The involvement of wheat U-box E3 ubiquitin ligase Ta PUB1 i
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-04-10 15:52
U-box E3 ubiquitin ligases play important roles in the ubiquitin/26 S proteasome machinery and in abiotic stress responses. Ta PUB1-overexpressing wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) were generated to evaluate its function in salt tolerance. These plants had more salt stress tolerance during seedling and flowering stages, whereas the Ta PUB1-RNA interference(RNAi)-mediated knock-down transgenic wheat showed more salt stress sensitivity than the wild type(WT). Ta PUB1 overexpression upregulated the expre...
【文章來源】:Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2020,62(05)SCICSCD
【文章頁數(shù)】:21 頁
Generation and identification of TaPUB1‐overexpressing and RNAi‐mediated knock‐down wheat plants
Salt stress tolerance of transgenic wheat plants during seedling and flowering stages
The effects of TaPUB1 on the accumulation and transmembrane transport of K+and Na+in roots
Effects of TaPUB1 on the ROS scavenging system of transgenic wheat plants under salt stress
TaPUB1 modulates the stress‐responsive associated transcriptional regulatory network
TaPUB1 interacts with TaMP in yeast and in plants
Salt sensitivity of the TaMP‐overexpressing transgenic Brachypodium distachyon plants during seedling stage
TaPUB1 positively regulates salt tolerance of wheat
Accumulation and transportation of Na+/K+ions is an important mechanism of TaPUB1 action in theregulation of salt tolerance
TaPUB1 widely modulates the transcriptional levels of salt stress‐associated genes
Interaction of TaPUB1 with TaMP regulates the salt tolerance of wheat
Plant material,growth conditions and salt stress treatments
Plant transformation
Detection of transgenic plants
Chlorophyll content and photosynthesis parameter assays
Measurements of net Na+,K+,and H+flux in plant roots
Measurement of ROS parameters
Measurement of antioxidant enzyme activities
Screening for TaPUB1‐interacting proteins by Y2H assay
Verifying the interaction of TaPUB1 and TaMP by BiFC assay
Statistical analysis
Figure S1.The expression level of TaPUB1 in different concentrations of salt
Figure S2.Sequence analysis of TaMP isolated from Chinese spring wheat
Figure S3.Molecular analysis of TaMP transgenic Brachypodium distachyon
Figure S4.The confirmation of the genotype of atgh38mutant
【文章來源】:Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2020,62(05)SCICSCD
【文章頁數(shù)】:21 頁
Generation and identification of TaPUB1‐overexpressing and RNAi‐mediated knock‐down wheat plants
Salt stress tolerance of transgenic wheat plants during seedling and flowering stages
The effects of TaPUB1 on the accumulation and transmembrane transport of K+and Na+in roots
Effects of TaPUB1 on the ROS scavenging system of transgenic wheat plants under salt stress
TaPUB1 modulates the stress‐responsive associated transcriptional regulatory network
TaPUB1 interacts with TaMP in yeast and in plants
Salt sensitivity of the TaMP‐overexpressing transgenic Brachypodium distachyon plants during seedling stage
TaPUB1 positively regulates salt tolerance of wheat
Accumulation and transportation of Na+/K+ions is an important mechanism of TaPUB1 action in theregulation of salt tolerance
TaPUB1 widely modulates the transcriptional levels of salt stress‐associated genes
Interaction of TaPUB1 with TaMP regulates the salt tolerance of wheat
Plant material,growth conditions and salt stress treatments
Plant transformation
Detection of transgenic plants
Chlorophyll content and photosynthesis parameter assays
Measurements of net Na+,K+,and H+flux in plant roots
Measurement of ROS parameters
Measurement of antioxidant enzyme activities
Screening for TaPUB1‐interacting proteins by Y2H assay
Verifying the interaction of TaPUB1 and TaMP by BiFC assay
Statistical analysis
Figure S1.The expression level of TaPUB1 in different concentrations of salt
Figure S2.Sequence analysis of TaMP isolated from Chinese spring wheat
Figure S3.Molecular analysis of TaMP transgenic Brachypodium distachyon
Figure S4.The confirmation of the genotype of atgh38mutant