發(fā)布時間:2020-06-13 17:46
【摘要】:為了減少城市中的大氣污染,風能作為一種廉價的可再生能源受到了廣泛關注。垂直軸風機是獲得風能的一種重要形式,因此人們開展了許多針對垂直軸風機氣動載荷和性能的研究。但是現(xiàn)有研究大多是針對定常風場開展的,目前關于非定常風場中垂直軸風機氣動載荷和性能的研究相對較少。本文采用數(shù)值模擬和風洞實驗相結合的方法,針對非定常風場中垂直軸風機的氣動載荷及性能進行了深入研究。具體研究內(nèi)容如下:采用基于N-S方程的數(shù)值模擬方法,針對采用NACA 0012和NACA 0022翼形葉片的兩種垂直軸風機,開展了風機氣動載荷和氣動性能的數(shù)值模擬研究。將風機功率系數(shù)的數(shù)值結果與文獻中的實驗數(shù)據(jù)進行了對比,結果符合較好,從而驗證了數(shù)值計算方法的有效性。開展了在非定常風場條件下葉片厚度、葉尖速比、來流速度波動頻率和來流速度波動幅值等參數(shù)對垂直軸風機氣動性能影響的數(shù)值模擬研究。結果表明,較大的葉片厚度、葉尖速比和來流速度波動頻率有助于提高風機的氣動性能,而較大的來流速度波動幅值會導致風機氣動性能的下降。針對肯尼亞國內(nèi)兩個城市的實際非定常風場,開展了垂直軸風機氣動載荷及性能的數(shù)值模擬研究,并將數(shù)值模擬獲得的功率密度與實測數(shù)據(jù)進行了對比,驗證了數(shù)值計算方法的實際工程應用價值。采用風洞實驗方法,開展了小型Savonius風機在湍動來流條件下的非定常氣動特性研究。在風洞實驗中利用湍流發(fā)生器實現(xiàn)了湍動來流條件,采用旋轉(zhuǎn)扭矩傳感器測量風機的扭矩,并進一步分析獲得了風機的氣動載荷及性能。結果表明,湍動來流對風機氣動載荷及性能均有影響。本文的研究成果有助于深入理解非定常風場條件下的垂直軸風機的氣動載荷、氣動性能及其形成的物理機制,將為考慮非定常風場條件的風機設計和研制奠定理論基礎。
圖1-4葉片三個區(qū)域Fig.1-4 The three blade regionsthe blade velocity V, and is given by[13, 35]:W = U∞+ V , (1-1)where blade velocity is defined asV = ωRrotor,(1-2)whereas Rrotoris the rotor radius of the VAWT.From equation (1-1), the relative velocity varies from a minimum to a maximumduring each rotation. The miminum relative velocity can be calculated as[36]:W = (λ 1)U∞(1-3)and the maximum asW = (λ + 1)U∞,(1-4)where
[39].圖1-6 Darrieus升力型風機葉片與風的相位關系Fig.1-6 Free-stream wind direction and orientation of blades on Darrieus lift-based VAWT rotorThe Reynolds number based on free-stream velocity is defined as[37]:Reu∞=u∞cν=ρu∞cμ=ρu∞Lμ,(1-12)whereμis the fluid viscosity,ν =μρis the kinematic viscosity, L is the characteristiclength scale, and c is the blade chord length.- 12 -
圖1-4葉片三個區(qū)域Fig.1-4 The three blade regionsthe blade velocity V, and is given by[13, 35]:W = U∞+ V , (1-1)where blade velocity is defined asV = ωRrotor,(1-2)whereas Rrotoris the rotor radius of the VAWT.From equation (1-1), the relative velocity varies from a minimum to a maximumduring each rotation. The miminum relative velocity can be calculated as[36]:W = (λ 1)U∞(1-3)and the maximum asW = (λ + 1)U∞,(1-4)where
[39].圖1-6 Darrieus升力型風機葉片與風的相位關系Fig.1-6 Free-stream wind direction and orientation of blades on Darrieus lift-based VAWT rotorThe Reynolds number based on free-stream velocity is defined as[37]:Reu∞=u∞cν=ρu∞cμ=ρu∞Lμ,(1-12)whereμis the fluid viscosity,ν =μρis the kinematic viscosity, L is the characteristiclength scale, and c is the blade chord length.- 12 -