[Abstract]:Thunderstorm is a sign of the maturation of Chinese drama. It has been translated twice in English in different periods, namely Yao Ke edition published in (T'ienHsiaMonthly) monthly in 1936 and Wang Zuoliang and Barnes edition published by Foreign language Publishing House in 1958. In general, Yao's version is mostly foreignized, and the Chinese cultural features are also introduced into the translation. On the other hand, Wang's translation adopts domestication, and the translator draws closer to the target reader, seeking corresponding words of the source concept in English, so as to lighten the reading pressure of the target reader. The dispute over domestication has a long history, but the two translation strategies are not antagonistic and can be used by translators for different purposes. The author is inspired by comparative analysis of the two English versions: domestication, alienation does not need to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages, the translator can make a choice according to different author's intention, translation purpose, text type and the target of the reader and so on. Domestication, alienation, although seemingly opposite, but in fact is unified, complementary to each other. In the process of translation, the most important thing is that the translator has the consciousness of cultural transmission. No matter whether he chooses to domesticate or dissimilate, the translator should help the target readers to accept and understand the source culture with the aim of cultural exchange.
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