ecological security early warning PSR model entropy method Y
The Measure of Ecological Security Early Warning and the Temporal and Spatial Pattern in Yellow River Delta
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XU Cheng- long, CHENG Yu, REN Jian- lan ( College of Population Resource and Environment Sciences, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, Shandong, China)
Abstr:Ecological security is important for human health, natural resources, and socio-economical development. With the aggravation of environmental pollution,ecological problem in Yellow River Delta area had become the focus of atten- tion. In this paper, as the Yellow River Delta for an example, the PSR model was used to construct the warning index sys- tem of Yellow River Delta. The paper carried on analysis to the Yellow River Delta ecological security early warning by entropy method. Three conclusions were as follows. Firstly, during the period of 2005 - 2010, the ecological environment of Yellow River Delta has been improved gradually,and the value of ecological security early warning value in 2010 was bigger than the one in 2005. Secondly, although ecological environment has been improved, the ecological security level in most areas of Yellow River Delta in 2010 was still in the third grade. Ecological security was not optimistic. Lastly, ec- ological environment in eastern area of Yellow River Delta was better than the one o.f the central and western area. The ar- eas of the worst ecological environment basically concentrated in Dongying city and Binzhou city. The transformation of economic development mode, ecological restoration and compensation, the difference of regional spatial control are the necessary measures to improve the ecological environment of Yellow River delta.
Keyword::ecological security early warning PSR model entropy method Yellow River Delta