研究生課程滿意度研究——以廣東外語外貿(mào)大學(xué)商務(wù)英語 研究生項目為案例
1.1 Research Background
Business English, as a major in Chinese higher education, has been given a lot of attention in order to improve its education quality. Many researches have been conducted with this purpose, and among these studies some focus on improving Business English curriculum. Curriculum, as a basic form of teaching and training students, is considered an indispensible part in graduate education. It has great significance to graduate students in expanding their knowledge volume and developing research abilities. Thus it has attracted a lot of attention from both educators and graduate students. Although many researches have been done in the field of graduate curriculum, few of them are empirical studies from the perspective of students. As students are the direct audience of curriculum, the author thinks that students’ evaluation will give helpful insights to improve curriculum.
Therefore, this paper offers an empirical study from the perspective of graduate students, aiming at finding out possible solutions to perfect Business English graduate curriculum. To get empirical data, it investigates Business English graduates’ satisfaction of the curriculum offered by the Business English graduate program in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (henceforth GDUFS). Thus, this thesis is also a case study. The subjects of the investigation are the graduate students in the three-year Business English graduate program. The aspects investigated are curriculum design, course content, teaching, and performance assessment, etc.
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance
By investigating graduate students’ satisfaction of the Business English graduate program, the study tries to get full information on: First, what are their expectations from the curriculum and what are their evaluation of the curriculum in terms of its value and quality; Second, to what extent they are loyal to the program and whether they have complaints ; Third, which aspects of the curriculum have greater influence on student satisfaction than others; Fourth, whether there are differences in student satisfaction between students of different grades in the program, and if yes, what are they, and what are the possible reasons. The information will give insights into not only students’ overall perception of the program, but also suggestions about what can be done to improve student satisfaction as one possible way to improve the quality of curriculum.
This study has both theoretical and practical significance. On one hand, this paper further develops student satisfaction theory, as it expands student satisfaction into a new field , Business English education. On the other hand, it also enriches the research in Business English curriculum, as it uses student satisfaction as a tool to explore ways to improve the quality of Business English curriculum.
Moreover, its practical significance is also obvious. Not only will it help teachers to get a deeper understanding about how to improve the quality of the graduate program, but also give educators insights into what can be done to perfect Business English graduate curriculum.
2.1 Previous Studies of Student Satisfaction
Researches of student satisfaction conducted by foreign researchers can be generalized into three classes. The first class of researches focus on finding out the factors of student satisfaction. Among these researches, Aitken (1982) found out that there was a significant correlation between student satisfaction and students’ performance , their satisfaction and isolation of courses, teaching and major. Danielson (1998) believed that an active interaction between instructors and students was an important source of student satisfaction. Griffith (1999) found out in his study that there was a significant correlation between student satisfaction and the atmosphere of a university. Tsarenko and Mavondo (2004) generalized the source of a university into facilities, teaching , learning, library, service for students and market orientation, and they concluded that the last five parts had close relationships among themselves and that the decrease of them would lessen student satisfaction. Rector (2002) thought that the influential factors of student satisfaction should include students’ learning experience and social experience. The influential factors of leaning experience included variables of leaning environment and teacher-student communication, and those of social experience included campus atmosphere and companion relationship. In the study of Debnath (1987), it was found out that the most important influential factor of student satisfaction was whether the student could get a job after finishing their study. Li-Wei Mai (2005) concluded from his research that students’ overall impression of a university and the quality of education had the biggest influence on student satisfaction.
2.2 Previous Studies of Graduate Curriculum
As this thesis is a case study of a graduate program in China, and differences exist between graduate programs in China and other countries, studies done in a Chinese graduate environment will give more enlightenments, so the literature review of this part only covers domestic researches . The researches can be roughly divided into three groups.
The first group of researches explain the importance of curriculum instruction in graduate education. Dihong Bao and Xuemei Jiang (2005) pointed out that curriculum instruction was a critical process for graduates to expand their knowledge and to develop their ability and that it laid the foundation of conducting academic research. Shipeng Yan and Chunying Li (2003) asserted that curriculum instruction had always been the most important part in graduate education because it was different from that of undergraduate education and a different model should be established. Beizhan Wang and Husheng Lu (2005) argued that it was necessary for graduates to build their knowledge structure and capability and that it had a direct effect on fostering their critical thinking and innovation ability. Many other researches also agree with this view.(Weiping Miao, 2004; Jing Wen, Xianli Hu, 2006). Generally this group of researchers acknowledge the significance of curriculum instruction in graduate research, but they all take a perspective of the educators rather than the students, and their argumentation seems to be quite subjective without actual evidence of the importance of curriculum instruction.
3.1 Customer Satisfaction .......... 11
3.2 The American Customer Satisfaction Index ........... 12
4.1 Establishment of the Student Satisfaction Model ................ 22
4.2 Design of the Questionnaire............. 23
CHAPTER FIVE DATA ANALYSIS ....................29
5.1 Descriptive Analysis of the Data ................ 29
5.1 Descriptive Analysis of the Data
In this part, the author will undertake a detailed descriptive analysis of the data collected in order to get a full picture of student satisfaction of the graduate program. The data of the questionnaires is put into Spss 19.0. It covers the answers of the 90 students in the three-year program. Detailed information of each manifest variable under a construct includes number of manifest variable, minimum value, maximum value and standard deviation, which can be seen clearly in Table 5-1.
From the above analysis, the major findings are as follows: In respect of overall student satisfaction, there is actual variance in students’ evaluation, as indicated by the long ranges and values of standard deviation. Of all the seven constructs of student satisfaction model, variance in student complaint and student loyalty is more obvious compared with the other 5 constructs. Variance in students’ evaluation of university image and student expectation is less. On the general level, student satisfaction of the graduate curriculum has reached medium level as indicated by the means of the manifest variables and the indexes of the seven latent variables. The indexes of the latent variables in descending order are put as follows: index of student expectation (74.67), index of university image (68.96), index of perceived quality (63.83), index of perceived value (62.04), index of overall student satisfaction (61.12), index of student loyalty (53.17), and index of student complaint (35.54). Students’ evaluation of university image and student expectation is of a higher level than that of the other 5 constructs. Students’ evaluation of student complaint and student loyalty is of a lower level compared with that of the other 5 constructs, indicating that students have a lower degree of confidence of complaints handling and loyalty. For the quality and value of the graduate curriculum, students have a mild degree of satisfaction.