Cui Yunhua, Zhang Hua, 2008).Therefore, all teaching activities should be centered on the development of students. eaching should pay attention to stimulate students’ interest in learning and cultivate students’ good reading habits. Study is a kind of positive and creative activity. (Colin Campbell, Hanna Kryszewska, 1992)Therefore, teachers should focus on students’ individual differences and their different learning needs from different aspects Teachers should also ensure that every student can gain knowledge in the classroom.The design of teaching contents should not only be closely in line with the characteristics of the teaching target, but also accord with the degree of students’ cognition. Different students’ ability and knowledge level should as well be considered important components for teaching content design..............