Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Theoretically, English Curriculum Standards of Compulsory Education has beenannounced in 2011, it has some distinct characteristics: firstly, it pays more attention tothe coordinated development between language knowledge and language skills; secondly,it puts forward several levels of the objectives and requirements about language skillsbased on the students' physical and psychological characteristics, cognitive developmentand emotional needs. English Curriculum Standard proposes task-based teaching model,which means that it requires the language goals through completing the tasks given byteachers. In the basic education stage, the English classrooms,projects are: to inspire andcultivate students' interest in learning English, make them build up self-confidence,develop good study habits and form effective learning strategies, develop autonomiclearning and cooperative learning, and make the students master some basic skills ofEnglish: listening,speaking, reading and writing so as to form a comprehensive abilityfor language use. In order to develop students' language skills, teachers should allocatetasks to students. Also, under the guidance of teachers,teachers should help studentsachieve the target and gain feelings of success through the perception, experience,practice, participation and cooperation. At the same time, from the aspect of theevaluation of students' comprehensive language skills, only by optimizing the evaluationmode,we can guarantee the effectiveness of the evaluation.Actually, with the development of English teaching reform, task-based teachingmethod has drawn more and more attention of English teachers in middle school, but thetask-based teaching method has not been applied in the whole middle school writingclass. At present, the result of writing teaching is not as good as expected. Most of thestudents who have learned English for many years still couldn't effectively listen, speak,read or write in English. What's worse, the students have even kept away from English,many students regard writing as a different task (Li Xiuling, 2008:36).
1.2 Theoretical Significance
Portfolio evaluation is based on the file cover, it devotes to give a comprehensiveevaluation of the objects. The portfolio evaluation belongs to a kind of developmentalevaluation. It's aroused in the United States in late 1980s, as a new teaching evaluationmethod which appears with the movement of educational evaluation reform. The contentof the portfolio evaluation is the description of students' progress, but not just thematerials piled up by students. As an assessment tool,the file cover is made by studentsand teachers,they are conducted to collect related materials systematically which is usedto check some students' efforts,,progress and achievements (Li Zhaozeng,2003:61).Task-based teaching is mainly based on the theory of constructivism and payingattention to the integration of learning and doing (Long and Crookes, 1992). Thetask-based teaching method puts the basic concepts of language application into concreteclassroom instruction by means of “l(fā)earning in doing,,,which helps the students learnand use language (Cheng Xiaotang, 2004:125).Constructivism is sprung up in 1990s in the west, and it is extensively used in ourcountry in 21th. It mainly emphasizes that the central position of students are in the class,the topic of the constructivism is that lea) \g is an active process. Task-based teachingmethod is an inheritec communicative teaching method which is based on the idea thatlanguage is used for communication, aiming at developing students' communicativecompetence (Fang Wenli, 2003:9).
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Present Situation of Portfolio Evaluation at Home and Abroad
The study on portfolio evaluation is relatively rich abroad, but the special study ofEnglish writing portfolio is little (Zhou Xiaorong,2007(3):93-95). The research mainlyconcentrate on the differences between traditional writing evaluation and record bag(Gearhart and Whittaker, 1992:4-15); the application value of portfolio is makinglearners and evaluators be willing to participate in it positively (Kemp, 1998). As for theportfolio evaluation, the study of the theoiy and the range of the application have beenmoved from the first language to the second language (Weigle, 2002).The portfolio evaluation has been introduced relatively late to China. In the earlystage, the concentration was just the theory itself. Zhang Lili started from the definitionof growth process portfolio in 2002 (Zhang Lili,2002:36). In 2003, Huang Guangyangstudied from the philosophical foundation of portfolio evaluation (Huang Guangyang,2003:50-55). In recent years, researches have mainly stressed on the practical applicationin domestic; Cheng Junrong explored an effective way to improve students' self-directedlearning ability, which is the way of establishing the archives for students' writingachievement in 2008. Zhen Li (2009) pointed out that the portfolio evaluation conformedto the current trend of the development of foreign language evaluation when she studiedthe portfolio evaluation in the English reading course. In 2009, Wang BenfU pointed outthat the portfolio evaluation had been widely used in various types of management andachieved good results. Throughout the domestic research, the possess of researchersstarted from the initial stage of the portfolio evaluation theory, then committed to apply itinto various of disciplines,but they were all at the initial stage at present; the research ofusing it in English writing was relatively less, it still has not formed a systematic andlocalization theory. In a word,the application of portfolio evaluation is also in anexploration stage.
2.2 Task-based Teaching Research Status at Home and Abroad
Task-based leaching method is one of the most important language teachingmethods. It is put forward by the foreign language teaching researches and the secondlanguage acquisition researchers in the 1980s on the basis of a large number of practices.Meanwhile, task-based language teaching approach is a kind of foreign teaching method,which is developed in the modem time and embodies the advanced educational concept.It is a kind of development pattern from the communicative approach, and it is first putforward by Prabhu who is a communicative teaching advocate. Many researchers abroadhave done plenty of studies on task-based teaching method, such as Long, Ellis, Breen,Nunan, Krashen. Task-based teaching method has got rapid growth in foreign languageteaching since it was introduced into China in the 1980s. Both He Anping and FengYufang thought that task-based teaching method was the trend of current foreignlanguage teaching in China. Cheng Kela,Cai Lanzhen and Liu Fusheng considered thattask-based teaching method contained the second language acquisition theory. Gong Yafii,Luo Shaoqian hold that task-based teaching method comes from the integration amongthe second language acquisition theory, social constructivism theory and curriculumtheory (Gong Yafu,Luo Shaoqian, 2003:96-106). Ge WenShan,Lu Li and Li Zhen hassearched for a task-based teaching class mode for middle school English teaching (LuYan, 2008:58-60). Lu Ziwen, Gong Yafu, Luo Shaoqian, Cheng Xiaotang have donesome detailed discussions on the basic concept, the main principle and the design of thetask, they gave an important guiding role for middle school English teachers in their dailyteaching (Cheng Xiaotang, 2004:125).
Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations..........10
3.1 Constructivism.........10
3.1.1 Learning Theory and Epistemology in Constructivism.........10
3.1.2 The Conception of Constructivist Teaching.........11
3.2 Portfolio Evaluation.........14
3.3 Task-based Teaching Method.........20
Chapter4 Experiment of Task-based Teaching in English Writing.........26
4.1 Research Design.........26
4.2 The Application of Portfolio Evaluation.........27
4.3 Model of the Task-based English Writing Teaching.........38
Chapter 5 Analysis and Discussion.........44
5.1 Case Analysis.........44
5.2 Experimental Data Collection and Analysis.........50
5.3The Result of the Experiment.........56
Chapter 5 Analysis and Discussion
5.1 Case Analysis
According to the manipulation steps of portfolio evaluation and the principles of thetask-basea writing teaching, the aiu. designs a task-based writing class combined withthe portfolio e\ iluation . Following is a case.Guide students to read the article introduced the city in the text. Through thediscussion and summary, teach them determine how to introduce a place, which aspectsshould be involved. Finally, choose some aspects to write a letter to introduce to ourhometown - Xinyang to the new-comingsStudents conduct to summarize, imitate and combine based on the existingmaterials. And do some writing used the related vocabularies and grammar. In theprocess of writing, students will encounter many problems.
This paper has summarized the theory about the portfolio evaluation and thetask-based method,and also studied the relationship among them in the writing class.Therefore, the author carried out the task-based teaching method and the portfolioevaluation in middle school English writing class, aiiring to ;plore whether theportfolio evaluation is the feasible or effective for the task-based writing class. Afteranalyzing of the questionnaires and experimental data,the empirical study has shown thatthe training of task-based writing teaching and the portfolio evaluation could yieldsignificant results, and the improvement of students in English writing is obvious,what'smore,student's comprehensive language application ability has got some increase. The portfolio evaluation can provide teachers with many opportunities tocooperate with students and bring about sense of achievement. We enforce multipleprinciples to assess students' growth, which is based on students' self-assessment,peer-assessment assisted by teacher,s assessment. The process of portfolio evaluation isdynamic and it treasures the process of thinking and making progress. It enhances theunderstanding and cooperation between English teachers and parents, making sure bothsides are proud of students' progress and achievements. This way would be in favor ofboosting parents responsibility so as to cooperate with teachers closely on educatingstudents.
References (omitted)