類型:英語論文 時(shí)間:2016年8月29日
Chapter One Symbolism and Post-colonial Literature
The tradition of symbolism could be traced back to Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Females, animals, natural scenery, fire, madness and colors are all widely used symbols in post-colonialism novels. In Heart of Darkness, white and black refer to good and evil respectively; females refer to the ignorant and oppressed. A Passage to India by Edward Morgan Forster takes the echo in caves as a symbol to demonstrate the mystery of Hinduism and the sole origin of all things. In Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, mirror becomes a symbol of oneself, while the burnt parrot and killed horse symbolize misfortune. By means of knitting these symbols into the text, the authors transmit obscure and multiple cultural themes.
A. Post-colonial Literature
It is widely acknowledged by western academia that post-colonialism is a concept of time, referring to the historical period after colonization, namely, the period after the colonial liberation movement since Yalta Conference. Unlike the political and economic colonization achieved by military occupation, it means the neo-colonization in cultural and other forms. At the same time, post colonialism appears as a theoretical thought in western ideological circle and extends all over the world. Post-colonialism reflects, from a cultural perspective, the influence of western hegemony on the third world countries. Literature written in the context of post colonialism is called post-colonial literature. 7 Among the rich reservoir of the English literature, post-colonial literature is of great significance. Post-colonial literature refers to the literary works that deal with the cultural and literary discourse of European colonial history all over the world, mainly the countries which belong to the so called the third world, most of which are located in non-Europe regions. It examines and studies the political, social and cultural problems and evolutions that are caused by the colonial occupation; It concerns itself especially with the colonial legacies in the formerly colonized countries in the decolonization era; It describes people living in countries and areas which used to be or still are colonies; It also covers literary critiques about canonical literature which justify colonialism. Most of their authors a
re ethnic minorities, immigrants and original inhabitants. In the world dominated by western countries, they struggle fo