發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-09-08 09:50
更多相關(guān)文章: 中斯 關(guān)系 研究 2005 2015
- Acknowledgement14-16
- Abstract16-18
- Introduction18-36
- Chapter-1 Chian—Sri Lanka relations:'Historical Perspective'36-69
- 1.1 Foreign Policy Perspective under Different Regimes38-60
- 1.2 Triangular Relations60-67
- Conclusion67-69
- Chapter—2 Political Dimension of Contemporary China—Sri Lanka Relations-'Friends in need'69-113
- 2.1 Asian tsunami and the new wave of bilateral engagement70-76
- 2.2 Opportunities to cement ties一50th Anniversary Celebrations of Diplomatic Relations76-81
- 2.3 Period of Rejuvenation under President Rajapaksa81-98
- 2.4 China's response towards Sri Lanka98-106
- 2.5 Indian Axis106-111
- Conclusion111-113
- Chapter-3 China—Sri Lanka Economic Cooperation:"No boundaries for DevelopmentAspirations"113-142
- 3.1 Development Assistance114-115
- 3.2 China—Sri Lanka Development cooperation115-120
- 3.3 Analysis on Chinese Development Assistance to Sri Lanka120-131
- 3.3.1 Chinese Assistance to Sri Lanka by projects122-128
- 3.3.2 China's Technical Assistance to Sri Lanka128-130
- 3.3.3 Chinese investments for the development of Sri Lanka130-131
- 3.4 Development Assistance and Policy Framework of Sri Lanka131-139
- Conclusion139-142
- Chapter-4 Sri Lankan—Chinese Defence Cooperation:'Security is a Basic Need'142-166
- 4.1 Chinese—Sri Lankan Defence Cooperation143-158
- 4.2 International and regional perspective—balancing act158-162
- Conclusion162-166
- Chapter—5 Sri Lankan—Chinese Cultural Relations—Culture binds two nations166-186
- 5.1 Historical overview of Cultural Relations168-172
- 5.2 Accelerated cultural relations during President Rajapaksa172-178
- 5.3 Contribution of the Sri Lankan government and civil society178-183
- Conclusion183-186
- Chapter—6 Safeguarding Security and Economic Interests—Maritime Silk Road& Sri Lanka—China Relationship186-204
- 6.1 Maritime Silk Road Project186-189
- 6.2 Sri Lanka and MSR189-202
- 6.2.1 Future prospects and Challenges198-202
- Conclusion202-204
- 7. CONCLUSION204-213
- Appendices213-233
- Bibliography233-243