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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-02 22:12

  本文選題:馬克思主義 + 社會主義; 參考:《南京大學》2012年博士論文

【摘要】:“中國模式”是在改革開放新的歷史條件下,中國共產(chǎn)黨人團結(jié)帶領全國人民對于中國社會主義現(xiàn)代化建設基本經(jīng)驗的總結(jié)、提煉與概括!爸袊J健钡奶岱,既有其明確的意識形態(tài)界定,同時又不局限于意識形態(tài)層面;既以社會主義發(fā)展史為參照系,又以人類現(xiàn)代化一般進程為參照系;既有其內(nèi)在邏輯的規(guī)定性,又呈現(xiàn)出開放性與動態(tài)發(fā)展性特征。研究“中國模式”,不僅對于中國自身的下一步發(fā)展具有積極的啟示意義,有利于進一步提升中華民族科學發(fā)展的自信自覺,而且在一定程度上為西方發(fā)達國家現(xiàn)代性問題的解決、為發(fā)展中國家的現(xiàn)代化建設提供來自東方社會主義中國的經(jīng)驗,為人類走向現(xiàn)代的進程提供多樣化選擇。論文圍繞“中國模式”進行思考,選取其中關系全局的幾個問題展開分析。除“引言”和“結(jié)語”外,全文主體部分由七章組成。 引言部分首先介紹了本課題國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀,討論了問題的緣起及其生成機制,介紹了國內(nèi)外在此問題研究中涉及到的主要內(nèi)容、基本內(nèi)涵及其前途命運分析。然后對“中國模式”與“中國特色社會主義道路”等提法進行了初步的概念辨析,認為兩者在根本性質(zhì)、基本內(nèi)涵和主要內(nèi)容方面是同根同源、互相交集的,如有不同,主要體現(xiàn)為在側(cè)重點和參照系各有特色,前者側(cè)重將中國問題置于人類現(xiàn)代化總體進程之上,后者側(cè)重將中國置于國際共產(chǎn)主義運動和社會主義發(fā)展史的背景之下。從歷史的進程來看,“中國模式”形成的歷史起點可以確定在1978年前后,它覆蓋改革開放全過程,明確指出“中國模式”是改革開放30多年實踐經(jīng)驗的總結(jié),而貫穿其中的思想解放和漸進改革奠定了“中國模式”的前提和基調(diào)。 論文的第一章,著重介紹部分發(fā)達國家、發(fā)展中國家和蘇聯(lián)關于發(fā)展模式的理論與實踐。主要圍繞以下三個方面展開考察和研究:首先,在分析世界發(fā)達國家的發(fā)展模式的歷史必然性和合理之處的同時,強調(diào)要直視其在當下進一步發(fā)展過程中所面臨的困境。諸如,環(huán)境問題、氣候變暖問題等全球性問題,單憑西方國家一己之力無法從根本上解決這些問題,因而“中國模式”的作用愈益凸顯。其次,通過對發(fā)展中國家發(fā)展模式的分析與考察,歷史的結(jié)論是,照搬照抄別國建設經(jīng)驗或者寄希望于他人、他國為本國的發(fā)展制定一整套“治病良藥”的想法是荒謬和幼稚的。必須從本國國情出發(fā),獨立自主探索適合本國具體實際的發(fā)展道路或發(fā)展模式。最后,論文分析了“蘇聯(lián)模式”在特定歷史條件下的合理之處,認同在其形成初期,為蘇聯(lián)社會主義建設做出了重要貢獻。但同時“蘇聯(lián)模式”亦存在嚴重弊端,必須進行不斷的改革。 論文的第二章,對近代以來中國探索社會發(fā)展道路的理論與實踐進行了簡單的回顧和梳理。建國以來,中國共產(chǎn)黨帶領廣大人民為尋求社會發(fā)展之路進行了艱苦卓絕的探索,這為“中國模式”的建立奠定了堅實的基礎。改革開放以后,“中國模式”開始逐步展開并日益豐富,其中思想解放是開啟“中國模式”的理論先導。“中國模式”突破了經(jīng)典馬克思主義理論和傳統(tǒng)社會主義建設模式,其根本點是重新恢復了實事求是思想路線,堅持把馬克思主義基本原理與中國具體實踐相結(jié)合,進一步推進馬克思主義中國化。 論文的第三章、第四章、第五章、第六章和第七章,分別闡述了“中國模式”在經(jīng)濟、政治、文化、社會和外交等方面的特色、優(yōu)勢、問題與不足,以及未來發(fā)展可能的趨勢、思路和對策。 第三章主要研究中國特色社會主義經(jīng)濟發(fā)展模式。中國特色經(jīng)濟發(fā)展道路和模式的主要內(nèi)涵是堅持以公有制為基礎,強有力的宏觀調(diào)控,計劃機制與市場機制的有機結(jié)合。通過對經(jīng)濟危機中中國克服經(jīng)濟危機所做努力與對策的研究中,進一步凸顯“中國模式”的內(nèi)在優(yōu)越性。中國特色經(jīng)濟模式在未來發(fā)展過程中所面臨的機遇與挑戰(zhàn)是:從中國制造到中國創(chuàng)造——建設創(chuàng)新型國家,從“轉(zhuǎn)變經(jīng)濟增長方式”到“轉(zhuǎn)變經(jīng)濟發(fā)展方式”,從出口導向到擴大內(nèi)需。 第四章主要研究中國特色社會主義民主政治發(fā)展模式。中國特色政治模式最基本的特征就是在正確政治方向下實行漸進式民主改革。中國特色社會主義政治模式的主要內(nèi)涵包括:堅持與改善中國共產(chǎn)黨領導有機統(tǒng)一,堅持社會主義的本質(zhì)屬性,人民當家作主是中國特色民主政治模式的本質(zhì)。加強和改善黨的執(zhí)政能力建設是完善中國特色政治模式的關鍵。 第五章主要研究中國特色社會主義意識形態(tài)和文化模式。馬克思主義意識形態(tài)理論的內(nèi)容特征及其中國式發(fā)展是中國特色文化模式的本質(zhì)特征。當前我國意識形態(tài)領域和文化建設面臨的挑戰(zhàn)主要有:新自由主義對改革開放的惡意歪曲和誤導,民主社會主義思潮的影響,封建主義殘余思想的影響。必須進一步深入推進馬克思主義中國化、時代化、大眾化,以捍衛(wèi)馬克思主義在意識形態(tài)領域的指導地位。 第六章主要研究中國特色社會主義社會建設模式。中國特色社會模式實現(xiàn)了從經(jīng)濟發(fā)展到社會發(fā)展的轉(zhuǎn)型:重歸整體性。社會公平和正義是當前社會建設面臨的主要問題,需要從如下方面進行努力:繼續(xù)解放和發(fā)展生產(chǎn)力,警惕平均主義回潮;初次分配是解決社會公平正義問題的關鍵;建立健全保障社會公平正義的制度和全社會利益調(diào)節(jié)機制;以包容性增長為切入點,彰顯全民共享理念。 第七章主要研究中國特色對外關系模式。中國特色對外關系模式就是走和平發(fā)展之路。正確把握全球性問題與大國責任之間的關系,既可以發(fā)揮“中國模式”在解決全球性問題中的作用,也可以回應西方的所謂“大國責任論”。 結(jié)語部分系統(tǒng)總結(jié)了論文基本內(nèi)容和主要觀點。“中國模式”作為一種分析問題的范式,有其存在合理性。正確的態(tài)度是在科學發(fā)展觀指導下理性接受、科學使用。“中國模式”在本質(zhì)上與中國特色社會主義道路是一致的,但“中國模式”的參照系較之于“道路”更為寬廣,它彰顯中國特色社會主義與資本主義的對話,彰顯中國特色社會主義在人類面向未來的現(xiàn)代化征途中,對共同關心問題的探索與解答,因此有著更加寬闊的理論視野與現(xiàn)實意義。對于其在探索前進中的問題,要堅持以科學發(fā)展觀為指導,通過深化改革加以改進。面對西方資本主義的經(jīng)驗,我們不盲目崇拜,而要學習借鑒;面對“中國模式”所取得的成就,我們不盲目自大,而是要謙虛謹慎;面對中國特色社會主義的未來,我們既堅定信念、樂觀自信,又冷靜清醒、兢兢業(yè)業(yè),以煥發(fā)“中國模式”的魅力與風采。
[Abstract]:Under the new historical conditions of the reform and opening - up , the Chinese model has led the people of the Communist Party of China to lead the whole nation to sum up , refine and summarize the basic experience of the modernization of China ' s socialist modernization .
With the history of socialist development as the reference system , and the general process of human modernization as the reference system ;
This paper studies the " Chinese model " , which not only has positive implications for the next development of the Chinese nation itself , but also helps to further improve the self - confidence of the Chinese nation ' s scientific development and to provide diversified choices for the modernization of the developing countries . In addition to the introduction and the conclusion , the whole body part consists of seven chapters .

The introduction part firstly introduces the present situation of the research at home and abroad , discusses the origin of the problem and its generating mechanism , and introduces the main contents , the basic connotation and the future fate analysis of the research of " Chinese mode " and " socialism road with Chinese characteristics " .

The first chapter focuses on the theory and practice of the development model of some developed countries , developing countries and the Soviet Union .

The second chapter of this paper briefly reviews and combs the theory and practice of China ' s exploration of social development path since the founding of the People ' s Republic of China . Since the founding of the country , the Communist Party of China has led the general people to explore the way of seeking social development , which has laid a solid foundation for the establishment of " China model " .

Chapter 3 , chapter 4 , chapter 5 , chapter 6 and chapter 7 , respectively , illustrate the characteristics , advantages , problems and shortcomings of the " China model " in economic , political , cultural , social and foreign affairs , as well as possible trends , ideas and countermeasures in the future .

The third chapter mainly studies the mode of socialist economic development with Chinese characteristics . The main connotation of the road and mode of Chinese characteristic economic development is to insist on the organic combination of the public ownership as the base , the strong macro - control , the planning mechanism and the market mechanism .

The fourth chapter mainly studies the mode of socialist democratic political development with Chinese characteristics . The most basic feature of Chinese characteristic political model is to carry out progressive democratic reform in the correct political direction . The main connotation of the socialism political model with Chinese characteristics includes : sticking to and improving the leadership of the Communist Party of China , insisting on the essential attributes of socialism , and the essence of the democratic political model with Chinese characteristics . Strengthening and improving the Party ' s ruling ability is the key to improve the political model of Chinese characteristics .

The fifth chapter mainly studies the socialist ideology and cultural pattern of Chinese characteristics . The content characteristics of Marxist ideology theory and the Chinese style development are the essential characteristics of Chinese characteristic cultural pattern . The present challenges of ideological field and cultural construction in our country are mainly the influence of neo - liberalism on the malicious distortion and misleading of the reform and opening - up , the influence of democratic socialism and the residual thought of feudalism .

The sixth chapter mainly studies the mode of socialist society construction with Chinese characteristics . The Chinese characteristic social pattern realizes the transition from the economic development to the social development : the return to the whole . Social justice and justice are the main problems facing the current social construction , and the efforts should be made from the following aspects : to continue the liberation and the development of the productive forces and to guard against the trend of average ;
Initial allocation is the key to solve social fairness and justice .
Establish and perfect the social fairness and justice system and the whole society benefit adjustment mechanism ;
Take inclusive growth as an entry point to highlight the concept of people ' s sharing .

The seventh chapter mainly studies the mode of external relations with Chinese characteristics . The mode of external relations with Chinese characteristics is the way of peaceful development . The relationship between global problems and the responsibility of great powers can be correctly grasped . It can not only play the role of " China model " in solving global problems , but also respond to the so - called " big country responsibility theory " in the West .

This paper summarizes the basic contents and main viewpoints of the thesis . " Chinese model " is a normal form of analyzing the problem , and it has rationality . The correct attitude is consistent with the socialism road with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of the scientific development view .
In the face of the achievements of the " China model " , we are not blind to ourselves , but to be modest and prudent ;
Facing the future of socialism with Chinese characteristics , we are firm in faith , optimistic and self - confident , sober - headed and dedicated to the charm and style of " Chinese mode " .


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9 肖浩輝;;論建設創(chuàng)新型國家的戰(zhàn)略地位和發(fā)展途徑[J];湖南科技大學學報(社會科學版);2010年03期




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