IR theories spatial turn space theory
On the "Spatial Turn" of International Relation Theories
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JIN Xin, HUANG Feng-zhi (College of Administration, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin 130012, China)
Abstr:"Spatial Turn" has become a common research trend among the disciplines of con- temporary philosophy and social science. The lack of spatial awareness and space discourse is the theory omission that can not be ignored in International relations. International relations theory Introducing spatial concepts into the theoretical framework of the disciplines to re-examine Inter- national Relations with spatial thoughts, is to construct space theory of International Relations through spatially interpreting international issues. This topic can be divided into two levels. On the one hand, we can philosophically re-examine the "space" to lay the philosophical basis for space theory of International Relations. On the other hand, we can study social structures and processes about International Space based on "Social Turn" in order to build the framework of space theory of International Relations. To realize "Spatial Turn" of the IR theories, there are two paths for it. one is to propel spatialization of the Reflectivism forward; the other is to devel- op social theory of geopolitics through integrating the Constructivism with the Geopolitics.
Keyword::IR theories spatial turn space theory