Antibiotics and Cu(Ⅱ):Co-sorption and Acetylcholin Esterase
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-04-18 04:13
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:127 頁(yè)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and significance
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Contents of the study
1.4 The organization of this thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 The interaction between antibiotics and HMs
2.2 Co-sorption behavior of antibiotics and HMs
2.3 The toxicity of antibiotics and HMs
2.4 Key questions need to be discussed in this study
Chapter 3 Research Method
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sorption experiments
3.2.1 Sorbates
3.2.2 Sorbents
3.2.3 Collection and pretreatment of soils
3.2.4 Batch sorption experiments
3.2.5 Chemical quantification
3.2.6 Data processing method
3.3 Enzyme inhibition experiments
3.3.1 Preparation of AChE
3.3.2 Chromogenic method for enzyme activity quantification
3.3.3 Inhibition experiments
3.3.4 Data processing method
3.3.5 Enzyme structural analysis
Chapter 4 Co-Sorption of Ofloxacin and Cu in Soils before and after Organic Matter Removal
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Cu sorption on different particles
4.3 OFL sorption on different particles
4.4 Co-sorption of OFL and Cu
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Co-sorption of Sulfamethoxazole and Cu on Hydroxylized and Graphitized Carbon Nanotubes
5.1 Introduction
5.2 SMX-Cu complexation as an affected by pH
5.3 Sorption of SMX or Cu individually on MWCNTs
5.4 Co-sorption of SMX and Cu on MWCNTs
5.5 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Inhibition of Acetylcholin Esterase by coexisting Cu Ofloxacin
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Inhibition of AChE activity by OFL or Cu
6.3 Secondary structural change of AChE as an affected by OFL or Cu
6.4 Inhibition of AChE activity by coexsiting Cu and OFL
6.5 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Prospectives
7.1 Conclusions
7.2 Perspectives
Appendix 1 List of Publications and Prizes
Appendix 2 List of Symbols and Abbreviations
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:127 頁(yè)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and significance
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Contents of the study
1.4 The organization of this thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 The interaction between antibiotics and HMs
2.2 Co-sorption behavior of antibiotics and HMs
2.3 The toxicity of antibiotics and HMs
2.4 Key questions need to be discussed in this study
Chapter 3 Research Method
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sorption experiments
3.2.1 Sorbates
3.2.2 Sorbents
3.2.3 Collection and pretreatment of soils
3.2.4 Batch sorption experiments
3.2.5 Chemical quantification
3.2.6 Data processing method
3.3 Enzyme inhibition experiments
3.3.1 Preparation of AChE
3.3.2 Chromogenic method for enzyme activity quantification
3.3.3 Inhibition experiments
3.3.4 Data processing method
3.3.5 Enzyme structural analysis
Chapter 4 Co-Sorption of Ofloxacin and Cu in Soils before and after Organic Matter Removal
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Cu sorption on different particles
4.3 OFL sorption on different particles
4.4 Co-sorption of OFL and Cu
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Co-sorption of Sulfamethoxazole and Cu on Hydroxylized and Graphitized Carbon Nanotubes
5.1 Introduction
5.2 SMX-Cu complexation as an affected by pH
5.3 Sorption of SMX or Cu individually on MWCNTs
5.4 Co-sorption of SMX and Cu on MWCNTs
5.5 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Inhibition of Acetylcholin Esterase by coexisting Cu Ofloxacin
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Inhibition of AChE activity by OFL or Cu
6.3 Secondary structural change of AChE as an affected by OFL or Cu
6.4 Inhibition of AChE activity by coexsiting Cu and OFL
6.5 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Prospectives
7.1 Conclusions
7.2 Perspectives
Appendix 1 List of Publications and Prizes
Appendix 2 List of Symbols and Abbreviations