religion tourism literature review religion resources develo
A 30-year Review of Domestic and International Religion Tourism Researches
[1] [2]
SIA Rosalind Juoling, WU Bihu (1. School of Tourism, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China; 2. Center for Recreation and Tourism Research College of Urban and Environmenta
[1]海南大學(xué)旅游學(xué)院旅游管理系,海南海口570228; [2]北京大學(xué)城市與環(huán)境學(xué)院旅游研究與規(guī)劃中心,北京100871
Abstr:Religion tourism is one of the oldest travel form of mankind yet still lack of in- depth research by many disciplines of study, especially tourism. By using literature content analysis method,the author intended to look into religion tourism related studies, journal articles, conferences papers,dissertations, reports and newspaper announcements etc. that published in China and aboard, for the past 30 year, i.e. 1981 – Mar 2015. By taking into consideration publication in CNKI(for Chinese)and Scopus(for English, including Google Scholar and Web of Knowledge), to date, there are in total457 articles found in Chinese and 292 articles in English in between the research period.In China, researches were developed in two major directions; firstly where most of the studies emerged with case studies based research that took religious site as study area and explored it resources available and explained it development process, some had undertaken tourism impact studies at the religious site as well while the other scholars looked at religion tourism in the perspectives of tourism product development which wrote about turning religious site into a touristic attraction. In contrast,studies from abroad were more comprehensive and various as they had covered aspects such as theories, tourist studies, motivation, activities as well as resource management and attraction promotion and marketing etc. for religion tourism in general and religious site in particular.Out of the 700 literatures found, major ideas and outstanding findings on religion tourism studies by Chinese and Western scholars are presented and discussed in six main categories, i.e. religion tourism resource development and planning, religious sites tourism development
Keyword::religion tourism literature review religion resources development religion tourist