支架式教學(xué)在初中英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作教學(xué)中的實(shí)驗(yàn)研究Experimental Study on Scaffolding Teachi
According to the requirements of Junior High School English Curriculum Standard (2014), Students in Junior High School are supposed to be able to collect and prepare writing materials based on the writing requirements. Also, short passage or message need to be draught independently and reflected following the teacher’s guidance. Moreover, students have to use the frequent linking words to express the relationship of sequence and logic, can describe personal characteristic and experiences. Pictures and tables are required to be described briefly. It can be seen that English writing are of great significance in English teaching of Junior High School. However, most of the students are afraid of English writing for their insufficient knowledge and learning difficulties that they always get a low score in writing. So how to improve the students’ writing competence effectively and reduce their anxiety in writing is urgent.
This paper attempts to apply the scaffolding theory, based on the social constructivism and Vygotsky’s ZPD to promote the student’s writing. Scaffolding theory refers to a teaching method that adults and peers provide timely guidance and help to finish the learning task when the learners facing problems. According to the concepts frameworks, learners decompose the complicated task and accomplish them step by step. Learners’ competence of finishing task independently will be improved to some extent.In order to verify the effect of scaffolding theory in writing of Junior High School, this paper try to take 2 parallel class of 7 grade of Qulao Middle School in Haizhu district as subjects for a period of 16 teaching experiment. This 2 class are randomly assigned and finally class * is selected to be experimental group applying the scaffolding theory and class * as control group using the product approach to teach writing. The 2 class were conducted by the same teacher, with the same teaching materials and teaching time, with the same teaching rate. Measurement tools were writing test and surveys. 2 main study questions will be explored in this study: firstly, can scaffolding theory improve the students writing competence effectively? Secondly, can students overcome the writing anxiety and build up confidence in writing for the establishment of writing Scaffolding?
The 16-week-teaching experiment shows that scaffolding theory can improve the writing level of the junior high school students effectively in the aspects of “writing content”, “discourse consciousness”, “conjunctive usage”, “and sentence pattern”. Also, the scaffolding theory emphasis more on the initiative role of the learners, their writing interest is improved to great extent; the fear of writing is overcome gradually and builds up their confidence in writing.
Key words: constructivism zone of proximal development; scaffolding theory; Writing teaching
Abstract I
摘要 III
Chapter one Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the research 1
1.2 Significance of the Research 2
1.3 The Organization of the thesis 2
Chapter Two Literature Review 3
2.1 Scaffolding theory 3
2.2 Research on Scaffolding Theory Abroad 4
2.3 Research on Scaffolding Theory at home 4
2.4 Theoretical Framework 5
2.4.1 Constructivism 5
2.4.2 Zone of Proximal Development 8
2.5 Relationship between scaffolding theory and English writing teaching 11
Chapter three Research Methodology 13
3.1 Hypotheses 13
3.2 subjects 13
3.3 Instruments 13
3.3.1 Pre-test 13
3.3.2 Post-test 13
3.3.3 questionnaire 14
3.4 Procedures of Teaching Experiment 14
3.5 Teaching Experiment 14
3.5.1 Operation in the Experimental Class 14
3.5.2 Operation in the Control Class 14
3.5.3 Teaching Sample 14
Chapter four Data Collection and Analyses 14
4.1 Data Collection 14
4.2 Analyses of the Data 14
4.2.1 Analyses of the test 14
4.2.2 Analyses of the Writing Papers 14
4.2.3 Analyses of the Questionnaire 14
Chapter five Conclusion 14
5.1 Major findings 14
5.2 Implications 14
5.3 Limitation 14
5.4 Suggestions 14
5.5 Conclusion 14
References 14
Appendices 14
Chapter one Introduction
With the rapid development of technology and globalization, no one can refuse the international communication among countries. That’s no doubt that English, as the communicative tool, plays more and more important role in international communication. The four skills——listening, speaking, reading and writing contribute to the comprehensive English competence. These four skills are of great significance, but to some extent, to have a good command of a foreign language and get a better understanding of foreign countries’ politics, economy, culture, writing and speaking laid a crucial function in it. Besides, writing runs through the whole language learning process that writing is an essential factor in successful English learning. In another words, writing is the best reflection of the other three skills.
However, the writing teaching in junior high school is far beyond our expectation. Most of the teachers still rely on the Product Approach; this teaching approach lays more emphasis on the grammar accuracy, vocabulary spelling and sentence diversity. They neglect to foster the writing strategies and the right writing habit that it can not improve the writing competence and develop students’ writing interest and motivation. Junior high school students are in the initial period in English learning and their flexibility is strong, so their writing habits, interests, strategies and competence make a difference in their further study.
In the recent years, English teaching reform has a great achievement, people begin to accept the new teaching methods and classroom atmosphere becomes active that students’ oral expression abilities and communicative abilities have improve a lot. But to some extent, students’ writing abilities have been neglected and lead to the phenomenon----students can only speak but can not writing. Most of the teachers have the view on writing is a part of conversation and reading, they spend less time on writing teaching and often put writing assignment as homework that require students to finfish after class.
Writing is one of the goals of English language abilities according to the Junior High School English Curriculum Standard (2014), and it requires fostering students’ communicative competence by writing. Therefore, it is urgent to solve the problems and improve students’ writing competence. Here, the author expects to solve the problems by designing a teaching experiment with another writing theory----scaffolding teaching theory to examine the effect in writing teaching.
1.2 Significance of the Research
As mention above, we get to know the importance of English writing and English writing teaching have to be emphasized. This research tries to carry out the scaffolding teaching theory in English writing class to improve students’ writing competence.
Scaffolding teaching theory comes from constructivism which includes Piaget’s cognitive development, Vogtosky’s social-cultural psychology and his concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Scaffolding teaching theory means the adults and peers provide timely guidance to help the learners to finish the learning task, when the learners can finish the other tasks independently, this guidance can be removed gradually. This theory emphasizes setting conceptual framework, encourages thinking independently, and co-operative learning. The scaffolding theory has been studied and applied abroad at least 30 years and has proved to be effective in classroom teaching. However, in China, we are still at the theoretical analysis and practical exploration stage on the scaffolding teaching theory, let alone the writing teaching. A lot of problems need to resolve when carry out this theory into writing teaching.
This research is an experimental research, focusing scaffolding teaching theory on two classes. Majority to the students in junior high school are at a comparatively lower writing level and they need more assistance from others, especially from the teachers and peers who are better than themselves. This research attempts to answer two questions: 1) can scaffolding theory improve the students writing competence effectively? 2) Can students overcome the writing anxiety and build up confidence in writing for the establishment of writing Scaffolding?
1.3 The Organization of the Thesis
This thesis consists of five parts: Chapter one briefly introduces the background, significance and organization of the research. Chapter two: Literature Review. Scaffolding Theory
And Theoretical Framework is presented. It includes a comprehensive review of the scaffolding theory at home and abroad and the Theoretical Framework: Constructivism and Zone of Proximal Development. Chapter three is the methodology part, including the Hypotheses, subjects, Instruments and the Procedures of Teaching Experiment in details. Chapter four analyses the results of the experiment, compares the data and judges the effectiveness of the experiment according to the data. The last chapter is a conclusion of the whole paper. The author concludes the effect of the scaffolding teaching theory on students’ writing competence and attitude, the major findings, implications, limitations of the research, and some suggestions for a further research.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Scaffolding theory
Originally, Scaffolding theory refers to the poles and boards that joined together to make a structure for workers to stand on when they are working high up on the outside wall of a building. When the building finishes, the scaffolding will be removed.
As for pedagogy, scaffolding plays the same function of that it is in the architecture and is a metaphor. Jerome Bruner, a cognitive psychologist, who is the first person to put forward the scaffolding teaching theory in 1970s. On the base of the Zone of proximal development(ZPD) and constructivism, Bruner holds the view that the learner can solve the problems, finish the tasks and fulfill his goals in his learning process even the task beyond his current ability as long as he can get guidance from the teachers or the peers who are more capable that him.
Generally, traditional teaching emphasis on the leading role of teachers, which we called “explains teaching”. In traditional teaching, it is a one-way relationship between teachers and students. But it also has the construction of theoretical ideas. Vygotsky's ZPD theory provides a space for the development constructivism.
Constructivism holds that learning is not simply shift and passed from the outside to the inside, and is the process of students actively constructs their own knowledge and experience. Constructivism emphasizes the design of teaching, and makes a clear definition to the status and role of teachers and students. On this basis, the constructivism proposed scaffolding teaching, which originated from Vygotsky's ZPD theory, and there is an important guiding role in today's teaching.
In scaffolding teaching, teacher guide for teaching so that students master the construction and internalization of learned knowledge and skills, so that they carry out a higher level of cognitive activity. In short, it via scaffolding, which means help from teachers, to transfer the task of manages learning from teachers to students, and finally removed the scaffolding. It basis on Vygotsky's "assisted instruction”. In this teaching mode, students can not do without the guidance of teachers, and students gradually master and internalize the higher knowledge and skills, so that do more self-regulation.
From the foregoing, we know that scaffolding teaching is different from the conventional teaching methods; it is production of the continuous improvement and development of teaching theory.
In summary, scaffolding theory for education, the "scaffold" refers to an auxiliary learner, with which aid the learner can complete their task, which may not be completed independently. In the teaching process, aid can be provided by teachers, parents, students and others, and after completion of the building and scaffolding, as the task is completed, the aid will be gradually evacuated. This metaphor vividly describes a teaching mode: With the support and help from others, learners can further grasp and apply knowledge and skills. Bruno believes that the process of learner process is not a simple discovery, but a process of active construction. Construction is not only internal cognitive needs of students, but also to participate in the external bracket. Students can complete various tasks by scaffold from teachers, parents or students, and constantly construct and improve their knowledge and skills.
2.2 Research on Scaffolding Theory Abroad
Research of scaffolding theory abroad started earlier, and its research focused on interpretation and function of the scaffolding theory. Berk (1995) believes that teachers' "scaffolding" is the cooperation between teachers and children in the process of problem-solving activities. In this process of cooperation, teachers promote child development by providing sensitive and appropriate help. When the child skills are improve, so that they take more responsibility to support children's independence, autonomy, and spontaneity. Dickson (1993) suggested that the scaffolding teaching is a systematic and orderly teaching, including the support process suggestive content, materials, tasks and corresponding teachers to improve the teaching offer. Barak Rosenshine (1992) believe that the scaffolding teaching is a process of providing help and support in order to help learners solve problem, that they can not solve alone, that is to help learners spans the distance between the current level and the target. Wood (1976) believe that scaffolding teaching is a child solve problem by supporting by whom is more capable, while they can not complete a task or achieve them in the absence of support. Slavin (1994) pointed out, scaffolding teaching is a guide for teaching by teachers, so that children master, stupid technical knowledge construction and internalization learned, from rain to make them get a higher level of understanding. Pressly, Hogan (2000) believes, scaffolding teaching is based on the needs of learners to help them, and removed the ability to assist in their growth. This is the scaffolding teaching currently the most widely accepted view.
2.3 Research on Scaffolding Theory at home
Scaffolding theory begins at Western education in the 20th century, and be used in the teaching of English in the early 2000s. From the collected literature, we know that these research papers were completed in this century. The application of scaffolding theory relates to all aspects of English teaching, which contain the theoretical research, the application of scaffolding theory in English teaching, and empirical study of scaffolding theory in English teaching.
By classification analysis, we found that the most research is the application of scaffolding theory in English teaching, and relate to various aspects of English teaching. Ronghua Li (2012), Kaiqun Du (2014), Qiuyan Huang (2014) studied the application of scaffolding theory in English reading teaching. They pointed out that, guiding students’ English reading teaching by using scaffolding theory, and building appropriate support, can provide strong support for the students’ reading activities, and make the activity more operational and effective. It will help faster and better train and improve students' reading skills and overall language proficiency.
Gaohan Ju (2015), Lili Huang (2015) studied the application of scaffolding theory in English writing teaching. Their studies have shown that, English writing teaching based on scaffolding theory, is helpful to students improve writing skills. Compared with the traditional teaching model of English writing, English writing teaching model based on scaffolding theory can stimulate students 'writing motivation, and improve students' interest in writing, and tap the potential of students, improve writing teaching effectiveness.
Dan Shi (2012) studied the application of scaffolding theory in English vocabulary teaching. The study pointed out that the English vocabulary teaching should be a gradual transition from learning vocabulary to using vocabulary. In this dynamic learning process, teachers should continue to build support, to help students from one level to another level, to help students continue to construct their own, continue to form new capabilities, and finally achieve true application vocabulary.
Yanbo Cui (2011) studied the application of scaffolding theory in English grammar teaching. In his view, English grammar teaching model based on scaffolding theory can cause students’ desire and hope to learn in problem situations, and to enable students to improve the thinking system in question, to be within the knowledge of their own cognitive structure, contributed to the extension of knowledge and absorption.
In addition to the application of scaffolding theory in English teaching, some scholars also studied on the application of scaffolding theory in other subjects. Jun Dong (2012) studied the application of scaffolding theory in biology teaching. Xiao Qin (2012) studied the application of scaffolding theory in C language teaching. Qin Huang (2013) studied the application of scaffolding theory in information quality of university student education teaching. Rui Zeng (2014) researched Vocational computer specialty teaching model based scaffolding theory.
2.4 Theoretical Framework
2.4.1 Constructivism
Constructivism also translated as structuralism, and it is a branch of cognitive psychology. Schema is an important concept of constructivism.
Schema refers to the individual perception and think style to the world. Also, schema is the starting point and the core of cognitive structure, or the foundation of human understanding of things. Thus, the formation and change of schema is the essence of cognitive development. Cognitive development is influenced by three processes: the assimilation, adaptation and balance.
Assimilation refers to the process of individual filter or change the stimulate input. That is when individuals experience stimulates; they put them into the inner mind of any original drawings, and make it be a part of their own.
Adaptation refers to a process of changes in the external environment, and children's cognitive structure is restructured and reformed, because the original cognitive structure can not assimilate the new information provided by the environment caused. It means that adaptation is a process of individual's cognitive structure changes due to the influence of external stimuli.
Balance refers to the process of the individual learner through self-regulation mechanism to make cognitive development transition from a state of equilibrium to another equilibrium state.
Content of constructivism theory is very rich, but its core can be summed up as follows: it makes student as the center, and emphasizes students' initiative to explore the knowledge, discovery the significance of the knowledge. It is different from traditional teaching, which transfers the knowledge from the teachers’ mind to the students' notebooks. Making student as the center emphasizes the “l(fā)earning”, and making teacher as the center emphasizes the “teaching”. This is the fundamental disagreement of the two teaching concepts and points. Thus, there are two opposing theories of learning, teaching theory and teaching design theory.
Due to the requirements learning environment of constructivism theory has been strongly supported by the latest contemporary information technology,
It makes the constructivism theory widespread combine with teaching practice teachers, making constructivism theory become the guiding ideology to deepen the teaching reform in domestic and foreign schools.
The teaching model which suitable with the learning environment of constructivism theory should as follows: Students is the center in the teaching process, and the teachers played as the organizers, mentors, helpers and facilitators of action. The teacher use of scenarios, collaboration, sessions and other learning environmental factors into full play the students’ initiative, enthusiasm and pioneering spirit, ultimately enable students to effectively realize the significance of the current knowledge of the construction of purpose.
In this teaching mode, students are active constructors of knowledge; teachers are the organizers, mentors and facilitator of the teaching process. Teaching material is no longer the content to teach, but the object of students to actively construct; the media is no longer a methods to help teachers imparting knowledge, but to create situations, conduct collaborative learning and conversation exchange, that is, as active learning, collaborative exploration of cognitive tools. Clearly, in this case, teachers, students, teaching materials and media compared to traditional teaching, each of which has a completely different role, and have a totally different relationship to each other. But these roles and the relationship is very clear, and thus become another form of stable structure to teaching process.
Under constructivism theory, it has been developed several sophisticated teaching methods are the following:
(1)Scaffolding teaching
Scaffolding teaching should provide a conceptual framework for the students construct knowledge. The conceptual framework is needed by students to further understanding of the issues. Thus, in order to facilitate understanding of the learner to gradually deepen, it should be disintegrated complex learning tasks.
Scaffolding originally refers to the use of scaffolding in the construction industry, which the image is used to describe a teaching method: Child is seen as a building, and children's "learning" is the process to constantly, actively construct itself; and teachers "teaching" is a necessary scaffolding to support the children continue to construct their own, continue to build new capacity.
Scaffolding teaching is the former of ZPD theory. Vygotsky believed that when measuring children's intellectual development, it should determine at least two level of development of children: One is the current level of children’s development; another is potential level of development. The area between these two levels is called "zone of proximal development". Teaching should start potential level of development, and continue to create new "zone of proximal development." Scaffolding, which is in scaffolding teaching, should be established based on students '"zone of proximal development", and keep the students' intelligence from a level to another higher level via a scaffolding action.
(2)Anchored teaching
This teaching model requirement is based on real events or contagious on real problems. Identification of such actual events or issues are figuratively as "anchor", because once such incidents or issues are identified, the entire teaching content and teaching process will be determined (the same as the ship is anchored fixed). Constructivism holds that, if learners want to complete the construction of knowledge, which means the learner want to reached the nature, law and the link between things and other things, the best way is to let learners to the real world environment to feel, to experience, which means obtaining direct experience to learn, rather than just listening to others (such as teachers), introduced on this experience and explanation. Since anchored teaching should be based on real examples or issues (as "anchor"), it is sometimes also referred to as "examples of teaching" or "problem-based teaching" or "situational teaching."
(3)Random access teaching
Because of the multifaceted nature of things, the complexity of problems, to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the linkages between the intrinsic natures of things and grasp things, which really achieve what they have learned in a comprehensive and profound meaning construction is very difficult. It always can be drawn from a different perspective by considering different interpretations. To overcome the shortcomings in this regard, we should show the teaching content at different times and different situations to reach the different teaching purposes.
In other words, learners can freely through different channels, different ways of learning into the same teaching content, thereby obtaining the various of awareness and understanding for the same thing or the same problem, which is called "random access teaching." Obviously, learners will be able to reach the more comprehensive and in-depth knowledge by into the same course content.
This multiple entry is not like the traditional teaching as simple just to consolidate general knowledge, skills and the implementation of repetition. In the random access teaching model, each entry has a different learning objectives, has a different problem focus. Therefore, the results of multiple entry, is much more than simple repetition and consolidation for the same knowledge, but to obtain understanding for the whole picture of things.
2.4.2 Zone of Proximal Development
Zone of Proximal Development theory is children's cognitive theory raised by Vygotsky, who was a known educational psychologist from former Soviet Union, in the 1930s. Vygotsky absorbed and promoted the principles from Stone and Jean Piaget, and put forward his views on the new materialist psychological development of children: First, he thought the child form the complex mental life style in the process of interaction.
This means that the teaching, which is the most planned and systematic forms and methods, create a new psychological product, and provide the conditions and basis for the development. Teaching is the advanced process to make the mental life. Thus, Vygotsky got the conclusion that teaching, which considered as "the development of tail", is the decisive power of development. Second, Vygotsky believes that, children’s psychological function, formed in the process of interaction with peers, can become gradually internalized the child's own unique psychological function by helping with the intervention. That is, the psychological function formed in the process of interaction with peers can transformed into personal internal mental function. Third, Vygotsky believes teaching which can be used to deliver mankind teaching experience manifestations of psychological development is the most important factor. It is teaching created children's psychological development, and further to create a new children's totally unique form of mental activity. It is an important psychological form of human development, which mastered in the process of teaching.
Zone of Proximal Development theory mainly clarifies the dialectical relationship between teaching, learning and development. The core content of Zone of Proximal Development theory can summed up the theory of the "Two Levels", "Three Areas" and to improve their internal transformation to generate dynamic evolution.
(1) Two Levels
Vygotsky believed that in order to be able to be effective in the development of teaching, you first need to define the level of two children's development. There are two levels of a child's development: The first is "the current level of development," referring to the level of development of children's mental functioning by a series of already matured and formed from children master development system, such as children have the basics some of the concepts and rules and can be used, this level of performance ability for children to solve problems independently; secondly is the level can be achieved rely on the guidance (teachers, parents or the ability of the companion), which also called "potential level of development." Although we can not show for children solve problems independently, through guidance and assistance can be independently. Vygotsky defined this distance between the two levels of development as "the zone of proximal development."
(2) Three Areas
The “Three Areas” means the existing development area, the zone of proximal development area and the future development area.
The existing development area refers to the emotional experience of children and children's cognitive area has been formed. The existing development area is the basis of teachers teaching, and is the originating point of teaching. Thus, if the starting point is too high, students will "complete setback", leading to ineffective teaching; if the starting point is too low and easy, students will "expect setback", resulting in inefficient or ineffective teaching. "Complete setback" reflected in our high school writing teaching practice, is the task is too difficult, and beyond the students’ psychological expectations and organizational and thinking skills, then the student's writing will be unable to dwell, and the performance can not organize an effective thinking framework. Conversely, "expect setback" reflected in our high school writing teaching practice, is the essay task is too simple, or lack of freshness, and is not enough can cause students emotional shock excited and thinking. It is unable to mobilize their enthusiasm.
The zone of proximal development area is corrected during the formation of the potential cognitive domains. The zone of proximal development area is close to the existing development areas. The zone of proximal development area is the focus of teaching and the effective area. However, due to the presence of individual differences in terms of students' living environment, mental factors, the recent development area will be individual differences and situational differences, the zone of proximal development area will vary among different individuals namely; in a different context, the same individual may have different zone of proximal development.
The future development area is infinitely malleable concept, refers to children neither independent nor ability to help complete a blank area to complete by others. This area is compared with the existing development areas and the zone of proximal development area, including a larger region, and more widely.
(3) The dynamic transformation of the level of student development
Vygotsky not only proposed the zone of proximal development and distinguish related theoretical concepts, but also prove the effectiveness of the zone of proximal development theory in teaching by a large number of experimental data. The zone of proximal development theory suggests that teaching should understand clearly the current level of development and the potential level of development of the child, to find out the zone of proximal development area between the two, and thus to guide and help children continue to expand existing development areas, continue to form new zone of proximal development, which is a dynamic transformation process, the level of development of children is constantly generated and increase in the conversion process.
The dynamic transformation of the level of student development is as the picture shows:
Figure 2.1 the dynamic transformation of the level of student development
Entire frame consists of three parts; the point-like frame area shows the existing level of development, the linear frame region shows the zone of proximal development area, the black area shows the future development area. Change from figure A to Figure B, we can find: the zone of proximal development area is a dynamic range area. After helping conditions, the zone of proximal development area transformed into the existing development area, and the future development area transformed into the zone of proximal development area. It showed that the children obtain the ability. Both illustrated very vividly describe the zone of proximal development area theory. By means of adult’s help, children solve problems that can be achieved with the level of its own to solve the problem of the difference between the level reached is actually between two adjacent stages of development of transition state. Presence of a transition state tells us that our education should not only see the state of existing capacity, but also should pay attention to the process of state being formed.
Vygotsky emphasized that teaching should not only adapt to the existing level of development area, and should adapt the zone of proximal development area. Teaching should go in front of student development, transformed the zone of proximal development area into the existing development area. In the role of teaching, the zone of proximal development area, which is not fully mature, to become part of the existing development areas, and at the same time, the new development area, which is not fully mature appear.
The entire zone of proximal development will span a step forward. Thus, we continue to generate the zone of proximal development area and future development zones into existing development areas, and constantly progressive layers to form a new development. The principle feature of the zone of proximal development area theory is the recognition of the development of children's mental activities with true social nature: Cooperation and teaching is a decisive condition. Development is not simply be attributed to the knowledge and skills, but to make children's mental functioning and renovated in the teaching process, to obtain a new quality.
2.5 Relationship between scaffolding theory and English writing teaching
The weak situation of junior high school English writing ability has existed for a long time, and the main reasons as following:
(1) The recognition is not clear to the function of English writing teaching. Writing is a more integrated thinking activity, and is a form of language output. It enables a comprehensive reflection of the students' thinking ability and language skills. Because the function of English writing teaching is different from other language skills, and it has a unique learning build capabilities. Writing promotes student in-depth study and understanding of the role of language knowledge and culture. It can not be replaced by other language skills. Before the students started writing, they must think about how to explain his own point of view by using words and sentences, how to layout, how the end and so on. Thus, the writing of language learning is much greater intensity than other learning methods, and learning should be much better. However, many teachers can not clear understand the function of the writing training in the English teaching, and neglect the teaching of writing.
(2) Single teaching mode. As we all know, the traditional teaching of writing too much emphasis on learning grammar, syntax, vocabulary and spelling and other sentence level. The teaching model in the form of Teachers proposition - Student Writing - Teacher marking, is single, and the teaching of writing as an isolated act for students and teachers focus more on the results. Between teachers and students, the lack of mutual exchange and cooperation result in the lack of inspiration and motivation of teachers. The enthusiasm of students' writing is difficult to be mobilized. This teaching model has become increasingly unsuited to the requirements of the curriculum reform, and exposed many drawbacks. Survey results show that, generally junior high school has poor satisfaction at the English writing teaching. Many teachers usually take writing as a general task requires after-school activities, so it is difficult to realize the goal of teaching writing.
In the current actual teaching of the Oxford Textbook, each lesson last task items are writing, but because of exam-oriented education, teachers usually put a lot of time to explain the vocabulary, grammar and syntax appear in the text, etc., while the final essay tasks do not pay attention, just put it as optional homework. It usually also have no a special offer writing class, students get very little guidance and practice, students' writing is prone to fear of hardship, and often have nothing to say. Students afraid to write, teachers afraid modified, so writing training often be placed before approaching the test, in order to cope with the test. Thus, the students missed a good time to the English language thinking gradually formed, development, cultivate, which is caused by the status quo of students in terms of writing exams and low scores.
Writing ability can not formed naturally during the culture of listening, speaking, reading, etc. It must be obtained through repeated training. It is an attempt to practice the constructivism theory to English writing.
Writing is a process of written use English accordingto their understanding and life experience. This process involves a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities. English writing requirements a variety of techniques to master a large vocabulary, knowledge of English group of words into sentences, sentences into chapter, and skillfully control the language. In English writing, students must fully mobilize thinking skills, life experience, language knowledge, writing skills, and many other reserves, and then the appropriate English expression. The whole process of writing is a process of material - thought - articles. For junior high school students, English writing is harder than mother language writing. Application integration skills in language, writing requires the most demanding, and it requires not only the learner must have sufficient basic knowledge of the language, with words and sentences in a foreign language, proficiency in spelling, punctuation and other writing basic skills, but also need to have the energy to Western thinking creatively and logically thinking skills. English writing skills include writing correct spelling, fluent sentence, grammatical norms, structured, content integrity, focused, appropriate levels of detail and so on. English writing teaching should pay attention to three stages: ① the conceptual stage, according to their own ideological purposes to express idea in mind, choose to write content. ②Conversion stage, the choice of language in the form of expression of ideas, or the use of grammatical rules to express the thought into language information. ③ Implementation phase, will be converted into the minds of the language expressed in articles in English, this phase also includes modifying written after processing and polish.
Build scaffolding is to promote the potential level of development area into the existing development area. For students, any new experience is built on existing experience and levels, in order to complete writing tasks, it is must to build "scaffolding" .In the teaching process with the interaction between students and students, between teachers and students, promoting their active participation in all aspects of the idea, writing, marking, etc. By participating, practice, exchanges and other forms to experience, discuss and ponder. So you can make the act of writing becomes isolated act to group cooperation, and will generally static, closed jumped writing process dynamic, open writing "salon", so that students repeatedly of "talk" unconsciously construct their own writing quality and ability.
Chapter three Research Methodology
3.1 Hypotheses
3.2 subjects
3.3 Instruments
3.3.1 Pre-test
3.3.2 Post-test
3.3.3 questionnaire
3.4 Procedures of Teaching Experiment
3.5 Teaching Experiment
3.5.1 Operation in the Experimental Class
3.5.2 Operation in the Control Class
3.5.3 Teaching Sample
Chapter four Data Collection and Analyses
4.1 Data Collection
4.2 Analyses of the Data
4.2.1 Analyses of the test Analyses of the Pre-test Analyses of the Post-test
4.2.2 Analyses of the Writing Papers
4.2.3 Analyses of the Questionnaire
Chapter five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitation
5.4 Suggestions
5.5 Conclusion