2014年第 4期總第 138期文章編號(hào):1003.2398(2014)04.0003—05 作為中國(guó)人文地理學(xué)鑒鏡的段義孚思想葉超(南京師范大學(xué)地理科學(xué)學(xué)院,南京 210023) YI.FU TUAN ’S HUM ANISTIC GEOGRAPHY AS A M IRf R OF CH J.ESE HI.J]M AN GEOGRAPHY YE Chao (College ofGeographic Sciences,NanjingNormal University,Nanjing210023,China) Abstract:Yi—Fu Tuan’S hum anistic geography takes a significant position in Anglo-American hum an geogra— phy,and attracts many ordinary readers.On the contrary,m any Chinese hum an geogr aphers often lack deep awareness on Tuan and humanistic geography,the relative and special researches on them are not enough. On Yi—Fu Tuan’S thought and hum anistic geography,there are three questions put forward by som e Chinese human geographers:is it a geography?can it spread and popularize?what does it do for Chinese hum an ge— ography?This article answers the three questions,explains and explores the Tuan’S ideas,m ethodology and wisdom .As a m irror reflecting the development of China’S h...