發(fā)布時間:2021-09-17 01:29
乳酸菌是人體腸道微生物組成成分,為普遍公認的安全菌株,應用于食品工業(yè)中,作為表達系統(tǒng)的宿主菌相比其他微生物有天然優(yōu)勢。本課題從傳統(tǒng)食品中分離到一株乳酸菌,經過16S rRNA測序與序列比對,結合傳統(tǒng)的生理生化實驗,鑒定為植物乳桿菌的近緣種戊糖乳桿菌,命名為戊糖乳桿菌JS1(Lactobacillus pentosus JS1)。此菌株中含有一個大小為13kb的天然質粒,使用引物步移法獲得質粒的序列,拼接得到質粒全長13205bp。通過與NCBI數據庫比對,確定質粒為一個新的質粒,命名為pJS1。其G+C含量為35%,有14個開放閱讀框。序列分析發(fā)現,質粒含有兩個復制子,分別命名為ori1與ori2。兩個復制子的序列相似達80%,ori1含有長度為22bp的4.8個重復正向重復序列;ori2含有4.5個重復正向重復序列。兩個重復序列僅兩個堿基差異。在復制子下游均緊接一個可能與復制子相關的repB。為確定最小復制子,將含有復制子序列的不同的片段克隆到大腸桿菌質粒pUCM構建大腸桿菌-乳酸菌穿梭載體。結果表明,兩個含復制子片段均可在胞內復制,ori1的最小復制子包括完整的正向重復序列,完整的...
【文章來源】:華中農業(yè)大學湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數】:79 頁
圖 2 滾環(huán)復制模型(del Solar Gloriadel 1998)Fig.2 Model for RC replicationThe plasmid-encoded Rep protein recognizes the dso on supercoiled DNAandintroduces a site-specific nick generating a free 3′-OH end. This end is elongated byhost proteins as the parental strand is being displaced. When the replication forkreaches the reconstituted dso, Rep protein catalyzes a strand transfer reaction,releasing an ssDNAintermediate and a dsDNAmolecule with a parental and anewly synthesized (dotted) strand. Lagging-strand synthesis on the ssDNAmolecule is initiated at the sso signal by the host RNApolymerase. This enzymewould synthesize a short primer RNA, and lagging-strand synthesis is performed byhost DNApolymerases. The end products are supercoiled plasmid DNAmolecules.鏈置換復制許多病毒是以鏈置換的方式復制,質粒中也有少部分是以此方式復制,但乳酸菌中并沒有這樣的報導。
【文章來源】:華中農業(yè)大學湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數】:79 頁
圖 2 滾環(huán)復制模型(del Solar Gloriadel 1998)Fig.2 Model for RC replicationThe plasmid-encoded Rep protein recognizes the dso on supercoiled DNAandintroduces a site-specific nick generating a free 3′-OH end. This end is elongated byhost proteins as the parental strand is being displaced. When the replication forkreaches the reconstituted dso, Rep protein catalyzes a strand transfer reaction,releasing an ssDNAintermediate and a dsDNAmolecule with a parental and anewly synthesized (dotted) strand. Lagging-strand synthesis on the ssDNAmolecule is initiated at the sso signal by the host RNApolymerase. This enzymewould synthesize a short primer RNA, and lagging-strand synthesis is performed byhost DNApolymerases. The end products are supercoiled plasmid DNAmolecules.鏈置換復制許多病毒是以鏈置換的方式復制,質粒中也有少部分是以此方式復制,但乳酸菌中并沒有這樣的報導。