Management Accounting assignment代寫范文參考
1. Introduction to Topic:
Management accounting may be regarded as a system that helps management in planning different activities of the organization and then consistently updating the organization that whether the organization is heading in the right direction (CIMA, 1998). Planning and controlling are the two essential tasks that management accountant within a business organization perform (Cooper, 1997). The planning task is performed through careful analysis while the controlling objective is accomplished through the development of different controlling techniques using standards and budgets. It is worth mentioning that the planning and controlling activities directed by the management accountant within a business organization is not only directed towards controlling the deviation and ensuring the proper utilization of different resources including human, financial, information and physical but are also increasingly used for the purpose of motivation and reward (Usry, et al., 2000). Realizing the significance of the controlling functions that the management accountant perform within a business organization, this paper will critically investigate the assertion that whether management accounting is overly concerned with controlling employees in organizations or it is just a general belief.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Topic: 3
2. Controlling Function and the Management Accountant: 3
3. Conclusion: 7
4. Works Cited 8